
The Amazing Steel Girl

The Unknown The only living survival The seven in one She was born in a different world but brought into this mortal world for safety. Her world was full of power and numerous creatures. Her forefathers have been fighting a war for about 100 years till now it hasn't been resolved. Her great grandfather emerged the throne of the kingdom, he had three sons but he was suffering from a particular sickness which was Unknown to everyone. He called his three sons saying, you all have seen the position I am and I can't rule this kingdom in this sickness, whosoever is chosen by the people should be accepted by the remaining two he said as they left to met the already waiting people as a man spoke who shall be your king amongst the three sons of his highness and they all replied Jones, Jones who happens to be the youngest was shocked on hearing his name as he knew his elder brother was the rightful person to the throne, the two brothers left in anger as Jones was crowned. The two brothers started killing people as they killed their mother and father first. This made Jones boil in anger as he happens to be her father. He fought his brothers and beat them to the point of death as he was stronger than them and they pleaded for mercy, he shew mercy on them by not killing them, he sent them into the forest . After some years her grandpa Jones died of the same sickness as his father,and he gave birth to only one son which was her father who became the king after the death of his father. Thirty years later, a prophecy came through a successor that war is coming, a lot of people will be killed and this land shall be controlled by Intruders but a child shall be born with three different powers but on the day of war she shall have seven different powers in her as she shall receive four from her mother, Father and her two brothers making all seven and those four powers she won't be able to use it until she know this, thus says the creator Two years later, a child was born, in the labour room where she was given birth to she cried as a baby do cry when giving birth to. As she cried, steels in the labour room arise facing the direction the girl's head tilt to, when her father and mother saw this they were shocked has they wiped the part of memory from the nurses who were present there. They took this child to the successor as they explained and he spoke a word which ran through the veins, she is the prophecy child, the Steel girl, he said as they left there just immediately. They got to the palace they started hearing wails, screams and rumbling up and down of the kingdom as people run and scream war, the king sighted his father brothers and was shocked as he told his wife and sons to enter his room, then they transferred 100% of their powers remaining normal strength, they gave the child to a speedster know has Craig who was told to find a way to escape out of this kingdom. Minutes later the kingdom was a disaster as the king and his family were killed alongside all warriors including some people why the rest were slaves then a figure spoke were his the girl the child born today cause I feel her auras, said the figure as a guard spoke she left with a guy Carrying her, find him and bring her to me now, he yelled as they ran out after Craig. Craig was running as fast as he could when he noticed the presence of the attackers behind him, he then unleashed a new speed as he dived into the mortal world, he quickly dropped the girl at a doorstep and disappeared. She is now in the mortal world She is the only hope of her people She is the prophecy child, the one to restore life back to the kingdom She is going to avenge the death of her family She shall be the doom against her grandpa brothers and their children For she was named Laura in her world but in the mortal world she is Li Na All this she doesn't know but was told by the Unknown and by a strange book Who is she????? She is TAS G The Amazing Steel Girl

Genius_world · Others
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4 Chs


[Li Wei's p.o.v]

It was a bright morning, a bright sunlight struck my face causing me to squeez my eyes as stretch my body opening my closed eyes. I saw it was morning already, I stood up from my bed to have my bath. As I was done with that I dressed up and went downstairs to see Li jing and the little girl but on getting down there they were still sleeping like mother and child on the soft couch, then I muttered to myself, I will do all it takes to adopt the kid.

I rushed down the street to the nearby supermarket to get one or two things for the little seven weeks old kid even though I don't know that yet but still decided to get her seven weeks old baby clothes which I guess will suit her perfectly.

After my little shopping, I went back home, on getting inside, I walked towards the couch just meet the little angel awake. I dropped the bags with me behind a chair and attempt to carry the kid but Li jing hands around her is avoiding me to as he held her. I left the kid and watch her for a bit but suddenly her little hands went to Li jing's face slapping her a little as she woke up. I busted into laughter.

"While are you laughing" she said as she stood up from the couch yawning…..

Nothing just laughing. "Tell me why you're making jest of me and by the way did you slap me" , she asked.

"No I didn't", I replied. So then who did?

"OK let me explain, I went out to get something and when I came back I met her awake, so I tried to carry her but you were stopping me, I decided to leave and stare at her until she suddenly bam your face softly. To me what she was trying to say is, mama leave me papa wants to carry me, so me as her papa I will carry you damsel, o said carrying her with a bright smile.

Can you see how sweet it is to have a child of your own said Li jing, yes I know that why have decided to take her to the authorities for adoption and verification and I hope it works out. I said sending a smile at Li jing as she went in to dress up. Kuài diǎn, bùyào zài nàlǐ dāi jǐ gè yuè

Translation:Be fast, don't spend months in there.


They went to a deep forest in the northern part of the kingdom as Scott suddenly halted his step in front of black casket.

Scott, what wrong, why the sudden halt? Jonah asked looking a bit confused.

This is where the portal is, inside the casket, Scott said as Jonah gave him a weird look. Are you kidding me or something, how can a portal be inside a casket in the ground, Jonah asked as he slightly chuckled. It is in this casket for people think it a mere casket of a dead but to open it is the problem cause it has a puzzle for it to be unlocked so we can gain access to it. What does the puzzle say let see if we can figure something out.

It goes thus, a Lion and a Tiger, both are enemies. They find out the youngest child were kidnapped by some set of wolves. Both animals went into a race to save each other child as they ran like they were competing in a race as they hit each other when they parts cross each other until they got to a certain place were they are meant to cross a wooden bridge leading to the wolves settlement and 100m beneath the bridge was a flowing river with little rocks not really standing out which leads to a longer part of the wolves settlement. In the middle of the bridge, the woods are weak which has the probability of one of them passing through why the second falling into the flowing river. How will they get there to save their children without both of them dyeing?.

This is a tough one man, according to my opinion they should both run together on the bridge and they will cross it, Jonah said. They bridge will break because of their combined weight, Scott replied him.

Let do something, why don't ask Raymond and Andrew for help if possible they might figure something out of this. OK that sounds like a good idea though, let give it a try, Jonah replied.


After fifteen minutes, Li jing arrived dressed in a tight blue jean and a white top alongside a blue jean jacket as she looks stunning but before her arrival, Li Wei already change the kid's cloth and diaper. When did you get those cloths for her, she asked. I bought them, Li Wei replied with a smile. When?

Lǐ jìng, xiànzài bùshì wèn shǎ wèntí de shíhòu, wǒmen zǒu ba

Translation: Li jing, this isn't the time for silly questions, shall we leave.

She said the positive as they left the house in a Bugatti.


(Police station)

We get down from our car and walked into the station as we walked towards the reception officer.

Zǎoshang hǎo, xiānshēng hé nǐ mā, yǒu shé me kěyǐ bāng dào nǐ de ma? Wǒ huídá de shíhòu jǐngguān shuō. Zǎoshang hǎo, xiānshēng, wǒmen shì lái jiàn qiúzhǎng de. Hǎo, qǐng zuò nà biān, tā zhǐzhe duìmiàn de cháng gāng yǐ dá dào.

Translation: Good morning sir and you Ma, how may I help you?said the officer as I replied. Good morning sir, we are here to see the chief. OK, please sit over there, he replied pointing his fingers at the long steel chair opposite him.

We sat down on the long chair he pointed at as he picked up his telephone to inform the chief of section about our presence.

Xiānshēng, yǒuyī duì fūfù lái kàn nínle, tā shuōzhe bù zài shuōhuàle, kěnéng shì qiúzhǎng zhèngzài gàosù tā gāi zěnme zuò. Hǎo de, xiānshēng, tā shuō fàngxià diànhuà miàn duì wǒmen. Nǐ kěyǐ jìnqù, shùnzhe nǐ de lù zǒu diàntī, zuìhòu yī céng shì tā de bàngōngshì. Xièxiè, zhèngrú tā huídá dì nàyàng, wǒ shuō, bù kèqì.

Translation: Sir, a couple are here to see you, he said as he stop talking probably the chief was informing him on what to do. Ok sir, he said dropping the telephone and face us. You may go in, go through the lift on your right way, the last floor is his office. Thank you, I said as he replied, you're welcome.

We went through the elevator as it finally gave way to a small corridor with a door facing it. We walk towards the door and knocked as a voice replied come in. We entered and met a middle old age man on his uniform as he offered seats.

Zǎoshang hǎo, yǒu shé me kěyǐ bāng dào nǐ de, tā biān shuō biān huídá,"zhǎngguān zǎoshang hǎo, wǒ biān shuō biān gēn tā shuō. Xiānshēng, wǒ lái de zhǔyào yuányīn shì wǒmen yǒu yīgè háizi de wèntí, suǒyǐ wǒ hé wǒ de qīzi juédìng tōngguò fǎlǜ chéngxù shōuyǎng zhège háizi.

Hǎo ba, kàn dào nǐ gēn wǒ jiěshì nǐ de wèntí, érqiě wǒ yěshì yīgè fùqīn, wǒ zhīdào shēng háizi de gǎnjué. Wǒ huì wèi nín zhǐpài yī míng lǜshī hé yīgè yùnzuò liánghǎo de gū'ér yuàn, fùzé suǒyǒu shōuyǎng de fǎlǜ wénjiàn, nǐmen liǎng gè kěyǐ ma, wǒmen huídá shí tā wèn dào. Shì de, xiānshēng fēicháng hǎo, wǒmen gāoxìng de shuō. Ná zhè zhāng kǎ, gěi lǜshī, dàngtiān gěi tā dǎ diànhuà.

Translation: Good morning, how may I be of help to you, he said as I replied, Good morning chief, I said as I explained everything to him. Sir the main reason why I came is that we had problem of having a child so me and my wife decided to adopt this child with legal process.

Ok, seen you explained your problem with me and am also a father, I know how it feels to have a child. I will assign you with an attorney alongside a functioning orphanage for all legal papers of adoption, is that ok by you two, he asked as we replied. Yes sir very OK, we said happily.

Take this card, it for the Attorney, give her a call letter in the day.

Thank you so much sir, I said as he replied, you are always welcome.