
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 11, Frozen Bridge:

"So, what next?" Amarico asked as she puts another tree branch inside the makeshift campfire that Ada had made

"Haven't I said this before? We can makeup a plan after we get Kate her oath... the bandits made their camp near the castle so it gives us an advantage" Ada said as she was helping out Kate wrap Mizu's shoulders with some bandages that Ada had in her bag

"Wasn't the castle's bridge destroyed? How are we gonna make it across?" Amarico asked as she sat down and puts both of her hands near it "Ahh... that feels so warm..."

The acrid smell of charred wood fills the air, as the group was enjoying the small quiet time that they had receive after killing a large enemy.

"No... actually... The leader of Summer Isle had made a bridge back then using her attunement back when I still wasn't a Queen.." Ada smiled as she finished wrapping Mizu's shoulders.

"Heh... She used most of her Ether when making it and she complained for a whole week..." Ada then blushed as she shook her head.

"Anyways, that bridge won't melt because she used one of her most useful skills when she was still studying about her Attunement" Ada then stood up

"We can get there by that opening, it's wide open and I think we can get to the bridge that way" Ada pointed up as there was large opening, it looked like it was manmade or something.

Mizu then slowly stood up "I'll go first, much better if I can act like a scout for it first right?" Mizu then started to climb it slowly using some unhinged rocks from the sides.

"Hey! Becareful! It's no guarantee that there will be no more Megaloudaunts!" Amarico shouted as she puts Kate behind her "Grip on me tightly okay? Majesty you should go there first--"

Amarico was cut off by Ada starting to chant, she intertwined her fingers together as her body was consumed by shadows. She was now at the top. Mizu was now up there

"Well ain't that a cheat code?" Amarico laughed as Kate giggled "Wait for us up there!"

Amarico then soon after started to climb up using the rocks. As for Ada and Mizu they went ahead to check if there weren't any more monsters or any bandits.

"It's all clear" Mizu then slowly went towards where the bridge was and then there it was.

A bridge made out of Ice as there were some makeshift lamp posts and it still looked like it was brand new.

"Woah..." Amarico finally arrived as they were looking at the bridge as she placed Kate down

"It's still holding up huh..." Ada then touched the bridge as she smiled "Thank you for this Natasha... We'll visit you later.." Ada whispered as she looked at the group.

"Alright, let's go, we're running short on time" Ada started to walk as the group then sooned followed.