
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 14, Plans:

"So, what's the plan?" Mizu looked down the bridge as he saw a bunch of bandits. Dozens or probably fifty of them in total.

"I suppose we can go and get them one by one, seems like their just regular old bandits" Amarico looked below them as well, she saw the same group of bandits but more of them came from the entrance.

They were holding adventurers, all of them had bags on their head. The captives were mostly female. They were walking towards the campfire as they were made to kneel down on both knees and just stay there.

A suspicious figure was behind some of the bandits as they were wearing a black hoodie with a black robe covering their entire body.

"Those sick bastards..."

"We don't need to act rash Amarico, we still need to come up with a plan" Ada then immediately looked at the suspicious figure as he pointed at them

"Judging by some of his artifacts on his hands, his attunement is Mindweaver"

"Wait, Mindweaver? The attunement that's hard to master?" Amarico looked at Ada as she nodded

"Not necessarily. Mindweaver in a sense is easy to master when you become with ones self" Ada then summoned a small ball of shadow.

"Like any other attunement, it's the same but with Mindweaver needs to be more concentrated" The ball suddenly disappeared as she unsheathes her dagger and counts the bandits

"There's also another way Mindweaver can be obtained and that is by you destroying your own mental state... And it seems that guy chose the latter" Ada then went towards Sero and Kate as she looked at them both

"I suppose you got her covered right?" Sero nodded as she hugged Kate like a child

"Do not fret, I shall protect her until you guys return" Ada then looked at a rope that leads all the way down and what seems to be behind the bandit camp

"Alright, I'll go down first. Amarico, Mizu, you guys follow" Ada then started to use her shadow travel to go down much faster.

"Thought she was gonna use the rope but oh well" Amarico then slowly went to the rope as she suddenly climbed down.

Mizu looked at Sero and Kate as he smiled

"Please do protect her"

Sero nodded as she went inside the gate once more along with Kate as the gate closed.

Mizu then saw the rope tug as he saw both of them already down there. Mizu then slowly descended from the rope slowly and started to arrive at the bottom.