
Fortress of Stars

'I have the level advantage. This should be quick,' analyzed Kallinos.

There was no smoke veil to block his sight. Hence, his thought was quite sound...except, he didn't factor in the uniqueness of his assailants.


As if practiced thousands of times, the two amazons jumped at Kallinos. One went for a high kick while the other went for the legs!

With the full empowerment from his ki, Kallinos clapped his hands and a sound wave blasted the two away.

Before they reached the ground, they regained their balance and plotted their next sequence of actions. One of them brought out a strange sword called an ulfberht sword, a double-edged sword with lengths ninety-one centimeters(91cm) and a width of five centimeters(5cm), while the other amazon dropped behind the first and quickly assembled a bow from an item on his waist.