
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 26: Mudskippers

Mizu then held his sword tightly as he looked at the creatures that was rising from the ground. Their head was covered by what seems to be corals and their face looked hideous. They were wearing armor like clothing but it was already torn off, hinting that they were adventurers once.

"Mizu! Becareful, they can use spells even though their mudskippers now!" Ada then started to cast a spell. A shadow tendril was formed beside her as it started to move to Mizu's location.

"Hang on Mizu! Let my tendril grab you and carry you here!"

But then the tendril got burnt down by a fireball. The group looked at the direction where the fireball came from, they saw a Mudskipper that was wearing an armor that was mostly for mages.

"Mizu!" Amarico finally arrived at the other side of the bridge, she wanted to go back but she'll risk of breaking the bridge too.

"Ada do you have any more spells?!" Faye then started to go over the bridge but Amarico stopped her from going further

"I'm trying to but I can't! The Mudskipper that can use a spell will instantly defeat my tendrils!" Ada casted two more of the same tendrils as it started to slowly go towards Mizu, only to be shot down by the Mudskipper once more.

"Mizu! You gotta kill the Mudskipper Mage before my tendrils can get to you!" Ada then started to cast her spells once more, the tendrils were slower this time as it was trying to time itself right after Mizu kills the mage.

"Got it!"

Mizu's hands slowly started to produce flames, he then started rushing towards the group of Mudskippers, two of which went in front of Mizu with swords. They started to randomly swing it around, it was like they don't know what to do with it but if it hits it works.

"Mizu becareful! Even though their Mudskippers their strength in numbers is not a thing to not be worried about!" Amarico slowly grabbed rocks from the surrounding

"Faye give me a cloth and two sticks" Faye then nodded, opening up her backpack and grabbing the requested items.

Mizu then raised his sword, flames started to appear on it as he swings it down at the Mudskippers setting them ablaze

"Mizu got two of them!" Ada slowly made the tendrils get there faster.

"Enough time for me to make a homemade slingshot then!" Amarico then started to combine the cloth and sticks together into a slingshot type of item.

"Faye! Can you aim?" Amarico then handed out the slingshot to Faye, in return Faye grabbed it as well as grabbing a rock from the ground

"Of course I can! Played with a certain ranger beforehand so!" Faye then started to aim at some of the Mudskippers that was directly charging at Mizu. She then fired right at them directly hitting their head.

"There we go!" Mizu then immediately went towards the mage.

Using what remains of his fire, he used it to circle around the mage, trapping it in a wall of flames

"Fire Wall!" Mizu then rushed into his fire wall as he striked the mage in the head. Killing it.