

Minutes passed, and Reve was finally done with reading the letter. 

He thought to himself, 'Okay, Circe had delivered on her part. The remaining bits lie on my shoulders.'

Firstly, the Tribe of Somnia now has its own unique traits with its very first line of products. 

As Reve had decided weeks ago, they would be focusing on magic drugs that were almost similar to dark potions, except they have a temporary effect and were more perverted in nature.

The magic drug that Circe had in mind for him was called Dragontail. 

Being the old witch that she was, Circe had dabbled into all schools of magic, and Alchemy Magic was something she was not new to. Reve knew this well. 

She explained that, when she was still studying the school, she had theorized a magic drug that would temporarily boost one's mana reserve as well as physical stats. However, Circe didn't need help from a magic drug so she perfected the concept of Dragontail.