

Getting a formal greeting from an entity like her, Reve's face flushed, "Ehh….yes."

She didn't say anything further than that and kept looking at Reve with a smile that appeared wider in Reve's mind.

"Now, shall we begin?" said Amethyst.

He pushed Reve to the center of the hall and sighed, "Protect him. I'm starting now."

"Sure," the blue woman responded.

She didn't move from her spot but she did send a blue dome of energy that covered Reve. The emperor cat simply stared as the two dismissed him, not bothering to offer him any explanation.

Why did he need to be protected? Wasn't it a simple transference of power?

Out of nowhere, this portion of the world turned to night. The stars illuminated the nightlife along with the cool moon.


A solemn sound echoed throughout the hall. Along with it came a sight Reve would never forget in his life.

Amethyst glowed up.