
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 15: Strike

"Alright, seems like theres an opening there..." Ada pointed out a huge door that leads to the insides of the camp, most likely a place where the bandits resupply.

"There's probably some of them inside there so, weapon's up... We can't take any chances... If we alert all of them then the plan might be a bust" Ada then slowly looked at the other side of the door as she saw two bandits standing in front of a weapon cache.

Ada signaled Amarico to kill the other bandit and meanwhile she signaled to Mizu that he should stay here for now to guard. Mizu simply nodded as he then went and unsheathes his sword.

The two ladies slowly creeped up behind the bandits as they went to their necks as one sliced, the other cracked. No noise were made when they killed both of them. Ada did a psst sound to alert Mizu he can go inside now.

Mizu went in as he saw Amarico hiding the two bodies inside a barrel as she looked at the group

"What's next?" Amarico asked as she rubs her fist gauntlets on a piece of cloth to remove the blood stain.

"There's a set of stairs here... If we walk up it there might be an opening to gather more information on how many there were... There was houses so there's probably more of them"

Ada then slowly started to walk up the stairs as she saw three more, they were in deep sleep as the room reeked of alcohol

Ada looked at the two of them as she signaled both of them to go up with her.

Mizu then immediately went up along with Amarico as they then started to approach the three drunkards.

"Take out the two and save one, we have to interrogate him to know how many are they in the camp" Ada whispered to the both of them.

Amarico and Ada immediately killed two of them as Mizu held his sword infront of the loner neck.

"Hey, wake up"