
The Amazing Steel Girl

The Unknown The only living survival The seven in one She was born in a different world but brought into this mortal world for safety. Her world was full of power and numerous creatures. Her forefathers have been fighting a war for about 100 years till now it hasn't been resolved. Her great grandfather emerged the throne of the kingdom, he had three sons but he was suffering from a particular sickness which was Unknown to everyone. He called his three sons saying, you all have seen the position I am and I can't rule this kingdom in this sickness, whosoever is chosen by the people should be accepted by the remaining two he said as they left to met the already waiting people as a man spoke who shall be your king amongst the three sons of his highness and they all replied Jones, Jones who happens to be the youngest was shocked on hearing his name as he knew his elder brother was the rightful person to the throne, the two brothers left in anger as Jones was crowned. The two brothers started killing people as they killed their mother and father first. This made Jones boil in anger as he happens to be her father. He fought his brothers and beat them to the point of death as he was stronger than them and they pleaded for mercy, he shew mercy on them by not killing them, he sent them into the forest . After some years her grandpa Jones died of the same sickness as his father,and he gave birth to only one son which was her father who became the king after the death of his father. Thirty years later, a prophecy came through a successor that war is coming, a lot of people will be killed and this land shall be controlled by Intruders but a child shall be born with three different powers but on the day of war she shall have seven different powers in her as she shall receive four from her mother, Father and her two brothers making all seven and those four powers she won't be able to use it until she know this, thus says the creator Two years later, a child was born, in the labour room where she was given birth to she cried as a baby do cry when giving birth to. As she cried, steels in the labour room arise facing the direction the girl's head tilt to, when her father and mother saw this they were shocked has they wiped the part of memory from the nurses who were present there. They took this child to the successor as they explained and he spoke a word which ran through the veins, she is the prophecy child, the Steel girl, he said as they left there just immediately. They got to the palace they started hearing wails, screams and rumbling up and down of the kingdom as people run and scream war, the king sighted his father brothers and was shocked as he told his wife and sons to enter his room, then they transferred 100% of their powers remaining normal strength, they gave the child to a speedster know has Craig who was told to find a way to escape out of this kingdom. Minutes later the kingdom was a disaster as the king and his family were killed alongside all warriors including some people why the rest were slaves then a figure spoke were his the girl the child born today cause I feel her auras, said the figure as a guard spoke she left with a guy Carrying her, find him and bring her to me now, he yelled as they ran out after Craig. Craig was running as fast as he could when he noticed the presence of the attackers behind him, he then unleashed a new speed as he dived into the mortal world, he quickly dropped the girl at a doorstep and disappeared. She is now in the mortal world She is the only hope of her people She is the prophecy child, the one to restore life back to the kingdom She is going to avenge the death of her family She shall be the doom against her grandpa brothers and their children For she was named Laura in her world but in the mortal world she is Li Na All this she doesn't know but was told by the Unknown and by a strange book Who is she????? She is TAS G The Amazing Steel Girl

Genius_world · อื่นๆ
4 Chs


[Li Jing's p.o.v]

I took the baby close to my chest and began to smile at her cause I Know how it feels like to have a child. Something struck my mind, calling my attention to pick my phone as I did so to call Wang Wei, my neighbour, at my shop.

Hello Wang Wei, please tell the customers I won't be available at the moment because something came up, I said as he replied, what!! But they are here already and you told me you are coming, he exclaimed replying, I know but something urgent showed up, just tell them not to be annoyed bye, I said hanging up as Wang Wei Continue shouting hello hello.

I dropped my phone and began to stare at the pretty little damsel in my warm hands. Could this be the way am gonna have a child?, I said muttering to myself because I never carried a child and felt happy like this. The kid looked so wonderful with her hair shining pure black and her eyes glowing as white as crystalline as she suddenly smiled, making me burst into tears alongside a slight smile.

Then she began to cry, I tried petting her but she didn't yield to it. Li Wei is gone to work but he promised to be back as soon as possible. The little angel kept crying with her little voice getting louder, I guess she's hungry, at first, I thought of taking her to the supermarket but I remember that we saw her at our doorstep and it will be dangerous taking her out. I tried to pet her the more as I carried her dancing up and down then I picked up my phone and called Li Wei but all to no avail.

Different thoughts ran through my head cause I couldn't bear to see the little angel crying then a thought ran through my head saying why don't you breastfeed, at first I went against the thought but her cry rose again which can be heard in the house.

As I pulled out my left huge breast, Li Wei banged in and saw me with one breast out and the other in as he halted his steps and altered, what are you doing, he asked, she has been crying for so long and I thought I should breastfeed her since I can't bear to see her in this condition, I said as Li Wei bursted into laughter making jest of me, what's funny, I asked, am sorry but seriously you can't breastfeed her because she will just be sucking soft breast meat instead of breast milk, he said sarcastically.

Nǐ dàodǐ zěnmeliǎo, nǐ shì zài kāi wǒ de wan xiào, ér bù shì zài xiǎng rúhé duì zài zhè gè wúgū de háizi, wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎozhèng, rúguǒ zhège hái zǐ fāshēng rènhé shì qing, nǐ hui kàn dào wǒ de lìng yīmiàn.

Translation:what the hell is wrong with you, you're making jest of me instead of thinking of what to do to this innocent child and I promise you if anything happens to this child, you see the other side of me.

Ok Li Jing, she won't be able to suck the breast milk out of your breast because you're not yet mother, Li Wei said, are trying to make me feel bad but still that doesn't mean, I said

Yes, but a woman will be able to breastfeed a child if she conceives and gives birth to the child, that is when the milk will be produced. Assuming you gave birth you can feed the…..child…. He said sounding depressed because of their situation about having their own child.


Different dark creatures were roaming the kingdom, as the dark creature sat on the throne in the throne room with three other men who seemed to be some assisting leaders as darkness filled the room.

Jonah, Raymon and Andrew were the leaders who sat on the other thrones specially made for them.

Brother, what are your next plan for locating Jones' granddaughter, asked Jonah facing Scott as he replied am still thinking about It.

Father just send us down so that we can locate the guy and bring her before you, yes father just give us the order and it's done, said Raymond who happens to be Scott only son and Andrew Jonah's son who also has a sister, don't be in an hurry sons when it's ready we shall let you guys know, said Scott as the sons left leaving the fathers alone, Jonah, we have to locate that speedster who carried the child, I had he's in the mortal world but how do we get there, Scott asked, we have to create a strong portal to go there, Jonah answered, I already created one just wanna ask if there is another way so let go and check, he said as they dismiss from the room


Li Wei left immediately for the supermarket and within five minutes he came back with a white bag filled with baby feeds. I dragged the bag from his hand like I was the one starving and I quickly prepared something for her and fed her as it was already nightfall. Li Wei went to the kitchen to prepare food for me and him but on getting back to the sitting room, he met me on the couch sleeping beside the little angel as I her l passionately like I wanted no one to take her from me, and he smiled