
The Assassin Before Time

An immortal assassin was reborn during the time of dinosaurs; on the continent of Pangea. Only to discover that the world before time was nothing like what was said in the modern era. He will face monsters that have power rivaling the so-called gods of the modern era. Harlock lives in a world where anything and everything can exist, from the starship fleets of Star Wars to the benders from Avatar. If you have something, you would like me to try and include, Drop a comment. There will be mistakes; drop a comment, and it will be corrected when I get to it. The release rate will not be steady.

Harlock_Fjord · ภาพยนตร์
15 Chs

C8 Into The City

Sol 31

" I can see the end of the forest. We are nearing our destination."

The snow wraith starts to descend at a rapid pace heading for the ground at breakneck speed.

With a snap, her wing shoots out, catching us just above the trees of the forest.

They passed over the last of trees in the forest, heading to the open plains just beyond that point.

She came down, flapping her wings hard. The wind kicked up dirt below us, causing it to fly out in all directions.

She slowly set down on the ground. Harlock hopped off, landing on the ground.

Walking around the dragon patting its side Harlock said, "Thanks, Dragon."

Harlock backed away from the dragon. As he backed away, the dragon again flapped her wind, Kicking up dirt.

As she achieved lift-off, she curved sharply to the right, circling. Harlock. She gave him one last look and then headed back in the direction she came. Fly over the tree at extreme speed; she quickly flew out of sight into the horizon.

Harlock watched her fly off. Once she was out of sight, he turned, walking in the direction of the town.

'Hey system, how long until we reach the Alistar.'

{Approcimalty 2 days}

'Great, let's get moving.'

Harlock started to run across the plains.

Danger was easy yet hard to avoid. The reason being he could see miles ahead of him for anything approaching; the problem anything and everything could see him running from miles away.

[Time Skip: 36 Hours]

6 hours ago, Harlock had crossed into Angola.

So far, all that had been seen was plains; There was some wildlife here and there but not much.

Ahead of him was a large hill, the first thing that was a difference in the landscape. Long ago, the massive trees from the forest had disappeared. Replaced with only the blue sky of the horizon surrounding him on all sides

But now that was different. There was a hill.

Think that there might be a threat on the other side of the hill, Harlock equipt all his armor and prepared for battle.

He crested the hill; he saw what he had wanted to see for months.

A city, not a town, sat below him overlooking a large ocean.

The city had a two-three mile radius with a port bordering the ocean. With towering walls surrounding the city. People walked about the city in a hurry to get all of their daily chores done. Massive ships moved off the port, loading and unloading cargo. Heading out to other port towns and cities.

[POV random watcher]

On the hill to the NE of the city, a man dressed in grey crested the hill. He walked to the top of the hill and stood there, overlooking the city. He had grey full body armor with a grey helm with a katana at his side.


(current armor)

[POV End]

Harlock walked down the hill heading towards the city gates.

As he approached the gate following the line inside, all of the guards pulled their swords out of their sheath.

[Gaurd] Who are you? Why are you here?

Harlock tilted his head confused.

'Why are they after me? How do they I am not from around here.'

[Harlock] Why are u pulling your swords on me

[Gaurd] It is obvious that you are not from around here. We have seen all of the adventures. With that armor, you are obviously not a common citizen.

[Harlock] I am just passing through

[Gaurd] I think its best if you come with me and we can get the line moving again

Looking back, Harlock noticed that all the people in line were staring at him.

[Harlock] Ok, let's move.

As he walked through the gate, none of the guards put their swords away. They all eyed him as he walked through.

The Gaurd that first pulled his sword on him lead him through the gate.

[Gaurd] So where you from

[Harlock] From some small town out in the country

[Gaurd] How do you guess survive all of the attacks from the beasts?

[Harlock] They never approach the town.

Harlock was trying to be as vague as possible, considering that the town doesn't exist. He also realized why he had seen so few towns.

'So that's why there are so few towns. All the small towns probably don't have the resources to fend off beasts every day.'

[Gaurd] It Sounds like an amazing town. You guess you don't have to fight day in and day out. But why would you leave? How did you survive out there alone?

[Harlock] In the town lives an old warrior that trained me to fight.

[Gaurd] What about the armor?

[Harlock] What about it?

[Gaurd] How did you get it? There is no way your small village could make something like that is a masterpiece.

[Harlock] I found it on my journey.

[Gaurd] You don't talk much, do you?


[Guard] Ya didn't think so.

They walked towards the guardhouse. The guard told Harlock to sit at a small table and that he would be right back.

He walked out of the house a few moments later with a note pad.

[Gaurd] Alright, I need you to tell me why your here?

[Harlock] Need to get across the sea.

[gaurd] Why?

[Harlock] To get to another city.

[Gaurd] How long will you be staying here?

[Harlock] 3 days, Tops.

[Gaurd] Ok, you are free to go. Don't cause any trouble; I don't want to have to hunt you down.

The guard stood, and Harlock followed.

[Harlock] One more thing, can you point out where the adventures guild is?

[Gaurd] Big building down the main road can't miss it.

[Harlock] Thanks

Harlock walked into the city for the first time. Looking around, he noticed that the people here weren't quite human. They were more beastual than humans from the modern era.


Moving slowly through the city, he got some weird looks. No one else had the kind of armor that he had or any armor at all.

All of the buildings look like they come from the medieval-style era. He continued down the main road, and just as the guard had said, there was a large building off to the right side with a sign that said 'adventures'. Walking in that direction, he comes to the front door of the guild.

He opens the door and walks in. It is a dingiy place with drunk men sitting at tables conversing. As soon as he steps in, everyone freezes look at him.

He continues to walk forward, heading towards the counter. On the desk sits a small bell. He taps it, creating a ding. This whole time it is completely quiet. No one has said a thing. A guild worker walks up to him.

[Worker] "How can I help you," The worker asks in an annoyed tone.

[Harlock] Can I see your missions?

[Worker] "Over there." The work says, jutting his thump over to aboard.

Harlock walks over to the board, looking over the quests.

'Everything here is terrible. Even the A ranking quest would not challenge me.


Rank: A

Requirement: Kill a Coelophysis and bring its skin

Reward: 50g]

'Hey system, can you show me the stats of this creature'


Weight: 25 pounds

Length: 3 meters

Threat: E

Description: Coelophysis was a small, slenderly-built, ground-dwelling, bipedal carnivore, that could grow up to 3 m (9.8 ft) long. It is one of the earliest known dinosaur genera.}

'You have got to be kidding me. This is a A rank quest.'

'No way the reward is not even worth it. What a waste of time. The system gives way better quests.'

'Hey system, why is this a A rank quest? This dino is no threat.'

{Human here are still regular human. They cannot do what you do. Eventual you will meet special human or ex-human that are stronger than you even.}

'I see. Well, since there is no good quest, I'm going to leave.'

As he stood thinking to himself, a bell started to ring. Loud.

Looking around, all the drunk adventures sobered up. They grabbed their weapons and ran out the door.

Harlock followed them out, looking around. The bell was still ringing. Citizens were headed into the city while soldiers from deeper in the city rushed out towards the wall.

[Harlock] "Soilier, What is happening."

[Soildier] " The battle bell has been rung! Something is attacking the wall!"

What Should I name the armor on the cover?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Harlock_Fjordcreators' thoughts