
The Circle of the Willow(5)

Amaya concluded, "So, your mentor must have also been a disciple?"

Reve was thrown off-guard, 'Circe…..a disciple?'

It was absolutely impossible for such a statement to be true. 

Reve might acknowledge his ignorance in some aspect of world history, but he, at least, knew the role Circe played in Arcadia's timeline. 

It was something he would never forget. 

Circe was the Immortal Witch, one of the five immortals that roam the earth. The Immortal Witch was the second immortal to appear. She was first seen in the era of sins, a few hundred years after the first appearance of the Immortal King. 

Yet, her might was not to be underestimated!

Wherever she went, blood will flow and kingdoms would fall. Bodies would turn to ashes, and at her mere scream, souls would be extinguished.