
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 9, Showstopper:

After a minute or two, Kate stopped crying. Mizu approached her as she then sensed him, she looked at him with her blindfolded eyes but you can see it was damp because of her cries. Mizu then grabbed his pouch as he gave 3 flowers to her. He got it from the loot bag a while ago

"Please, place it on his hands.." Kate nodded as she then grabs it slowly.

She then grabbed her brother's hands as she opens his hand and placed the flowers there. She then closed it slowly and then moved his hands near his chest. Kate then stood up as she then looked at her brother's dead body, she hoped he moved on peacefully...

Mizu looked around as he saw a sword that was near the body. He grabbed it as he then stabs it near the ground the body was to symbolize that he died with honor and pride

"I'm sure he did pass on in a haven we would like to see and share..." Mizu said lightly as he pats her head.

Suddenly Kate hugged him as she then tightened her grip. Mizu pats her head as she just kept hugging him

"I'll promise we'll stop those bandits" Kate nodded her head as she then pulls away from the hug as she took a step back and looked at the male directly in the eye

"I wanna go with you!"

Mizu then nodded as he looked at Ada and Amarico "So what's the plan?"

Ada then thought about it "We can go straight through the Viper's Jaw but... The Megaloudaunt there will be a tricky thing to handle.."

Amarico then butts in her dialogue "Or we can go straight to the bandit camp! Although we'll have to fight through any outposts they set up everywhere"

Mizu then thought about it "I can go with Kate here to get her oath... But it would probably be dangerous" Ada then shook her head

"No! We are not gonna separate, if we have to do that then we have to do that!"

Amarico nodded "Yeah... I gotta agree with her, splitting up is not a good idea right now... We don't know how many they have scattered around here"

Amarico started to look around "If anything we should all go to that temple"

Mizu nodded as he looked at Kate and smiled.

"Alright, were gonna get you your oath so you can see clearly again... Here" He then started to hold the girls hand. Mizu's hands were warm as Kate felt comfort "I'll lead the way for you so you won't be walking alone"

Kate nodded as Ada took the lead and started to walk back to the cliff they fought the 2 bandits on.