
The Alpha in the MCU

A young man named Mark finds himself at the crossroads of life and death, struck by the fateful "truck-kun" and offered a chance for reincarnation by a higher-dimensional being known as ROB. Given the opportunity to start anew, Mark, now reborn as James Logan Howlett, enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Armed with the combined abilities of Wolverine and an Alpha werewolf, James now as one of the most formidable beings in existence, he navigates his new life. ---- Kara, Natasha and Wanda are the only mates for Logan. I'm not planning to add more.

Kakarot1809 · ภาพยนตร์
22 Chs

The Rebirth of the Wolverine 2

The full moon ascended into the night sky, casting its silvery glow over the world below.

Around 8 o'clock, the basement laboratory of Logan Enterprises hummed with anticipation. Tonight was the night they had been preparing for—a night where science and magic would intertwine to bring about the rebirth of the Wolverine.

Logan stood in the center of the lab, his muscular form bare and gleaming under the soft, ambient light.

The metal cabinet, a large, imposing structure designed to withstand the incredible forces at play, stood open before him. He took a deep breath, steadying himself for what was to come.

His gaze met Kara's from across the room. She smiled at him and nodded as he returned the gesture, a silent reassurance passing between them.

As Logan stepped into the cabinet, the heavy door slid shut behind him with a resonating *clang*. The interior was dark and cold, the metal surface pressing against his skin.

Outside, the laboratory was a hive of activity. The beta scientists were monitoring the machinery and the readings on their screens, while the Zetas, Kara's team of magic-wielding werewolves, made final adjustments to the glowing runes etched into the floor.

With the door securely closed, a metalic oxygen mask descended from above, fitting snugly over Logan's mouth. The mask allowed him to breathe as the cabinet began to fill with water.

The liquid was cool at first, quickly rising to submerge Logan's entire body. The water served as a medium for the process.

Logan took steady breaths through the mask as the water covered his head, his body now fully suspended in the liquid.

The air outside was thick with anticipation, every breath charged with the energy of what was about to take place.

Kara, standing at the center of the room with her eyes glowing reddish yellow and had faint aura around her from the magic she was channeling, gave the final nod. "Initiate the process," she commanded, her voice steady.

This was the culmination of decades of research, trial, and error—a perfect fusion of alchemy, science, and ancient magic. The cabinet whirred to life, the sound of machinery filling the room as the process began.

Inside, Logan felt the vibrations as the cabinet's systems activated. A series of sharp, metallic clicks echoed around him as numerous syringes extended from the walls, their tips aimed at his body. His skin prickled as the first needle penetrated his flesh, followed by another, and another, until his entire body was laced with the instruments of transformation.

The Zetas began their chant, their voices low and rhythmic, filling the air with an ancient, arcane melody. Their words wove together, creating a tapestry of power that enveloped the room. The runes carved into the floor flared to life, their intricate designs glowing with an ethereal light as they linked to the cabinet and began to inscribe runes on Logan's body and skeleton.

Meanwhile, the beta scientists worked in tandem, manipulating the machinery with practiced precision.

The vibranium, stored in a reinforced chamber, was already heated by flames conjured by the Zetas, transforming the nearly indestructible metal into a molten liquid. It shimmered with a silvery hue, its surface swirling like liquid mercury as it was prepared for injection.

Logan closed his eyes, focusing his mind as the pain began to build. Through his studies with the Ancient One, he had mastered the mind arts, learning how to shield his thoughts, nullify pain, and protect his mind from telepathic influence. Now, he employed these techniques, creating a mental barrier that allowed him to endure the excruciating process.

The first wave of molten vibranium was injected into his body, the liquid metal coursing through his veins, spreading out like wildfire. His muscles tensed, his body convulsing as the vibranium fused with his bone structure, reinforcing it to an unimaginable degree.

The Zetas' chanting grew louder, their voices rising in pitch as they engraved powerful runes onto Logan's bones and flesh.

These runes and vibranium Exoskeleton would not only enhance his physical abilities but also grant him new powers: kinetic energy manipulation, energy storage, telekinesis, and energy projection. The magic was intricately woven into the vibranium, creating a synergy that would make Logan nearly unstoppable.

The process continued, the machines and magic working in perfect harmony. Logan's heartbeat quickened, pounding against his chest as if trying to escape the confines of his body.

Then, suddenly, it stopped. The monitors flatlined, and a hush fell over the lab.

Kara and the others didn't panic—they knew this was part of the process. They continued their work, maintaining their focus as they completed the final stages of the ritual.

Ten seconds later, the silence was shattered by a single, powerful *thump*. Logan's heart beat again, followed by another, and another, each one stronger than the last. The cabinet's door hissed as it unlocked, slowly sliding open as the water drained away, revealing the man inside.

Logan stepped out of the cabinet, his body radiating with newfound energy. His skin glowed faintly, the runes etched into his flesh shimmering with a subtle, otherworldly light. His muscles, now denser and more powerful than before, rippled beneath his skin. He was a living weapon, reborn with the strength of both man and beast, and enhanced by the most powerful metal on Earth.

Kara rushed to his side, her eyes scanning him for any signs of distress. "How do you feel?" she asked, her voice a mixture of concern and anticipation.

Logan looked down at his hands, flexing his fingers as if testing his new limits. A slow, satisfied grin spread across his face. "Like I'm reborn," he replied, his voice deep and resonant with power.

The experiment had been a success, but this was only the beginning.


They all moved to the expansive training room, a specially designed space that could withstand extreme force and energy.

Logan who is standing in the room, still feeling the residual energy coursing through his veins, decided it was time to test the full extent of his transformation.

The scientists and Kara watched from the monitoring room as he closed his eyes, focusing inwardly, calling upon the beast that had long been part of his identity.

As the runes etched into his flesh and bones began to glow with a soft, ethereal light, Logan's body started to change. His muscles bulged, expanding with a surge of power as his form grew larger. His skin darkened and thickened, sprouting coarse black fur that rippled across his body. His face elongated into a fierce, lupine snout, sharp fangs protruding from his jaws.

With a crack of bones and a snarl, Logan's transformation into his true Alpha form was complete. He now stood as a towering, monstrous werewolf, easily over nine feet tall, his massive frame rippling with strength. His eyes burned with an intense, fiery red glow, radiating raw, primal power.

The wolf resembled something out of a nightmare, reminiscent of the werewolf from the *Van Helsing* movie but far more imposing, with an aura of authority and menace that could make even the bravest foes tremble.

Logan threw back his head and let out a deafening howl, the sound echoing throughout the laboratory. The power in that howl resonated deeply within the Betas, who instinctively responded, their eyes flashing a bright, feral yellow. Kara's own eyes shifted to a reddish-yellow hue, reflecting the connection she shared with Logan and the pack.

Logan stretched, feeling his new form's immense power and flexibility. His metal skeleton, now infused with vibranium, had expanded to accommodate his wolf form due to magic rituals and runes, giving him an unprecedented combination of strength, durability, and agility. His muscles, already formidable, were now enhanced to the point where he felt he could tear through anything in his path.

Kara, standing back and observing the transformation, couldn't help but smile. "It's time to test your new powers," she said, her voice steady with anticipation.

Logan nodded, the sound a low growl rumbling in his chest. He was ready.


In the monitoring room, Kara watched the screens closely, her fingers hovering over the controls. "Engage," she commanded.

In an instant, the room came to life. Thousands of flying drones, each armed with high-speed projectiles, swarmed into view, buzzing around Logan like angry hornets. Simultaneously, massive metal containers, designed to withstand immense impacts, launched themselves at him with bone-crushing force.

Logan didn't flinch. The containers slammed into his body, only to shatter on impact, their reinforced structures crumbling like paper against his unyielding form. He growled, a low, guttural sound that reverberated through the room. His red eyes glowed brighter as he moved with blinding speed, his large, powerful frame disappearing and reappearing across the training room in a blur of motion.

Within seconds, every drone was reduced to scrap metal. Logan's claws, now glowing with a bluish energy, slashed through the air, sending out powerful energy waves that obliterated the remaining targets. The energy slashes tore through the strongest alloys the Betas had developed, cutting through them like a hot knife through butter.

Logan stood amidst the wreckage, his chest heaving with controlled breaths. The red glow of his eyes slowly dimmed as he retracted his claws, the energy around them dissipating. He could feel the new abilities thrumming within him, ready to be unleashed at will.

Kara's voice came through the speakers, a mix of pride and awe. "Impressive, Logan. The enhancements worked perfectly. Let's go further with the test."

Logan then closed his eyes and concentrated, His knowledge of chi manipulation, gained from years of training and study, allowed him to control the energy coursing through his body with precision.

As Kara and the team observed from the monitoring room, Logan focused his energy, channeling it into powerful kinetic blasts. He demonstrated his ability by launching energy blasts across the training room, each strike resonating with immense force and cutting through reinforced metal dummies with ease.

Kara, impressed, then decided to test Logan's resistance to magnetic influences. They set up various magnetic fields in the training area, aiming to measure how Logan's enhanced form would react.

Logan positioned himself in the center of the testing zone and extended his senses, allowing the magnetic fields to interact with his energy.

Instead of being affected, Logan's body absorbed the energy from the magnetic fields. The magnetic forces, intended to disrupt or influence him, were drawn into the runes embedded in his body. His energy reserves seemed to increase with each interaction, showcasing his ability to convert external energy sources into his own power.

"He's absorbing the magnetic energy," Kara noted with excitement. "The runes are enhancing his abilities by channeling and storing this additional energy."

Logan, feeling the boost, grinned with satisfaction. His control over his chi and the newly acquired powers was proving to be more effective than anticipated.

With his enhanced physical form, ability to manipulate kinetic energy, and resilience to magnetic fields, Logan was more powerful than ever.

Satisfied with the results, Kara and the team began to conclude the tests. Logan returned to his human form, his body still tingling with the residual energy from the tests. The successful integration of vibranium into his system had clearly expanded his capabilities beyond previous limits.

Logan shifted back into his human form, the transformation seamless and quick. He stood there, now his usual towering, muscular self, a satisfied grin on his face. "Yeah," he replied, flexing his hands and feeling the power simmering just below the surface. "This is just the beginning."

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