
The End(1)  

Reve opened his eyes. 

"By the gods! Did he just win?"

"This is just fantastic? Who said NIRA would always be second to Narva Academy. We won this year's event, and in a grand style, nonetheless!"

"I can finally brag to my parents. Our academy has the power to back itself up."

"Hahahaha, from the moment I saw those two students spar, I knew they had the potential to reach the peak of the world. Clearly, they didn't disappoint me."

He could hear murmurs beside him, which prompted him to look around.

He was back in the colosseum, seated in the NIRA section. His fellow mates were beyond excited as they poured words of praise of the just-awakening Reve, leaving him a bit confused.

'Oh, the event is over. What was the conclusion?'

'Could I have possibly won? What about Avi?'

Their plan was to clean out all competition, then focus on themselves.