
The Avaricious Merchant System

In a moment of boredom, a sickly youth finds that he possesses a System. A Merchant system. The System promises him immortality if he follows its advice. While the youth is not interested in becoming the greatest merchant to ever exist and while being tantalized by the prospect of immortality, he remains cool-headed despite the amount of pain he receives because of his system even to the point of being swindled out of his hard-earned money by it. Follow Clyde Dominic, the second prince of the Dominic kingdom, as he strives to work hard in the hopes of living a leisurely immortal life. This story will also be published on Royalroad.com by author Madhippo.

righteousXsinner · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 02 : Still at the bottom of the food chain

It was already five o'clock in the morning and Duke had already finished preparing the carriage that would bring prince Clyde and him to the capital of the Dominic Kingdom, Dumas.

Duke went up the carriage and assumed the coachman's role. He lit up a cigarette and then decided to wait for the prince to wake up, however long it would take.

Duke was the only one on the street at the moment and the sun had yet to rise. He looked like a normal citizen, a normal coachman without his usual heavy armor. As the most trusted guard of the second prince, it was customary to be armed to the teeth to prepare for any eventuality. With all the spies of the neighboring kingdoms lurking everywhere in the Dumas capital looking for anyway to undermine the royal family, he had to stay one step ahead of them to better protect Clyde. Travelling as civilians was the best cover they could hope for. Even the carriage looked way too common despite the fact that a high-profile person was about to ride it.

Even if Duke was unarmed, he wasn't to be taken lightly in a fight. He had a Rank 8 aura. With that kind of strength, he could fight an army of normal human beings on his own.

On the Red planet, there were two power systems. The first was to ignite one's Aura and strengthen it through training. The second was being born with the ability to use a magical element such as fire, earth, water, wood, darkness, light, lightning, etc…

Aura users were categorized through Ranks. From Rank 1 to Rank 10. Rank 10 being the strongest.

Magicians were categorized through levels such as Novice magician, Intermediary magician, Senior magician and then Archmage according to the lethality or usefulness of their elements. The Archmage level was comparable in strength with the Rank 10 Aura users.

It was common knowledge that Rank 10's and Archmages could destroy an entire city with just a wave of a hand.

"I see that you've prepared well." Clyde's voice was heard as he arrived next to Duke.

Duke then threw away the cigarette as he said, "Everything is ready your highness. You'll find refreshments and food inside the carriage, enough for the three days journey we have ahead of us."

"Good. Let's depart before the sun rises." Clyde said as he entered the carriage.

Three days later.

The Dumas capital was now in view.

After fending of four bandit groups whose cultivation was high enough to be lethal with their high numbers, Duke was tired after three days of fighting. During those three days, he always had to stay alert and barely slept as he mindlessly urged the horses to advance.

For Clyde, it was a leisurely ride. Apart from conversing with Duke from time to time, he spent the rest of his time browsing through the Merchant Shop to see what was available for him to purchase. He found that apart from increasing the catalog by harvesting the goods himself and selling them to the system so that they could be unlocked later in the Merchant shop, most of what was available cost way too much.

Under normal conditions, he'd make a killing by selling the System's premium merch in the outside world…but there was no such thing as an origin crystal on Red Planet. They haven't even heard of its existence…so he'd have to settle for gold coins.

Clyde would have to sell his wares in a world where the origin crystals in abundance.

As he asked the system of such a place, he learned of the 'Godless Universe'. A place where God clans lived. The God clans who ruled the Multiverse. There, a weak God like Clyde wouldn't last long if he didn't have any powerful backing.

He also learned from the system that if he opened a shop in the Godless universe, he would become the richest man, draconian, in the multiverse.

He wasn't interested in all of that, he was more angry about learning that he was still at the bottom of the food chain even after becoming a God ranked Bloodline Warrior.