
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 5,The Lower Parts:

"Tell me again on why I have to use this instead?" Mizu was looking at the sword he was holding instead of his regular katana that he used

"You aren't still prepared to what Trenti gave you" Amarico then fixed her bandana as she then swings a full punch combo as Mizu looked at her

"So were going back to Etris right?" Amarico then nodded as she waited for her bell to chime and form the circle to teleport to the palace of Etris

"It's gonna be your first ever mission? Aren't you excited for it?"

Mizu just shrugged "I don't know anything except the basic combat that you taught me so"

Amarico then laughed as the bell then chimed "Oh there it is, come on! Get in before I leave you here alone"

Mizu then stepped inside the circle as the two then waited to be teleported.

Almost immediately they were engulfed in a blinding light in a matter of seconds as they were now in-front of the gate of the palace


A loud male voice shouted as spears were pointed at them "Who are you?"

Amarico raised her hand "A friend of Etris, I have an attendance with the queen"

The guards lowered their weapon as they nodded "You may come in, friend of Etrea" The gate was then opened by the guards

Amarico and Mizu walked inside the gate as they started to walk to the palace, passing by the beautiful flowers.

Mizu then saw the flowers that were growing at the garden, he saw various amounts of them but one stood the most "Hey... what's that flower over there?"

He pointed at a flower that was burning, it had a bright azure color to it but the strange thing is that it wasn't spreading to the other flowers

"Heard that the Queen's admirer, the Flame hero, gave it to her... ever since, she kept it dear"

Mizu was marveled at the flower as Amarico started to walk once again "Alright enough with the field trip, let's go"

He then started to follow Amarico once again as they finally arrive at the palace door. A guard then opened the door for them as the 2 walked in, they see the queen there, sitting on the throne. She was surrounded by seals of some sorts but the seals were almost worn down, not even stating the word they have back then.

"Ah, welcome Mizu and Amarico. You made it just in time"

Amarico and Mizu bowed as The Queen made them raise their heads once again

"As you may know, I already briefed the mission a day ago so I'm just gonna make this short"

The queen then stood up "Retrieve the female celtor in question then figure out why she stopped sending messages"

The queen finally was in-front of them

"As a bonus, I shall go with you both"

The guards in the palace were in shock as her advisor was shocked as well "Majesty! This is quite outrageous!"

The queen ordered the advisor to stand down as she started to remove her robe as it showed her armor that was beneath it

"I was once a prophet, a hero, then now a queen. But I shall relive that moment once again with you both. Now, let us go, we have a mission on the way" She then started to walk outside.

Amarico was keeping in the excitement she had inside her as she then walked outside to the queen. Mizu was about to follow soon as he was suddenly stopped by the Advisor

"Wait there Lone Warrior... Please, take this"

He was then given some kind of revolver "This was used by the late Flame Hero... it's quite worn down but if you may, please, restore it in its former glory..."

Mizu then nodded "I promise, I will!"

The advisor then smiled as he then bowed to Mizu

"We wish you a safe travel.." Mizu then walked outside the palace as the circle was already there

"Come on you slow butt! We're gonna get going to the lower parts of Erisia!" Mizu then got in as he swore that he saw the queen smile before they were finally engulfed by the light once again.