

The fight between the two raged like a phoenix and a dragon. Neither of them wanted to reveal their weak side, and it seemed like they could kill each other at any moment.

Sir Eric used his Spiritual attack, the "Honored Sword," but the monster Abyss only employed his Battle skill, a powerful punch. Surprisingly, he managed to block Sir Eric's Spiritual attack, only drifting a few meters due to the impact, leaving a long but not so deep cut on his fist from which blood dripped. Nevertheless, this wasn't a major injury, and it showed the physical body of Monster Abyss was truly terrifying.

Remembered this Spiritual attack of Sir Eric was able to cut the spiritual snake into two halves but this time it didn't even give a deep wound to Monster Abyss.

Sir Eric was a bit shocked because his Spiritual attack had been blocked by the Monster Abyss's Battle skill. They started to attack each other again. Each collision of their attacks created strong shockwaves, and Sir Eric couldn't use his Spiritual attack continuously if he wanted to deliver its full strength. He had to wait for a while before releasing it again.

Surprisingly, Monster Abyss hadn't used his Spiritual attack up to this point. What Sir Eric didn't know was that Monster Abyss couldn't use Spiritual attacks. To use a Spiritual attack, one needed to have some comprehension skills, but Monster Abyss had zero talent in that area. The reason he could even use the Battle skill was that punches were his instinct, and this instinct allowed him to master the Battle skill, which required punches.

After a few dozens of exchanges, they separated from each other. Monster Abyss and Sir Eric both were Panting, they were fighting for a long time and giving their best.

Sir Eric held the moonlight in front of his face and started chanting something. The king, who was observing all of this, saddened his face and said, "It has really come to this."

On the other side, the queen of the Hell Kingdom heard Sir Eric's chanting and said with a smile, "Looks like the first significant sacrifice is about to happen."

Sir Eric stood in mid-air, his Honored Sword bathed in a golden radiance that illuminated the entire battlefield. The space around Sir Eric started to collapse and regenerate continuously due to the strong aura that started to emit from the Moonlight.

Monster Abyss, still panting from their previous exchange, watched Sir Eric with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. Unaware that, this would be his last fight and like no other.

The king and queen, perched high above the battlefield, knew what was about to transpire. The queen of the Hell Kingdom smiled which was a chilling contrast to the king's somber expression of the Xiao kingdom.

Sir Eric continued his incantation, his voice growing in strength and determination with every word. It was a chant passed down through generations, a technique so powerful that it could only be used as a last resort. The king knew this well, and his heart ached at the realization that this battle would demand a significant sacrifice.

As the incantation reached its climax, the golden aura surrounding the Honored Sword intensified, and the sword itself seemed to sing with otherworldly power. Sir Eric's eyes blazed with a fierce resolve, and he raised the sword high above his head, the blade shimmering like a beacon of hope.

Monster Abyss could sense the impending danger, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. He prepared for the worst, knowing that this battle was about to reach its apocalyptic conclusion.

With a thunderous roar, Sir Eric lunged at Monster Abyss, his sword descending with the force of a falling star. Monster Abyss countered with his Battle skill, delivering a devastating punch aimed at Sir Eric's heart. The collision between the Honored Sword and Monster Abyss's punch sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield. The ground trembled, and the sky darkened as if nature itself held its breath.

At that moment, a blinding explosion of light and energy engulfed them both. The shockwaves from their clash radiated outward, tearing through the surrounding landscape. The king and queen shielded their eyes, and the onlookers watched in awe and terror as the cataclysmic battle unfolded.

The golden light from Sir Eric's sword expanded, forming a protective barrier around him, while Monster Abyss was enveloped in a corona of dark energy. The clash of these opposing forces created a surreal spectacle, and the very fabric of reality seemed to waver.

In their final moments, Sir Eric and Monster Abyss fought with every ounce of their strength. Monster Abyss's monstrous physique and Sir Eric's unyielding determination met in a battle of epic proportions. The ground cracked beneath them, and the shockwaves radiating outwards shattered anything in their path.

As the battle raged on, both combatants began to show signs of fatigue. Sir Eric's golden barrier flickered, and Monster Abyss's dark corona waned. The onlookers could see that this was a battle of attrition, and the outcome was uncertain.

Then, in a moment of sheer selflessness, Sir Eric made his move. With a burst of energy, he drove the Honored Sword deep into Monster Abyss's chest, their faces only inches apart. The monster roared in pain, and Sir Eric's voice joined the cacophony, chanting the final verses of his incantation.

The battlefield trembled, and the earth itself seemed to weep as the sacrificial magic took effect. The golden aura of the Honored Sword intensified to blinding levels, and in a blinding flash, a pillar of light shot into the sky, piercing the dark clouds.

Monster Abyss let out a deafening scream as the pure, radiant energy of the sword consumed him. His form disintegrated into particles of light, and he was no more.

Sir Eric, his body now frail and broken, was left holding the hilt of his Sword(Moonlight). The battlefield fell silent, save for the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant weeping of those who had witnessed the heroic sacrifice.

As Sir Eric's strength waned, he collapsed to the ground, his life force spent. The king of the Xiao kingdom, though sorrowful, knew that this sacrifice had been necessary to save their kingdom from the threat of Monster Abyss.

In his final moments, Sir Eric's gaze met that of his fallen foe. It was a look of understanding, a silent acknowledgment that their destinies had been intertwined in this epic struggle, and now, they both found peace in the void of the unknown.

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