
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 4, The Basics:

As Mizu and Amarico started walking in the temple, Mizu can hear the clanging of swords and blasting of guns "Wait what was that blast?"

Amarico turned around to look at him as she then thought about it "If I remember correctly, the queen started giving out weapons called.. what was it? Guns, there we go"

Amarico then shrugged "Etris, along with Isle's of Vigils has been gaining some treaties with the Summer Company lately so I guess it's because of that"

Mizu finally understood "But hey, the ones who are actually using the guns are using mantra bullets, basically a weaker version of a real bullet" Mizu nodded "That's good to hear, thought someone might die due to that"

The 2 continued walking to their destination, a big training room. There were all types of weapons there from Greathammers to Swords and to Daggers, the room was filled to the brim with weapons "Alright kid pick whatever you want I'll wait for you there"

Amarico then went to the arena as Mizu slowly looked at the vast amount of weaponry "Hmm..." Mizu thought about it but then he remembered the katana he was holding.

"This could work"

Mizu then slowly went to the arena as well.

While Mizu was going there, Amarico was wearing a vest and what seems to be a Cestus of some kind "Oh yeah kid, grab a vest as well so you wont get hurt that badly"

Amarico then tightened up her Cestus as she looked at Mizu who is wearing the vest now "Alright, just say when" Amarico then prepared her fighting stance.

Mizu then slowly held his katana with both of his hands "Like I said, just say when kid" Mizu then started charging at her as he swinged his sword right at her but suddenly a clang was heard as Amarico looked like she parried him.


She then started to punch Mizu but he then dodged it "Impressive! You dodged my punch, that's step 1 done"

Amarico then started to rush at him as she threw a punch right at him so in a neuron activation, he tried to do what Amarico did but she stopped almost immediately as Amarico kicked him on his chest as Mizu stumbled back.

"Remember, when they do that just block instead!" Amarico then started to rush at him once more as Mizu finally rolled to the side as Amarico missed her punch "Nice one!"

Mizu was already panting as Amarico looked right at him "You're already tired?" Amarico sighed as she removed her cestus.

"I mean it's quite understandable considering your still quite new to this kinds of thing" Amarico then grabbed a towel on a bench as she threw it at Mizu along with a water bottle.

"Why not take a break, we'll continue later" Mizu catched the water bottle and towel "Thank you Ms. Amarico"