
The Truth(2)

Met smirked, "Allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm Baphomet, the Horned King."

"Baphomet…" repeated Reve. 

He had to admit that name didn't ring a bell. It was strange for him to not recognize it. 

Wasn't he all-knowing?

"It is understandable that you don't know who I am, but that is not the main topic here. Some time ago, it's been too long and my memories fail me–"

"--Some time ago, the queen of titans, Tiamat, was wronged by a group of beings. That which was closest to her heart was stolen and a great rage possessed her. She swore to exact vengeance on the world for allowing her to be wronged. Her cries reached the hearts of all the titans. They could not bear to let their queen face this battle alone. So, they took an eternal oath, to side with her till the end."

"The oath manifested in the form of rage, undiluted murderous rage. All titans were stained by it, and thus, the war of annihilation began!"