
Meeting within the Order

Master Yoda lead Jack and his knights into a large auditorium. "Here will you be. For the meeting with the council. Too small the council chamber is for the group you have brought." After saying his peace the old Master made his way to one of the seats as he waited for the other members of the council to arrive.

It did not take long for the last members to make their way to the room. The current 12 members were Yoda, Windu, Adi Gallia, Yareal Poof, Eeth Koth, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Saesee Tiin, and Yadda. Jack waited for the council was properly seated then he began. "Members of the jedi council I have come here today for two reasons. The First is to have you recognize my order of forces users. It would not do us well if on the battle field one of your jedi were to mistake an ally for an enemy.

I will take question about the my order at the end of this, and the second reason I have come here is to explain what roles I would like you to play in the upcoming war. To be frank I do not believe that you or I would like for your jedi to be truly involved in this war, however with circumstances the way that they are I don't believe we will have that luxury. So instead I would want the jedi to play elite shock troopers. They will lead small higley specialized units with the purpose of attacking the enemy force users, and high value targets. Some jedi who are qualified will be co commanders along side experience Generals and help lead some battalions in to battle.

What I dont want to happen is having a Master and padawan pair in the role of generals. Atlest not in the beginning. The battle field is no where to teach a padawan and there is no room for making simply mistakes due to someone be inexperienced. Over time when your jedi learn more we can start moving them into officer ranks in the army, are their any question about your roles."

Windu was the first to speak, "As you must have realize most jedi have never been in a command structure let alone been asked to take orders that did not come from a Master or the council. Many jedi will not take kindly to having to take orders from non force users. In the past most jedi have been placed in the roles of commanding officers or Generals why is that not a role that you see for us instead."

"That is a simple question Master Windu. It is because you lot are not jedi of the past. You have just started your training in the ways of military tactics and command. On top of that many of your jedi are brash and headstrong. They are too sure of themselves and are overconfident. For any army those traits can lead to deaths or the complete destruction of a unit, and that's just not something I can afford to happen."

Master Plo Koon spoke next, " If that is the cause who will you have lead this army if not the jedi?." Jack turned and spoke to the master, " I have already compelled a list of generals commanders, and officers sent to the Chancellor. If he accepts the list I will be the Grand Commander of the army and make changes as the war progress. My knights will form the major bulk of the generals in the army and most of the officers will come from my forces as well."

"How can you do that. You tell us or jedi are unsuited for command then place your force users as Generals many jedi will see this as you attempting to take power!" Kit Fisto stood up and yelled looking visibly flustered. " That is because the Republic's forces will be made up of mostly my people why would I trust command of them to others especially jedi who I could see using as disposable meat shields. Do not be mistaken my knights are Mandalorians first force sensitives second they have known war since the moment they became Mandalorians.

We are forged in war and battle, we know command , and I know any sacrifices they make will make the war come to an end that much faster. They are willing to make the hard choices that I do not believe for one second that your jedi could do the same. Not now not as they are, and if your jedi do not follow an order given to them they will be dismissed from their positions and sent back to you. If they try and take command in battle for whatever reason I will have them killed as traitors to the Republic right then and there. So I would suggest you are wise in who you choose to send."

The council could only seat in silence at the statement. The man was right from a general stand point war could not afford insubordination and any commanding officer could have a subordinate killed for disobeying a direct order, but could they really let this man have complete control over their jedi...No they couldn't most on the jedi council did not even trust the Mand'lor in the first place. Him and his people have fought the jedi a number of times throughout history. They has been puppets of the sith on more than one occasion.

What's to say they were not puppets of the sith now, and with them in command they could easily send any jedi to their death and there would be nothing they could do to stop it. They also could not afford to just sit out this war and not send jedi if they did that and the Mandalorians were working for the sith. Then they would be able to portray the jedi as cowards and have them stripped of their title as protectors of the Republic.

Yoda knew he had to do or say something before it was too late. Luck for him Yadda thought the same and spoke before he had to, "Agree the council can, with conditions that must be meet. Join you we will on matters of this war the council will. Vote we will have on what assignment jedi will have, and final say the council will have on missions that involve our jedi." Windu caught on and continued, " It is like you said you can not trust the jedi would not use your people as cannon fodder, and we can't trust you will not do the same to our jedi."

Jack thought for a moment the nodded, " That's fair I can understand stand why you would not trust me so I will let my actions earn your trust I will allow the council to have the ranks of Generals and you can have as many members as you want present for all war council meetings. I will also leave all jedi assignments to you but jedi in the field fall under their commanding officer chain when the battle begins.

I will also make the promise to treat your people like me own in the sense that I will not send your people out on suicide missions. Mostly because I don't think they could finish the mission and second because I don't think they would ever get the chance as mission like that are volunteer and would mean eternal glory for any Mandalorian."

The council seemed satisfied with that response so they agreed and terms were set, and now can the questions that Jack knew they were burning up inside to ask. Mace Windu did not disappoint and quickly brought forward the question, "Now for the last topic your force users they can use the dark side of the force can't they?" Jack did not hesitate, "Yes and so does every member of my order including me and Master Shaak Ti here. You didn't think the lighting arcing off of her blade when you fought was an effect from her new lightsaber crystal did you?" Jack said with a smile even though none of the council members could see it.

"Then does that mean you follow the teachings of the sith!" Windu said as he slow got out of his seat, "If it does you do realize same side or not we will not be able to let you leave so I would choose you next words carefully." As he finished speaking more members began to rise and one member used the force to close and seal the doors that lead into the chamber. The top of the chambers had access points that lead into the temple but those were being blocked and jedi knights seemed to pour in. They were waiting on any signal that the council would give to attack the Mandalorians.

Jack didn't say anything at first but then a sigh escaped his lips, "Don't go and jump the gun there Master Jedi no we do not follow the teachings of the sith, for one their dogma is just some of the stupidest things I have ever heard, and two they are just slightly stronger jedi to us which still make them weak in my eyes. No the only difference between us is that my Master taught us to use all parts of the force. Their is not good and evil when it comes to the force. It all depends on the person using it."

Shaak Ti took decided she would be the one to best explain it to her former colleagues. " Master as one who came from these halls I can tell you for a fact that Jack and his people do not follow the will or teachings of the sith in fact it would not be a stretch to say that they hate the sith more than the jedi do. What they are taught is to have a greater control of the force then either the sith or the jedi do. You teach the jedi here to put aside their emotions and to not draw on the dark side.

The Mandalorians are taught to let their emotions guide them. To allow the force to move through them in what ever form it takes. They learn to understand their emotions and desires but never let them control themselves. They are closer to the force then any species that they jedi have encounter so far. Mine and Jack's Masters are some of the strongest force user that have ever lived and I am sure Master Yoda knows who I am speaking of."

Before it could go any farther Master Yoda rised his hands, "Understand we do sith you are not, something different you are and different is not bad always. End the discussion here we will much to do the council has. Meet again we will soon I foresee."

With the discussion finished for the moment Jack and the Mandalorians left the jedi temple with all the dominance they had arrived with Leaving the council many things they would have to process. The biggest would be explaining to all of the jedi what roles they would be playing in the coming war. They knew there was going to be resistance to the roles but they would have to deal with the trouble makers here in the temple. It was going to be a long and hard day for the jedi Master this day.

Well Hello there.. A slightly long chapter to start of the day next one coming in a few hours

Killmorgercreators' thoughts