
The Ark Of Ultimatum To Fight

"This area used to be a village but Mavislin took most of the townsfolk down so it's become nothing but ruins now. The perfect spot for me to snipe," explained Ashley, as he readied up his gun.

Bryan could feel a strong sense of kenopsia in the air, even if he had not known the place before. The area's atmosphere felt heavy as if death still hung around for a cup of tea. But Bryan continued to follow the sniper, who felt nothing.

"I don't get it, Lady Roydon hates humans yet some of her best people are humans," complained Bryan as he looked towards the sky and then at Ashley.

"Believe me, if I could continue being human, I would choose that a long time ago. Hell, the plot of my whole life doesn't make sense anymore. And I'm not human by choice. In fact, I'm more zombie than human."

Bryan shot a very confused and shocked look at the stickman.

"What do you mean 'zombie'? You seem pretty human to me!" exclaimed Bryan, scanning the marksman up and down.

"That Corrupted One killed me. But as a way to preserve my body, preventing me to turn into Benjamin's puppet, Mavislin unleashed a spell that could house both my body and soul. To a world that no one could die and were stuck in the form they were sent as."

Ashley took a deep breath and sighed heavily. Bryan's face held the feeling of monachopsis until Ashley spoke once more.

"That place was the definition of Euphoria. Imagine an idyllic world, it makes the person have eunoia. It was... Jaw-dropping, to say the least," said Ashley, finishing with a smile.

"So why'd you left there?"

"Well, I saw Mavislin in the jaws of death. And I hate people who attack their family members without remorse," replied Ashley, darkly.

"Quite bold to say that, since you were known to go up against your own family. I never thought you were one to care."

"I'm probably half a century older than you, in terms of your world's Time. But for me, the same day I've died is still occurring. But looking at the situations that caused my death made me change my ways. But one thing is for sure."

Ashley got ready to prime his gun and placed it on a piece of an old wall. He then aimed. As he felt the emblem getting brighter, he received the ultimatum to attend the warzone by his boss.

"This is an order, First Seat Marksman. Do your utmost best to take him down!" yelled Mavislin, inwardly.

"Yes, Lady Roydon!"

"I do not regret the decisions I made to go up against my family. I'd rather live my life for who I am, not what others want me to be. And now, my family is in trouble. And I won't hesitate to take down anyone who hurts them!" shouted Ashley as his gun powered up.

Bryan watched in awe as Lynx Eyes booted up. Streams of his Turquoise Aura hugged the gun as well as his entire body. The new member took notice of his right eye's emblem, burning brightly in anger.

"So you are part of the Pillars then," said Bryan, recognising the mark.

"Yea, just a few hours ago. You better ready up what you've got to take that thing down, rookie," said Ashley.

"Says the one who just joined a few hours ago.." complained Bryan.

"Oi! I didn't go through all that training and death for nothing, you know!"

Ashley let out a huff as the new member took out a few of his crystal balls. But the sniper stopped when he figured out a new trick to try. Bryan looked at the man staring at him uncomfortably.

"What do you want?"

"Can those things be ammunition?" asked Ashley, pointing at the balls.

"I don't think so, it's too big to fit."

Bryan looked confused as he looked at the sniper's gun and earn another look from the other man.

"Why? You wanna trying shooting the constellations out instead?"

"Coupled with my Lynx pellets, it should be enough to do damage. But it can't fit into the barrel, so we have to find another way," said Ashley.

"Woah there, no need to change plans yet. I've got an alternative. The pellets you use, are they in a physical form?"

Ashley nodded and showed them his ammo. They were small but had cone-shaped on the top and a flat, round bottom.

"This should suffice. You're gonna use a lot?"

"One shot one kill for me. But I can shoot multiple."

"Alright then, let's do it."

"Woah there, do what, exactly?"

Bryan grinned as he grabbed the pellets with confidence. He then chanted out the spell that he needed to pair with Ashley.

Kenopsia: The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that's usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.

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