
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 17: Strike (3)

Mizu immediately went down as he saw 3 bandits with their backs turned to the exit

"Hey what was that!?" One of the bandits shouted

"I don't know, go check! Their shouting intruders or something!" A girl bandit shouted to the other one

"Sorry, can't let you do that!" Mizu immediately cut all three's necks as he looked at the remaining bandits who saw him

"Well atleast I got 3 down" Mizu immediately parried an incoming attack

Amarico and Ada we're killing the drunk bandits first as the others were still trying to grab their weapon

"Remember, the Mindweaver is dangerous!" Ada immediately stabbed a guy 10 times in one second as she moved to the other drunk person

"I get it I get it! Focus on the bandits first!" Amarico immediately parried an attack from a resupplied bandit

Mizu then used his newly acquired skill called Fire Blade on 2 bandits as they started to burn to death.

"Shit, everyone he's a Flameweaver! Don't stay close!" One bandit shouted as he immediately tried to strike Mizu after he used his Fire Blade

Mizu immediately dodged the incoming attack as he stabbed the bandit. He took sharp breaths. He looked at the bandits he killed, twelve.

"Surrender, I do not want to hurt you!" Mizu looked at the remaining bandits, some male and female as they grit their teeth as they charged at him all at once

"Shut up you fucking little shit!"

Suddenly his surroundings became gray once more. It's as if time had stopped.

'Whispers from the deep beckon you, Warrior'

4 cards appeared infront of him as it appeared like it was skills.

"T-Then I'll choose this!" Mizu took the 3rd card as everything started to go back to normal.

The bandits came closer to him, almost hitting him but wall of flames appeared infront of them burning all of them in one go.

"That was close... I need to help them out now!" Mizu looked outside as he immediately exited the room.