
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 27: Start

Mizu slowly started walking across the bridge, taking his time as he didn't want to fall off the bridge and drop into the acid lake that was beneath it.

"This slingshot was actually useful, thanks for that Amarico!" Faye then puts the slingshot back inside her backpack, looking at the gate that they will soon enter.

"You guys ready for this?" Amarico then helped Mizu get over to them as they then turned to the gate.

"I should give a brief rundown to her Manor... There's 3 levels overall and the last one is where she resides" Faye then drew on the ground, luckily there was a small patch of dirt

"The first floor had a ton of... Celtors, I assume?" Faye then started to draw each floor correspondingly. Each of them having a drawing or two.

"I can't even call them real Celtors... Or people... They followed the Duchess around like they were robots and always said 'We shall return Celtor back to it's former glory' gives robotic vibes don't you think?" Faye then went to the second floor

"Next up is where she was testing new Golems out... Much different than before" Faye then sighed

"They had red cores and eyes, when I went to take a piece off of them it was tougher than the Golem's we saw outside... She probably used Obsidian"

"Umbral Obsidian?! That thing is hard to get! Wait.. Unless.." Amarico started to think deeply.

"What... You think she awakened her shadow-weaver? That's impossible, Amarico. A person can't have 2 magics at once.. It'll destroy their reserves from the inside out" Ada then started to think as well but her eyes immediately widened.

"Unless..." Ada looked at Faye, she just nodded

"Yes... She had someone with her... It looked like it was an entity of some sorts.. But the fact that she had that entity or something means she did a pact with a drowned god" Faye then drew a X on the last floor.

"The question is, whom and how she got a pact" Faye slowly stood up as she opened the gate and looked at the group

"But we don't have time for that, correct?" Mizu then held his sword tightly

"Good thing you know, now let's go... The more we stay here the more we make her complete her science project"

The group then entered the gate, slowly reaching to a portal like pad.

"Alright, this is the portal to the first floor, the enemies might be already prepared"

Faye grabbed her greathammer, Amarico readying her fist, Ada grabbing both of her daggers as well as a shadow wisp beside her and Mizu already holding his sword tightly.

"Let's stop the Duchess then!"