In this Universe, there exists something called 'Elements'. From the Basic Elements like Water or Fire to the advanced Elements like Time and Constellations. And those who use it are called Mages. They are bred from all corners of this Universe. And due to a major scale war, most have fallen from the stars to seek refuge on a place called Earth. After a few centuries, the Mages have come together to create a haven called The Arks, after the previous one has fallen. Find out more on how the Arks came about, the journeys of the Arks with the humans. ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Credits to valeriex for making the cover! Updating One chapter per day, at 3pm SG time
In this universe, those who can manipulate certain Elements were called 'Mages'. From Water to Fire, and even Time itself, these Mages were bred in all corners of the Universe.
Each planet created are known for their distinct Elements. For instance, the legendary Valkyries from Valokia. They were creatures of pure Light.
The mighty Valkyries knew no bounds when it comes to power and size. Stars fall to dust at the mere mention of Valokian spells. Valkyries, in their genuine form, are huge compared to the rest of the beings mentioned.
Valokia enjoyed constant evening purple skies, decorated with luminous rosy clouds. The land looked like a huge dusty orange carpet. Its landscape was mostly barren, except for the Capital; Arcadia. Arcadia was filled with massive buildings, similar to the city center of a metropolis.
All before a certain war came about and destroyed all in its wake. They were believed to have started and ended the Great Noble War, a war that took down a multitude of stars. For unknown reasons, the sole excuse for that terrible war was gone along with the great planet of Valokia.
But, from the remnants of galaxies that were affected, one particular galaxy called the Milky Way birthed something called the Solar System. This System was the collection of eight planets and their moons.
They orbit around a star called the Sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. A particular planet stood out from the rest as a haven to all; Earth.
Humanity was not very welcoming to these foreign beings, so the first few Mages developed a system as well as an organization, called the Congregation. All in hopes to protect these groups of gifted Mages.
This group was further segregated into departments, classified by the number of Elements that the Mage could wield. The departments were ranked as follows; the more Elements the Mage could hold, the more powerful they are.
Tryouts that were being held annually allowed the recent batches of Mages to enter the Congregation. Ranking them would be the strongest Mages within the departments of the Holders. The leader, Commander Pond, stood around to witness the tryouts every year.
In the year 1400, a distinct race joined the Congregation.
The Child of Valokia concealed her identity, hiding her wings and covering her long, flowing hair. Her eyes were fixated on the ground. Her Aura was of the Light Element, but then again, the Valkyries were masters of veiling their Auras.
A young girl wearing a black coat with a hoodie stepped forward when the host yelled 'Next'.
" 'Kay then, kid. Show us what you've got!" announced the host, in an upbeat manner.
The host gave a warm, encouraging smile. He had half of the face covered by his light brown hair, with eyes that matched. The young girl smiled back nervously.
She took down her hood and revealed long flowing chestnut locks. Her eyes radiated a golden hue as she pointed a slim index finger towards the judges. A small flicker appeared and dissipated in an instant.
The entire rumbled with laughter with the little show that the girl had displayed. Even the judges were having a hard time stifling their laughs. But there was one being who bore no intention to laugh at all. Old Man Pond kept a silent glare on his face.
"Do not underestimate her just yet," was his answer to the host.
The young girl smirked as she retracted her finger. She then opened her hand up and swung it to the back. A small flicker appeared once more, but this time, the tiny flame stayed.
"Helios Lumino Metropolis!" called out the young girl.
Her Aura exploded into superior ranks as a massive ball of Light and Fire hurled through the arena. The judges at the sides tried their best to contain, but their efforts were futile.
The judges could not believe it, that was one of the Ancient Spells of Valokia. Only those who dwelt over that Ancient planet could use that spell masterfully. So that could only mean one thing...
Though the Valkyries were of pure Light, they were also considered masters of fusion Magecraft. It was the ability to combine an Element with another. A dreadful mess was caused in its wake as a certain Mage with his wife opened the door to the Central Atrium, where the arena was at.
"Negation," boomed a voice at the back of the hall.
The enormous ball of problems disappeared in an instant, stopping shyly from the couple. A man with short bluish-black hair, with loose fringe. His eyes were of the bluest hue compared to anything the young girl had seen. It struck her as mighty as well as charming.
He was only adorned with a top hat and black suit stood at where the voice had originated from. He held up his hand to stop the ball, revealing a ring with a gem of matching colors to his eyes. His physique and built reminded the Valkyrie of one being worthy of the title; King.