
A fixed point in history

Jack had long left the Jedi temple however the council still remained in session. It hadn't dawned on them until he left that they had been talking to the current leader of these new Mandalorians. That gave a bit more weight to what the man had said at this point.

By the end of the session the jedi had come to agreement. What Mand'lor had said about the rising corruption had been a fact that they could all plainly see, and of the sith lord part rang true as well and he came into power then it would all most be impossible to stop him in the convivial manner. If they out right attacked the would be leader of the Republic he would be able to spin it as the jedi rebelling against the republic.

No that could not be the path they would take. If Naboo was attacked they would know Mand'lor was correct and they would have to go to him for advice on how to stop this threat. Yoda at that point made a decision to recall all jedi out on mission. The jedi would train for the coming conflict, and even if there was no conflict it was time that the jedi played a more active role in the Senate.

All of this was still unknown to Jack for he had long returned to an almost empty ship to begin his long one week journey. Though he planned to be out for three weeks plans do not always go the ways you would like them to. Jack was not dismayed by this however. He know that the sooner he returns the sooner the planet could begin its finale preparations for the wars to come.

A year and a half that was the time line that he gave and this was based on his younger sibling age. It would be about that time that Anakin would be the right age to meet Padme, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan. For the first time when they got stranded on Tatooine.

Though now Jack was not sure if that would happen or not. He did plan to come and rescue Padme and the others the moment the Trade Federation arrived but as far as the jedi sending ambassador to help with the blockade would be anyone's guess. Still if Anakin and Obi-Wan didn't meet now he could always just force their meeting. Jack placed those thoughts to the side as the ship quickly entered hyperspace. During the journey back he would have alot to plan so he called for Sharia so that they could start the planning during the trip.

One week later Jack's Ship emerged from hyperspace into the sol star system. The star system had changed greatly during his two month absence. Gravity wells had been set up forcing all ship without authorization to jump in a few hours out of the star system. The defense post on Europa had been completely and a large space station now orbit Jupiter. Mar's terraform stared to show visible changes as spots of green could be seen around the planet. The moon of earth had a glowing defense shield as construction could be seen dotting the surface.

It was a sight to be hold but still it would not be enough. Jack and the others quickly made land fall on their planet sized space station home to increase the war built count and give new plans and strategies to the commander's. New build projects would be announced and ultimately Jack would have a force temple built in New York. If the jedi failed to see reason he would prepare the next generation of force user who would not be restricted in their learning and use of the force.

Though the new force user would not be of use in the beginning with the fight with the trade Federation however it would be ten years before the clone wars so that would give him plenty of time to prepare for it. So with all his planes layed out the only thing left for Jack to do was train and wait, and that is what he did.

For the next year and a half many changes occur. The entire sol star system had been transformed into a fortress system. At this point no ships could enter the star system without express permission, and for the unlucky soul who would try they would be destroyed the second they tried. A number of space station dotted the space way, and every major planet have a defense out post on either the surface or one of the moons that orbited the planet.The sun had a Dyson sphere crafted around it as energy was siphoned off and spread throught the solar system.

The invasion fleets increased from 15 to 20, and with the help of the Star Forge several drones defense fleets had been created as well. The standing army had also gone through some important changes. With the Star Forge having access to everything on earth it had began experimenting to try and create things from some of the most iconic science fiction novels games and movies.

Though Jack stopped most of the things that had been created from ever entering the general public. The Forge had created on thing that was just too good to pass up. Taking in to account that gene manipulation was already a thing in the star wars universe. The Star Forge had worked out the super solider formula from halo. This was a game changer though the down side was that it would only work a few who were genetically compatible.

If anyone else took it they would die a very slow and painful death. After filtering through every soliders genes it was discovered that 4,000 out of the 15 million could be altered. Unsurprising Jack, Trish, and Keith were included in that 4,000. Though Trish and Keith would have to wait until their return to receive treatment. Jack was free to enjoy the upgrade to his power, though the process was not an enjoyable experience to be sure.

Still there was no down side and Jack greatly welcomed have a 4,000 strong spartan like unit under his command. They would be another ace he would be able to play to tip the game in his favor. After a few more months Jack plan to announce his factions present to the galaxy at large. At this point they would be more than prepared for any faction attempt to get a foot hold into the system.

However the truth of the matter is his people and him need to increase their reputation and create a standing in the republic. By doing that depending on which side Jack would have his people join. He would atlest have a few allies he would be able to bring to his side. Hell if all else failed he could just start taking over the galaxy himself if things got that bad. These thoughts however would be for another time.

For Jack right now was family time. He and shim watched as Anakin started assembling a protocol droid. The fact that even after everything that had happened to Shmi and Anakin the boy still keep his interest in machines and technology always brought a smile to Jack's face.

Anakin had been doing very well in his training so far and though his training had been far more dangerous than the jedi's would have been. Revan's teachings gave Anakin greater structure and balance, and it over all taught the boy to use his emotions as fuel rather than sealing them away. This help release alot of the negative emotions that had been building in his heart.

Jack treasured these moments for he knew they would not last for ever, and as if the universe could feel this thoughts Jack's holo com went off as one of his many General's voice followed through,"Mand'lor Commander Trish's com beacon has stop transmitting. The response fleet has been alerted we await your orders."

Sighing slightly Jack looked over to his family. They had known this day would come and Shmi knew this time both of her sons would have to leave for longer time than normal. Shmi however put on a strong face for her boys, "I will pack your things make sure you take care of each other." Without another word Shmi left the room leaving only Jack and Anakin. They both could see the pain in their mother's heart but they had to go.

Jack returned his attention to the holo com," General prepare my ship me and my younger brother will go and pick up the commander from Naboo have the one of the invasion fleets start recalling their men and have the fleet leave the system in two days. I want them an hour jump away from Naboo in 6 days."

"It will be done Mand'lor." The holo com cut out and silence came to the room. It did not take long for Jack and Anakin to pack their things,and soon they were sharing one last hug with their mother as a military vehicle arrived in front of their home to take the boys to the space port.

After arriving Jack was greeted by Sharia at the entrance of the spaceport. "Mand'lor you ship has been prepared the new upgrades have been installed. Though at first the old design had be worried but the ship is solid and the stealth system should be second to none." Jack nodded he had the Forge create a X-70B Phantom for his personal use. The ship was from the old republic era but Jack had always liked the design.

Making their way inside and to the ship Sharia continue giving Jack the latest information that Keith's spy network work had step up back on Coruscant. So far the republic seemed like it was completely unwear of what was happening on Naboo. Which was to be expected the jedi however had been paying close attention to the planet. They had even station two jedi there a few weeks before now.

Jack had idea on who it would have been but he wanted to wait to confirm his suspicious. As they arrived at his ship Jack spotted large cases being loaded on board. Facing Sharia eyebrows raised caused the woman to laugh,"Mand'lor did you forget the new armor was completely about a week ago you never came to get it so the director thought it would be best just to force them on your ship. The case has an auto dawn feature so you dont need a team to get help you get into. Now I think it us best we get a move on if we want to make it to Tatooine before your friend does."

Jack shaking his head at his on forgetfulness just walked on board with Anakin trailing behind him. Anakin had been curious about the case but figure his brother would tell him about it at some point. Right now the only thing he could care about was making it to the cockpit so Sharia could continue teaching him how to fly like she had been doing for the last month.

So as soon as the boy got on board he shot off in the direction of the cockpit. The seen caused Jack to laugh as he knew all to well where brothers passion layed. It wasn't long before the three of them where airborne and out of the planets atmosphere. The plotted the jump to Tatooine and soon left their world behind.

Though she trusted Jack she didn't understand why they were heading back to this dust bowl instead of heading directly to Naboo. Jack never one to spoil a surprise only told her to trust him and wait for the show. It would not take them long to reach Tatooine with the ships upgrade engines what ounce was a three day trip was cut to half a day. Jack know his ships right now were the fastest in the galaxy. It would take a Naboo cruiser atlest a day and a half to get to Tatooine so they would get there in plenty of time.

His only worry would be if they would get off planet at all Jack had done the math it would be atlest two to three days before the jedi team would make it's way back to the capital. Jack and Trish had spoken before and came to the agreement that unless her life was in danger she would allow things to play out like in the movie. She would only change that if she was in danger or the queen could not escape with her help.

So as it stood there really wasn't much he could do at this time other than wait. During his wait Jack training with his brother and Sharia. The three of them were the only ones on this mission as Jack wanted to increase the appreciation the queen would have by having the leader of another planet come to your aid personal. With that three days passed without incident, and on the fourth day a ship jumped in to upper atmosphere if Tatooine.

The ship was badly damaged as smoke could be seen as it entered the planets atmosphere. Jack could tell without the help of the ship that it had been the queen cruiser. As soon as the queen's ship made land fall Jack's ships coms picked up a transmission from them. Making the connection Trish vista came to life as she made eye contact with Jack.

"Well hello there." Trish was grinning ear to ear. Forcing down his general Kenobi line Jack returned with his own grin."Have fun while you where away you guys looked worse for wear what's the situation."

Trish still with a stupidly happy grin on her face said,"Well if I didn't know you where going to be here I would say we are fucked. The ships hyperdrive took alot more damage then in the movies and we almost didnt make it here we are taking the ship to the same place as in the movies if you want to meet us there that would be great."

"That is the plan my friend did you inform the queen of our present." Jack asked. Trish shook her head no,"I firgured you would have wanted to do that your self. Well got to go meet you in Mos Espa." Without giving Jack any time to speak again Trish cut the transmission. Sighing Jack turned to Sharia and told her to take the ship to Mos Espa.

It seems as though there would always be fixed moments in time and this would be one of them. As Jack's ship made it's way into the planets atmosphere another ship just jumped into the system. Had Jack been there he would have known who that ship belonged to with just a glance.

Darth Maul's Scimitar made it way to the planet its sensors had picked up the queen's ship landing but its exactly location was not known. The sith knew however that they would avoid the larger settlements due to the Hutts' presence on the planet and the nature of their passengers. By a simple process of elimination he narrowed the location they could be to the outskirts of Mos Espa or Mos Eisley.

He would land in area between the two settlements and send drones to both to hunt down the Queen. So far everything had been going the way his Master had planned. If only the idiots in the Trade Federation would not have allowed the queen to escape. Still this would atlest give him a challenge as the queen had the two jedi with her. In his mind he would kill the queen forcing blame on to the Trade Federation which would allow his master to direct the hate and anger from the act on to them. Riding that wave his master would then ascend into the highest position in the republic.

Little did Maul know however fate would have other things in store for him and his master.

(A/N Going to take a break and start writing the next one.)