
Chapter 21: A Night at the Rose Grove Inn

Garnet POV

After the vow, Garnet stood in the eerie, haunting hollow. “Well … I doubt we can return to New Moon City. If there’s even a chance that Lord Glynthyra might recognize Thessi, we have to stay away. At least for a night. Even though he isn’t here looking for you–”

Thessi, the darling girl, sighed. “My running away is quite the scandal, from what you said.”

Garnet nodded. It was all she could do during that meeting not to reach over and give Lord Glynthyra a vicious bite on the ear. Or at least a sharp tug. 

Jiro cleared his throat. “There’s a place Mom and Dad used to take us, and we can be there in time for one of their famous family-style dinners.”

Dirge blinked. “You mean the Rose Grove Inn?”

Garnet grinned at the mention of the place that featured in some of Jiro’s fondest memories. 

“That’s the one.” Jiro looked wistful. “We haven’t been there in years.”

“Actually … Dane took Lilia there on their first anniversary,” Dirge piped up.