

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · แฟนตาซี
132 Chs

Juliet's first surprise

King Xiao stood high above the battlefield, his eyes fixed on the aftermath of the cataclysmic battle. The once-roaring tempest of energy had subsided, leaving only a deep silence in its wake where Sir Eric and Monster Abyss had been fighting. With a heavy heart, he closed his eyes, the weight of the moment pressing down on him.

His sadness was profound, for Sir Eric had been more than just a loyal knight, he had been a steadfast protector of the Xiao Kingdom for a long time, a true hero who had sacrificed his life for the kingdom. The king's chest tightened, and he could feel the sting of tears welling up, but he maintained his composure.

There was another person who shared the depth of sorrow with the king, and that person was Princess Moon, her golden hair cascading like a waterfall. She was overcome with grief. Her eyes, once filled with hope and admiration for Sir Eric, now glistened with tears. She had seen him as a mentor, a guide, and even a friend, and his loss struck her to the core.

Princess Moon had always held a deep admiration for Sir Eric's unwavering dedication to the kingdom and the fierce determination with which he had faced Monster Abyss. Now, she wept silently for a hero lost, and her heart ached for the selfless sacrifice he had made.

The war was still raging, and there was no time to express their grief. Just as everything seemed to settle, a figure emerged from behind Asura and launched a sneak attack.

Asura was taken by surprise and swiftly turned to defend himself, drawing his sword from his spiritual space. His blade clashed with a dagger that had been aimed at his heart, and Asura was pushed back several meters due to the impact of the collision.

When Asura focused his eyes to identify his assailant, he was taken aback to discover that it was Romeo. However, something was profoundly different about this Romeo.

The current Romeo had a sickly green skin tone, and his eyes lacked their usual vitality. He resembled a zombie.

After observing Romeo's current condition, Asura muttered, "Is he alive or dead?"

Of course, Asura was unaware that Romeo had already died after Romeo rescued Juliet from the Dark Forest. The current Romeo was indeed a zombie or more specifically an undead.

Juliet, who was in the midst of a battle with the Silver-Haired Minister, cast a glance in Asura's direction and said with disappointment, "Missed it?"

Little did Asura know, this was Juliet's first surprise for him. The current Romeo was her experiment. When Romeo had died, she had refrained from cremating his body, instead embarking on a daring experiment involving a special substance called "undead liquid."

The undead liquid was a very rare treasure, a green-hued elixir with the power to reanimate the dead. The catch was that its effectiveness was less than certain, with less than a fifty-percent success rate. Juliet possessed only one bottle of this elusive substance, meaning she had just one chance to bring someone back as an undead.

Initially, her plan had been to find a corpse with a cultivation level above that of the Sky Realm, ensuring that the resulting undead would be extraordinarily powerful. However, when Romeo had died, she had decided to alter her plan, opting to use the undead liquid on him. To guarantee the experiment's success, she had made a grim sacrifice—twenty innocent children. Their blood was collected in a tub to serve as nourishment, greatly improving the odds of creating a successful undead.

Juliet had placed Romeo's lifeless body into the tub filled with the blood of the innocent children. She then administered the undead liquid into Romeo's mouth. As the liquid flowed through his body, his clotted red blood turned green, but this transformation caused a significant reduction in blood volume, leaving only a quarter of the original amount.

This was the crucial moment when the blood of those innocent children played its role, seeping into Romeo's lifeless body and turning it into a sickly green hue. What was truly shocking was that all the blood in the tub had been completely absorbed, leaving not a single drop behind. This demonstrated that the creation of even a single drop of green blood required the sacrifice of five or more drops of red blood from innocent children.

when all the blood transformed into the green blood inside Romeo's body, his eyes opened. This was how the undead Romeo came into existence. What was truly surprising to Juliet was that he obeyed her every command without any need for a slave imprint. Normally, one had to use a slave imprint to ensure an undead's obedience. This unwavering loyalty from Romeo was a testament to his devotion.

Despite Romeo's loyalty, Juliet placed a slave imprint on him to prevent any unforeseen complications during their invasion of the Xiao Kingdom.

Returning to the current scenario, when she had noticed Asura's arrival, her first thought was to team up with Romeo and eliminate him. However, she was entangled in a fierce battle with the Silver-Haired Minister, making it challenging to break free easily. Therefore, she issued a command to the undead Romeo, instructing him to launch a sneak attack on Asura.

Although Romeo was now undead, his fighting style and intelligence remained unchanged. He possessed all the combat experience he had gained while he was alive, which made him a formidable opponent in any battle.

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