
The Curse of Nimiel(2)

Situated in the palms of the twins, there was a black monster…No, a black slime?

The best description would be that this vileness took the form of a black, gooey substance that was just as alive as any other living being.

It reminded Kimon of the slimes he used to fight with back in the forest of Azea. This black substance pulsed as it sucked on a stream of energy coursing into the twin's palms. 

It was the source behind the squeaking sound that Kimon kept hearing, and the way it pulsed when eating was damn ghastly. Kimon reckoned if he wasn't used to such sight, he would vomit his bowels right now.

'This is the true identity of the curse.'

Kimon was just about to look into it more when veins popped on his head. The headache he was feeling was too much, and he smartly deactivated all his skills.