
The First Generation(2)

Reve was not hoping for some kind of magical evolution in the body of the thieves. 

If meditation could do that, he would have transformed into a god by now. Heck, he would probably be a being of absolute force.

No, what he was searching for was the first step of learning basically anything. The earnest and adaptive mindset. To him, this was much more important than anything....it laid the perfect foundation to master the Amethyst Style since the style was too complicated for mortal minds. 

All the concepts of the style were abstract and could be twisted based on one's understanding. 

Reve made sure he got the perfect mesmerizing tone as he repeated his meditation sutra to the group of thieves. 

Soon, he didn't need to speak anymore. His words eternally echoed in the minds of the thieves and they became deeply immersed in their meditative state. 

'Now, this is progress, albeit artificial progress,' ruminated Reve.