
The End


Just before the unnamed figure could move, a huge shadow blitzed past him and attacked Mikkel. 

It grabbed Mikkel by the throat and slammed him to the ground. 

The shadow finally paused, taking its time to look at the unnamed figure. When light shone on this shadow, its actual identity was revealed for everyone to see. 

It was a monstrous feline beast with a pair of antlers on its head. This unique appearance was familiar to Circe. 

She held her breath as she muttered, "Reve… Reve, is that you?"

Reve looked at her and nodded. Sadly, there was no time for that right now. 

Facing the unnamed figure, Reve opened his monstrous mouth and words flowed out, "I know who you are. You can leave now. I will take care of Mikkel. Thank you."

The unnamed figure made no attempts to leave. He simply gazed at Reve profoundly.