
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 12, Realization:

"You know this gives up some chilly vibes... literally" Amarico was shivering as she was rubbing herself as she was already called when they were halfway to the bridge.

"Tell me... about.. it" Kate said as she was getting cold but then Mizu gave his jacket to Kate as the former smiled and patted her head.

"There we go, feeling better?" Mizu looked at her as she nodded they then continued walking.

"There it is, the gate is wide open because its permanently opened for visitors in lower erisia when they are doing their adventures... I do hope we see people here because we could probably gain some information from them" Ada then went inside as the surrounding was peaceful.

The grass was flowing with the wind, drips of water from a nearby waterfall was ringing around the place as the birds around them were now audible rather than back then when they were at the cave and finally the whiff of smell from the surrounding flowers were pleasant.

"Has someone been taking care of this place...?" Amarico asked as they suddenly heard humming.

"You just had to jinx it didn't you?" Mizu looked at Amarico with a deadpan face as Amarico suddenly sweat.

As the group gets closer the humming gets more audible as it was soothing

"Hmm..? Ah, Ada why are you here all of a sudden?" A mature woman's voice surrounded the area as the woman placed down her watering can on the ground as she approached the group.

The woman was wearing a mask as the drawings on the mask looked like it was someone smiling with their eyes closed.

"Sero? Why are you here?" Ada was quite confused

"Wait.. Sero!? Why are you doing here I thought you were guarding the Duchess!" Amarico immediately became confused

"Apologies but she said herself that I should go here and stay here until someone arrives like you people... She gave me a note before she... Started acting weird.."

Sero then pulled out a paper from her pocket as she handed it over to Ada. Ada of course grabbed it and opened it slowly

『If you are reading this, then that means Sero has arrived safely at the castle. I made her go there because things have been getting out of hand... This is a note to please help me. I am at my mansion at upper erisia and I keep hearing the voices telling me the deep is calling me... I don't know how long I can take it anymore I feel like my mind is gonna go crazy... Send anyone. Please..』

"M'Lady told me not to check what the contents of the note was but I think it was dire... Please, Lady of Etrea... Save her for I don't know what has happened with her"

Ada nodded as she gave it to Mizu as the latter pocketed it

"We will help you after we deal with the bandit situation first. We must get our friend her oath" Ada then looked at the entrance of the castle

"Is the writings still there Sero?"

"Yes M'Lady" Sero then bowed as she guided them towards the castle's entrance.