
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 10, Megaloudaunt:

"The Megalodaunt has 4 attacks, 2 of which you can easily dodge" Ada was teaching the crew as they were slowly approaching the Viper's Jaw

"The other 2 is their roar and it's pellets... As long as you don't give in to it's roar you are fine" Ada then unsheathes her dagger as they were now outside it

"And for it's pellets, you can just go behind something" Ada then looks at the 3 as Amarico cracks her knuckles as she then made Kate go behind her

"Stay behind me alright?" Amarico looked at the blindfolded girl as she nodded

"Mizu, you're gonna help me out on killing it" Ada then slowly entered the cave as Mizu followed suit.

As soon as they saw light, they saw the ominous figure, it was 15 ft tall with a hunched back but it was still menacing. There was a odor that almost made Mizu puke but Ada on the other hand was slowly crouching behind it. Mizu waited for any signal from Ada as she was fully behind it. Ada then signaled to Mizu to grab its attention. Mizu nodded as he ran up front of the Megaloudaunt and shouted


The shark then saw it as it immediately roared, Ada started to swiftly attack it with her dagger as Mizu started to slice its legs. Suddenly it raised its right leg as Ada's eyes widened

"Mizu! Dodge it!"

Mizu saw the kick going towards him as he rolled to the side as he successfully dodged the attack the megaloudaunt had try to strike to him, Mizu then kept on slicing its legs as he then started to see it bow down, it suddenly shot tiny pellets. Mizu blocked some of them but some of it hit his shoulders

"It's almost dead! Just a few more!" Ada then spins her dagger around it's legs as it suddenly fell down.

"Strike it's Mizu!" Mizu then stabs its head directly at where it's brain was probably located. Mizu was panting as he looked at the carcass of the megaloudaunt.