
The Adventures of Hope and Morgan

Spin-off series from Harry's New Game Plus. Follow Morgan Stark the Red Dragon Empress, Hope Potter the Phoenix Force, and friends as they world jump through the Multiverse in search of Adventure, just what sort of shenanigans will these very powerful girls will get up to? This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
62 Chs

Chapter 7

In a dark and grey chamber deep underground on top of Toad Town, we can find a sole green pipe leading down into the main sewer chamber, everything in here is silent and dark as a few goomba are quietly walking around minding their own business when suddenly loud screams could be heard coming out from within the green pipe.


"Mama Mia!".



The goomba all jumped in fright and turned towards the pipe to see who or what was coming down the pipe when out of nowhere, a ball of people rolled out of the pipe and loudly crashed against the floor.

The people in the pile of limbs, groaned in pain until Morgan popped out of the pile fist pumping in victory while flashing a bright and happy smile "That was fun! Let's do it again!".

Hope groaned and sat on her knees "No way! and why did you have to push us in like that Morgan Stark!".

Morgan grinned at Hope while Mario helped Princess Peach up, Asia stood up and began to look around while Luigi stay on the ground, the unlucky green-wearing brother was the one who ended up at the bottom of the pile and thus ended up taking more damage.

The goomba watching the people stand up and talk decided that an ambush was the way to go so the goomba rushed in and jump to barrage the group with headbutts.

But Hope was having none of it lazily waved one of her hands unleashing a wave of red-hot flames that incinerated the goomba in an instant, the monster popped into showers of little stars and dropped a bunch of coins while she continued to berate Morgan for having shoved everyone down the pipe.

This made Mario nervously chuckle "Oh boy... that looked mighty scary" can't really blame the red plumber since cosmic fire just plain looks dangerous to anyone seeing it in action.

Princess Peach nodded while Asia walked over and began to pick up the coins 'never forget to pick up the loot' was the number one rule in the Potter Household one that everyone follows religiously.

Luigi suddenly jumped and stood up "Ugh did anyone get the number of the truck that hit us? ow...".

Hope sighed and shook her head "Sorry Mr. Luigi but Morgan here" she pointed at the Red Dragon Empress who just smiled innocently at Luigi, "decided that it would be fun to jump in together, and by that I mean push us in!".

Mario and Princess Peach lightly laughed at the fact that Morgan was trying to look as innocent as possible while Hope just deadpanned at her, Luigi however just chuckle in amusement "Right, let's not do that again okay?".

Morgan nodded while Hope just sighed, Asia then walked up to Morgan and handed her all the Loot she picked up from the poor goomba who didn't even get a chance to attack, Asia then pointed towards a blue steel door "That's the only door in this chamber but it seems locked".

Mario nodded and then reached into his pockets and began to look for something "Hmm aha! found it!" he took out a big gold key and showed it to the group "With this key, we can open that door".

Hope raised an eyebrow "Oh? Why do you have it, Mr. Mario?".

Mario grinned "Well Luigi and I are in charge of maintaining the pipes of Toad Town and Mushroom Castle so we need to have access to all the sewers and this key allows us to do that".

Princess Peach clapped with a find smile on her face "The Mario Brothers are the Royal Plumbers after all".

Morgan and Asia giggled while Hope smiled, Mario grinned at them, and then everyone walked to the door where the red plumber opened the door allowing everyone access to the rest of the sewers.


Meanwhile in the Koopa Kingdom, in King Bowser's castle the King of Koopa himself was on his throne wincing and groaning in pain, he was also wrapped up in bandages and looked like a mummy.

Suddenly a red-shelled koopa came into his throne room and ran towards him and stopped right in front of him and saluted him "King Bowser your nastiness! I found out where the Mario Brothers and Princess Peach are going!".

Bowser grinned showing off his fangs "Well done my minion! Do tell where are those despicable Brothers going now?".

The red-shelled koopa grinned and then began to give Bowser his report "I overheard them speaking about going to Yoshi Island before they jumped inside the pipe leading to Toad Town sewers!".

Bowser stood up and laughed "Hahaha ow!... " the King of Koopas winced when his wounds flared up from pain "Yoshi Island? How interesting, it certainly has been a while since I brought some good old evilness and destruction to that island full of colored lizards!".

The red-shelled koopa nodded but then began to fidget "Err but I also have some very bad news...".

Bowser looked down at the Koopa and raised an eyebrow intrigued about the reason his minion looked so nervous " what is this bad news!? Come on spill it already!".

The red-shelled koopa began to nervously sweat as he began to report the bad news to Bowser "Well... those three little girls that defeated us are going with the Mario Brothers and Princess Peach to Yoshi Island...".

Bowser gaped and paled in fright at the mention of the little girl who had given him the beating of his life "...EEP!".

The Koopa King then jumped behind his throne to hide causing the red-shelled koopa to sweatdrop "Err.. King Bowser? A-are you okay?".

Bowser peeked from behind his throne and cleared his throat trying to save the little bit of dignity he jas left "Ah well... yes! I'm fine! Nothing to worry about, I was just practicing my dodging skills!".

The red-shelled koopa deadpanned at his king "Right..." {It's hard to believe all of that when you say that while hiding and trembling behind your throne...}.

And indeed, the King of the Koopas was still hiding behind his throne and shaking in his boots but no one wanted to call him out on it, all of his minions had seen what that horrible and evil little girl did to their king so they don't blame him from being afraid

Though secretly, Morgan already had a big fan club within the Koopa Troop though everyone was trying to keep it on the down low so as not to upset Bowser.

Suddenly a magikoopa walked out from the shadows and stood in front of Bowser "King Bowser... Why are you hiding behind your throne?".

Bowser flinched but then walked out of his hiding spot "Oh Kamek... what are you doing here? weren't you training the koopalings?".

Kamek nodded "Indeed I was but then I heard that you were severely wounded and defeated by a trio of little girls and I flew here as fast as I could to see if it was true... it seems like the rumors were true after all".

Bowser flinched "Hey! I was caught off guard! Otherwise she wouldn't have been able to hurt me this much! She didn't fight fair!".

The red-shelled koopa sweatdropped, he knew that wasn't true and that the reason that little girl beat the stuffing out of Bowser was that he had called her a pipsqueak and she took REAL offense to that.

Kamek however nodded believing in his king "Of course! That's the only logical explanation that makes sense! How could the King of Koopas be defeated if not with cheating and dirty fighting?! but that leaves the question, what are you going to do about it next?".

Bowser nodded and then hummed for a few seconds before a literally light bulb lit up above his head causing both Kamek and the red-shelled koopa to flinch from the bright light while Bowser grinned "I'll send them! Yes... they will take care of the Mario Brothers and that little girl! Muahahahaha!".


Meanwhile, the Mario Brothers, Princess Peach, and the girls were traversing the sewers and fighting the monster inside, Morgan was walking ahead and dodged a goomba who was wearing a spiky helmet who crashed against the floor and stab his spiky helmet into it, she then soccer kicked it towards a parakoopa who was flying in front of her both monster popped as soon as they collided with each other.

Mario nodded in appreciation at Morgan's moves while Luigi used his hammer to hit a koopa shell into a bunch of goombas who were sent flying like pins in a bowling alley, they all popped in mid-air dropping a lot of coins everywhere.

After the monsters popped, everyone began to pick up the loot, Hope suddenly caught a black hammer as it flew towards Princess Peach and threw it back where it came from taking out a hammer bro and startling the other one who didn't even see Asia appear behind it and slash him with a light spear.

Both hammer bros popped and drop a few more coins and a hammer bro suit power up which Asia picked up and took to everyone "Hey guys! Look I found something new!".

Morgan and Hope tilted their heads while staring at the power up but Mario and Luigi smiled recognizing it right away, Mario then decided to explain a bit about it "Oh! That's a Hammer Suit! it gives you a fireproof shell and the ability to throw hammers like the hammer bros".

Morgan smiled "Neat! This is going to the collection! Let's find more hammer bros and collect a whole bunch~" Morgan put the power up away in her Boosted Gear inventory while everyone nodded.

That day was forever known by the Koopa Troop as the Great Hammer Bro Massacre and it would later become a scary bedtime story for young koopa, on the other hand, Morgan had a bunch of Hammer Suits to play with so everything balances out.

Eventually, they reached a room with a red pipe at the far corner of the room, Mario pointed at it "That right there is the pipe that leads to Yoshi Island! and we're in luck! There doesn't seem to be any giant bloopers here today!".

The girls looked around and the chamber did look empty but the girls could sense some energy signatures hiding in the darkness of the room, Morgan narrowed her eyes and pulled Luigi back who had stepped forward to walk up to the red pipe "Wha! What's wrong?".

Morgan's eyes began to glow and changed into reptilian slits "There's someone here".

Mario narrowed his eyes and began to pay more attention to his surroundings, Hope looked to her side while Asia looked up to a corner of the room.

Princess Peach trusting the girls to know what they were doing decided to ask "Do you know what they are or where they're hiding?".

Hope nodded "It's four koopa but they seem to be different than the normal ones... for one they're wearing masks and they're multi-colored plus they're pretty good at hiding".

Suddenly a voice echoed from the darkness "Oh! I'm surprised you were able to both sense us and then see us... not many can do that!".

Four shadows shot out of the darkness and landed in front of the group revealing themselves as four koopa and like Hope had said all four of them wore different colors.

The koopa's colors were red, yellow, green, and black and all of them struck a pose before dramatically pointing at the girls "As expected of the monsters who beat up King Bowser! You're pretty good!".

Morgan frowned and glared at the four Koopas "Why do I feel like these four are making fun of me... that makes me want to punch each one of them in the face...".

The koopa sweatdropped not expecting such a violent response from such a young and cute girl, Mario then spoke up "Those are the Koopa Bros... I honestly had forgotten about them until right now, kinda wished I didn't remember though, they're annoying".

The Koopa hopped in indignation, the red one who seems to be the leader then spoke while pointing a finger towards Mario "Hey! How could you say that Mario! I thought the rivalry we have was special!".

Mario nonchalantly shrugged "More like a nuisance but what are you doing here?".

The red koopa seemed mighty offended right now but decided to answer Mario's question "King Bowser sent us to ruin your little vacation and kidnap the Princess!".

Everyone raised an eyebrow and watched as the Koopa Bros jumped back into the darkness only for an obviously fake Bowser giant machine to roll forward "Behold! King Bowser Mech V.2!".

Hope sweatdropped as she watched the poorly put-together machine "They can't be serious... right?".

Mario chuckled "Oh they certainly are but don't worry, that thing isn't particularly strong or tough even if it seems like it".

Asia hummed "We can see that with the way it seems to be made out of wood, should we set it on fire?".

Everyone turned towards Asia in surprise at her harsh words, even the King Bowser Mech turn its head towards her but Asia just shrugged "It's a perfectly well-reasoned plan~".

Luigi shook his head and decided to just ignore Asia's words "Let's just break that thing and then deal with the Koopa Bros".

Morgan then summoned her Booster Gear "So we're doing this the good old fashioned way right!? Then let's go!".

Everyone smiled as they watch Morgan run up to the King Bowser Mech and easily dodge its arm chop, she then jumped up and punched it with her gauntlet-covered arm hitting the mech on his big head and pushing it back a fair distance away.

The Koopa Bros screamed in fright as Morgan a little girl punch their big and heavy mech so easily with just one punch "Red! That punch damaged the mech by a lot! Black how are the engines!".

"Engine one is out! We only have engines two and three working at eighty percent! we can't take too many hits like that!".

Suddenly both Mario and Luigi appeared in front of the mech and smacked it with their hammers causing the entire thing to shake and begin to smoke while the Koopa Bros screams in fright once more.

Hope then flew up with Asia and both of them began to barrage the mech with fireballs and light spears, the Koopa Bros began to panic as everything inside their contraption began to malfunction "Green! Hang in there! Keep it together!".

"Red we can't keep this up! We're about to blow! I recommend immediate evac! I repeat! We need to get out here now!".

But they didn't get a chance to even try to escape because Princess Peach walked up to them and then slapped the mech so hard with her frying pan that the whole thing came apart sending the Koopa Bros flying through the air but then they suddenly twirled in mid-air and landed on their feet where they immediately struck a cool pose, the Red Koopa then pointed at Mario "This battle isn't over yet! You know what comes next right, Mario?".

Mario frowned because he knew what came next but Morgan suddenly took out Pow Block from her Boosted Gear Inventory and threw it to the floor causing the entire room to shake and jump up flipping the Koopa Bros and Luigi on their head.

The Koopa Bros grunted in pain since they didn't expect such an attack and tried to get up since they ended belly up on their shells but Morgan, Hope, Asia, and Mario jumped on their bellies causing them to pop out of their shells screaming until they crashed against a wall of the chamber.

The Koopa Bros groaned in pain and twitch a bit but they were completely defeated and unconscious, Morgan grinned and then picked up their shells "I'm keeping these!".

Hope tilted her head in wonder and decided to ask Morgan why would she want to keep those koopa shells "Why? We have a bunch from the ones we bought from Afro Toad".

Morgan smiled at Hope and then began to explain "Oh! I'm keeping a few things from wherever we go as souvenirs and trophies! I want to make a big treasure hoard like uncle Harry! I even have a scale from Ghidorah and a clown shoe from that IT clown! ".

Hope nodded in understanding and decided to let Morgan have her fun, Luigi then groaned and stood up "A little heads up before you use a Pow Block would be appreciated, Morgan..."

Morgan giggled and scratched her head "Sorry Mr. Luigi but my instincts were screaming at me to use it and I kinda reacted on reflex tehe!".

Luigi just deadpanned at Morgan for a few seconds and then sighed "You know? It's not fair that I can't stay mad at you...".

Morgan just giggled while Hope just patted Luigi on his back "Don't feel to bad Mr. Luigi, no one can stay mad at Morgan and many have tried!".

Asia nodded since she had never seen anyone be mad at Morgan, sure they scold her and such but no one ever really gets or stays mad at her, it's even worse with Harry since all Morgan has to do is give him the Puppy Eyes Technique and he folds like wet paper.

Princess Peach smiled and excitedly clapped her hand "That was fun~ It has been a while since I fought with Luigi and Mario!".

Mario grinned and nodded "It sure has, we should go adventuring more often or at least try for you to be able to enjoy more days off, you do tend to get very busy sometimes but that's understandable since you are the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom".

The princess nodded and smiled at Mario, she knew that she tends to get very busy sometimes but Mario and Luigi always make sure she rests and relaxes, lately even Daisy has been sending letters and always telling her to rest and play more often.

Morgan walked over to the pipe and jumped on top, she then took a peek inside and only saw darkness "So shall we jump in? I want to see the yoshi already!".

Mario nodded and walked over "Sure but let's be careful! Bowser knows where we going and he might just decide to ruin our day, not that I'm worried since you girls seem tough enough to deal with anything he might throw at us!".

Hope nodded while Morgan and Asia smiled, Morgan the fist pumped in excitement "Leave that overgrown turtle to me! I'll teach him a lesson about trying to mess with our trip!".

Everyone smiled at Morgan and then all of the jumped into the pipe leading to Yoshi Island excited to meet the friend and colorful dinosaurs.


It was another bright and cheerful day on Yoshi Island and all the yoshi were happily roaming around the area either eating or laying around when suddenly out of nowhere, a bunch of people suddenly came out flying from the pipe in the middle of Yoshi Town startling all the yoshi.

Luigi landed on the ground first but the poor plumber didn't have time to get out of the way and ended up being at the bottom of the dogpile again when everyone else landed on top of him "Oof! Get off your heavy!".

Everyone jumped off the poor green plumber and immediately went to check on him, Morgan and Hope felt especially guilty because they landed knee first on his back out of reflex, Morgan helped sit up Luigi and held him in her arms, she then began to shake him "Aah! Mr. Luigi I'm sorry!".

Hope ran up to him and saw Luigi looking dazed and with spirals in his eyes "Morgan! Stop you're going to finish him off!".

Morgan stopped shaking Luigi and notice how his soul began to slowly come out of his mouth "Ah! nooo! Don't take him Aunty Death!".


Death and Lily sweatdropped, Lily then nervously laughed while Death just shook her head in amusement "I'm not even doing anything...".

Lily just giggled and shook her head, Morgan could be so dramatic sometimes but she blame that on Harry and Tony, In fact, all Potter men were very dramatic by nature so she mostly blames James and Harry.


Harry was happily helping Melissa with some enchanting on some of his student's costumes when he suddenly felt like he was being scolded by his mother causing him to jump up in a panic and wildly look around "I didn't do it mom, and you can't prove otherwise!".

Both Melissa and Mei who were also there doing some programming sweatdropped at Harry's panicking attitude, their teacher was certainly weird but this was a bit much even for him.


James Potter who was happily spending some time with his father Fleamont Potter and his mother Euphemia Potter and telling them about Harry's adventures suddenly stood up in a panic "I didn't do it, Lily!".

His mother sweatdropped as she stared at her son acting that way she then turned her head towards her husband and her sweatdrop only grew when she saw him looking around wildly, Fleamont Potter then spoke "Why do I feel like someone just pegged the entire potter male family line?".


Mario chuckled at Morgan's dramatic performance and walked up towards Luigi, he then took out a 1Up Mushroom from who knows where and force-fed it to Luigi who instantly hopped up to his feet and looked around "Oh! That was a critical hit... I'm going to feel this tomorrow morning".

Everyone smiled knowing that he was going to be fine when suddenly they heard a high pitch squeal causing everyone to turn towards where the squeal came from only to gape when they caught sight of Asia holding a bunch of baby yoshi in her arms and rubbing her face on theirs "They're so cute!".

Morgan and Hope literally became blurs and appeared right beside Asia and began to gush about the baby yoshi who looked like they were loving the attention.

A green adult yoshi walked up to Mario and smiled "Greetings! and welcome to Yoshi Town visitors! What brings you to Yoshi Island?".

Mario smiled and pointed at the girls who were now giggling at the fact that the baby yoshi was shooting their tongues towards their faces and tickling them "We came to show these girls your beautiful island and the yoshi, as you can see they really wanted to meet you!".

The green yoshi chuckled and watched the baby yoshi all dance around the girls while the girls themselves watched them do so with bright and happy smiles on their faces "Friendly people are always welcome in our town so feel free to tour around".

Princess Peach smiled and nodded to the Green Yoshi "Thank you so much!".

And with that said Princess Peach ran towards the girls to join them in playing with the adorable baby yoshi as Mario and Luigi smiled at them, the adult yoshi around then smiled as well happy that the baby yoshi had someone to play with.


The girls enjoyed running around with the baby yoshi and playing with them for a few hours and then they decided to look around Yoshi Town.

Of course, the baby yoshi followed them everywhere while the girls talked to the adult yoshi about everything and anything, the yoshi themselves were very surprised that the girls can actually understand them very well.

Hope explained that they had an ability called Multi-Lingual which allows them to understand and speak any language as long as it came from a fully sentient being which impressed the yoshi since not many people can understand them.

Asia and Morgan then bought a bunch of yoshi cookies and yoshi fruit to snack on while Mario and Luigi showed Princess Peach around since they knew more about the town than she did since the last time she was on Yoshi Island she spent a good amount of time kidnapped by Bowser.

Eventually, the girls along with Princess Peach and the Mario Brothers decided to do a bit of exploring in the jungle of Yoshi Island and see what sort of monsters and enemies they might encounter.

To their surprise they found a bunch of new unique monsters around, sure there were the ever-present koopa and goomba but there were also monsters like fuzzies, white magikoopas, putrid piranha plants, and jungle shy guys.

Morgan might have traumatized the shy guys by trying to take their masks off to see their faces which was something even Mario and Luigi never tried before, Princess Peach even got curious about it since she has wondered about their faces before and together with Morgan tried to make the shy guys reveal their secrets.

Needless to say that no shy guys tried to attack them after that was an understatement but the other monsters had no qualms about attacking them however they were no match for the Mario Brothers and the girls.

However, what the girls didn't know was that they were being followed by a lakitu who was flying very far away from them and watching them with some very powerful binoculars.

The lakitu then took off flying toward the sky to let King Bowser know what the group was doing, it seems like Bowser still had evil plans to ruin the group's outing and the defeat of the Koopa Bros wouldn't stop him.


Morgan was on top of a tree looking over the jungle "Wow! It's so lively here and full of life!" the little Stark then jumped down the tree and softly landed on the ground and took off running towards where Hope, Asia, Princess Peach, and the Mario Brothers were enjoying a small picnic.

Morgan then stopped when an explosion shook the entire jungle which alerted everyone, Asia looked up and noticed some smoke rising towards the sky and gasped "Hey that's where Yoshi Town is!".

The group got worried for the friendly and adorable dinosaurs and took off right away to see if they were okay.

But they were shocked and saddened when they arrived and saw that the town had been attacked and heavily damaged, Asia, Princess Peach, and Hope immediately began to go and heal the poor yoshi who were on the ground and twitching in pain while Morgan began to run around and hand out Apple Gels to all the injured Yoshi she could find.

Mario and Luigi walked around and helped some of the less injured Yoshis get on their feet, until the adult green yoshi walked up to them "Please! You have to save the baby yoshi! The Koopa Troop came and took them all! We tried to fight back but there was a very powerful magikoopa leading them!".

Mario frowned and looked down in thought "a magikoopa leading the Koopa Troops? That has to be Kamek, no one else has been allowed to lead the Koopas except the Koopalings".

Luigi looked around "So Bowser decided to keep bothering us today...".

Morgan heard what Mario and Luigi had said and growled a bit "That's not fair! The yoshi didn't do anything to them! Why would they do this to them?".

Princess Peach sadly smile at Morgan and then hugged her "Sometimes bad guys can't hurt you so instead they try to hurt others to try to get to you Morgan, bad guys just don't fight fair".

Morgan looked down and finally understood why her Uncle Harry always made sure everyone was powerful enough to defend themselves from anything, her uncle's enemies can't hurt him so they might instead choose to hurt one of them.

Morgan today has learned a very valuable lesson, bad guys don't play fair and they will always try to do anything to win.

Hope smiled at her best friend and sister in all but blood, she knew that Morgan was still very naive and very kind and if she could help it she would have liked it for her to stay that way but this is a very important lesson she needs to learn.

Asia frowned, she knew all too well that life wasn't fair and that things don't always go your way even now she likes to believe in the goodness in people but she also knew that this is one of the most important lessons life can give you and that Morgan needed to learn this, she didn't like it but it was a necessity for her to grow just like she did.

Morgan then looked up into Princess Peach's eyes "Okay... Then let go and save the baby yoshi and beat up Bowser again! I'll teach him a lesson for being a bully!".

The Mario Brothers, Princess Peach, Hope, and Asia smiled at Morgan and nodded, then Morgan waved a hand and reversed time around Yoshi Town to fix all the damage it went through "Let's go!".


Meanwhile, Bowser stared at the trembling baby yoshi in front of him "Great job Kamek! This will force the Mario Brothers, the Princess, and those girls to come to here this castle!"

Bowser looked around and stared at the castle Kamek had built with magic, it looked identical to the one he has in the Mushroom Kingdom with all his minions and monsters included, Kamek who was grinning and standing beside Bowser grinned "Of course King Bowser! This way we'll force all those losers to come here and fight us on our terms! I'll handle the girls while you handle the Mario Brothers!".

Bowser grinned and nodded "Muahahaha! This time the Mario Brothers won't win! and with you dealing with those meddlesome girls I'll be able to get rid of them once and for all".

Bowser then turned around and watched as many kinds of monsters stood behind him ready for his commands "Alright everyone! Go and spread around the castle and attack our visitors as soon as they arrive! Make sure to make all of them suffer!".

The monsters all cheered, roared, and growled and then immediately began to leave to their posts while Bowser and Kamek began to laugh in the evilest manner ever.

The baby yoshi were really scared, not only for their safety but for their new friends' safety as well, the only thing the adorable little dinosaurs could do is hope that everything will be okay.


The Mario Brothers, Princess Peach, and the girls arrived at the newly built sinister and gray castle that had appeared not to long ago, Mario narrowed his eyes as he stared at the castle "It looks like Bowser's castle... this is going to be very dangerous, that castle is always filled with monsters and traps, are you sure you want to do this Princess?".

Princess Peach nodded and smiled at Mario "Of course Mario~ I've always been curious about the things you have to always go through for me whenever I get kidnapped... this time it's my turn to go through all of that".

Mario smiled when he noticed the glint of determination in Peach's eyes meanwhile Luigi trembled and shook in fear "Why is it always a creepy and trap-filled castle with lava lakes!".

Asia giggled and patted Luigi on his back "Don't worry Mr. Luigi, everything will be fine!".

Morgan however stared at the castle with a small little frown on her face which Hope noticed so the little Potter grabbed Morgan's hand causing the young Red Dragon Empress to turn to look at her.

Hope gave her a little smiled and began to speak "Everything will be okay Morgan, we'll rescue the little yoshi and teach Bowser a lesson so don't worry okay?".

Morgan nodded and then smiled a little "I know I just feel a little guilty that they went after the baby yoshi because of us...".

Princess Peach smiled at Morgan and then gently hugged her and patted her head "It wasn't your fault that Bowser and his minions sunk so low as to kidnap babies Morgan, everything will be okay".

Mario then patted Morgan's back and gave her a smile and a thumbs up "Besides the Mario Brothers and you guys are here to save the day! Bowser and his minions won't know what hit them after we're done with them!".

Morgan smiled and nodded at her new friends within her soul she could feel Ddraig also sending her positive emotions to cheer her up "Okay! Let's go save our friends then!".

Everyone nodded and then immediately took off running towards Bowser Castle to save the adorable and colorful baby Yoshi.