
The Adventures of Hope and Morgan

Spin-off series from Harry's New Game Plus. Follow Morgan Stark the Red Dragon Empress, Hope Potter the Phoenix Force, and friends as they world jump through the Multiverse in search of Adventure, just what sort of shenanigans will these very powerful girls will get up to? This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Chapter 6

A man with an impressive mustache and wearing a red hat along with a taller man wearing a green hat were running as fast as they could towards Mushroom Castle in hopes of getting there in time to help their friend Princess Peach.

Both of these men were in their home getting ready to visit the princess to celebrate her birthday but their home was suddenly invaded and attacked by their nemesis, the Koopa Troop.

They fought their way out of their home by jumping, stomping, and hammering through the many Goombas and Koopas who tried to stop them but they were just so many of them that the brothers were considerably slowed down.

So as they fought their way into Toad Town they could only watch as Bowser's airship began to attack the castle with its many cannons, they were late and even though they continued to try to get to the princess, they instead were forced to watch Bowser go into the castle while they fought waves and more waves of monsters.

Still, these two men weren't the type to quit, well more like the one wearing a red hat doesn't quit because the green one was actually very afraid and unwilling to keep moving because of the many enemies in their way.

But suddenly something happened, something that they never thought would ever happen in their lives, Bowser was suddenly thrown out of one of the castle's windows and ended up crashing into the front lawn of the castle.

The entire Koopa Troop attacking them froze and gaped as their leader flew through the air and crashed against the ground, no one knew what to say or do so they opted to just watch the King of Koopas twitch in pain on the ground.

King Bowser grunted and groaned in pain, the red-wearing man noticed that Bowser looked like he went through the grinder, he had bruises everywhere! He even had a black eye, and is he crying?!.

The two brothers didn't know how to react to all of this until the red one couldn't help but say "Mama Mia! What's going on here!?".

Bowser looked up and then widen his eyes upon seeing the red and green brothers staring at him, Bowser then immediately got up and ran toward them.

The red and green brothers tensed up and got ready for an attack but to their shock and confusion, Bowser instead ran around them and hid behind their backs shaking "Mario Brothers! You have to save me! She's terrifying and very scary!".

The now-named Mario Brothers sweatdropped and stared at the King of Koopas in confusion, when suddenly a little girl came out flying from out the window Bowser crashed out of and looked around, Bowser tremble even more upon noticing the little girls looking for him "Eep! Protect me!".

The Mario Brothers deadpanned at Bowser as they saw him hide behind them while going inside his shell, the little girl must have heard Bowser's voice because she turned towards the Mario Brothers and then pointed at them "Aha! They you are! Get back here! I'm not done with you! I still have to make your other eye black so they'll match~".

The Mario Brothers gaped at the violence that the little and cute girl seems to really want to deliver to Bowser who was screaming at them to protect him, Luigi turned to his brother and spoke "Mario, what do you suppose is going on?".

Mario put his thumb on his chin and hummed "I don't know Luigi but Bowser seems to have made that little girl very angry, I've never seen Bowser this beat up before and we usually drop him in lava!".

Luigi nodded in agreement to his brother's statement, both brothers watched as the little girl flew down and softly landed on her feet, she then began to walk towards them with an easy-going smile but the aura around her promised untold amounts of pain to anyone who would dare get in her way

Both Luigi and Mario actually stepped away from Bowser and allowed the little girl to walk up to him, Both of them turned away and flinched when they began to hear Bowser suddenly scream in pain.

Not wanting to see what the little girl was doing to the King of Koopas both of them turn around only to sweatdropped when they looked around and saw that the Goombas and Koopas were also looking away from their leader while whistling a tune.

Suddenly they heard a familiar voice and both of them looked up to see Princess Peach floating down towards them along with another little girl, this one, however, has red hair, and another young girl with blonde hair and the most beautiful pink angel wings they had ever seen.

The three girls softly landed on the ground and Princess Peach immediately walked up to them in a hurry "My goodness, I'm so glad both of you are okay! Bowser said that he had done something awful to the both of you and I was very worried!".

Mario and Luigi smiled at the princess and were about to speak when Bowser suddenly screamed again "Ahhhh! Stop! That isn't supposed to bend that way! Agh!".

The red-headed little girl giggled while the blonde angel softly smiled while the two bothers sweatdropped and refused to turn around, Mario then spoke up "They did ambush us in our house but we were able to fight them off, we immediately ran here thinking that Bowser was up to his old tricks again!".

Luigi then spoke up "We were afraid that we arrived late but it seems like we arrived on time for once, who are your new friends princess?".

Princess Peach smiled and then began to introduce the girls "This here is Hope Potter and beside her is Asia Argento, the one trying to see how flexible Bowser is, her name is Morgan Stark, they came to visit our world and came to my party, it's been a delight getting to know them~".

Suddenly Bowser stopped screaming and instead began to groan in pain, Morgan then steps over to Princess Peach while dusting her hands "There~ that should teach that bully to not come to kidnap you on your Birthday Peach~".

The princess giggled and nodded at Morgan "Thank you Morgan and thank you to you too Hope and Asia".

The three girls nodded and smiled at Princess Peach, Morgan than turned towards the Mario Brothers and waved at them "Hi~ who are you guys?".

Hope sighed at her best friend's over-cheerful demeanor while both Asia and Princess Peach giggled at Morgan's antics, Mario smiled and then pointed at himself "I'm Mario Mario! and this is Luigi Mario!".

Morgan brightly smiled while Asia giggled finding the brother's last name funny, Hope smiled and nodded "Ah hence the Mario Brothers pretty neat~".

Both Mario and Luigi grinned but then a groan of pain alerted everyone making them turn around only to gape at the heavily injured Bowser, he was so injured the world decided to censor his entire body so as to not let anyone see what he looks like now.

This of course made everyone except Morgan sweatdropped and feel a little bad for the Koopa King, everyone turned towards Morgan who was standing with her hands on her hips and looking mighty proud right now, she must have felt everyone's gaze on her because she turned her head towards her friends and tilted her head "What?".

Hope sighed while everyone just deadpanned at her, Hope then pointed at Bowser "Morgan, did you really have to hurt him that bad? I mean how on earth did you stick one of his horns in there?".

Morgan just shrugged "He called me pipsqueak! I'm still growing! and besides I'm a dragon, you don't call a dragon a pipsqueak! Uncle Harry said so!".

Hope just deadpanned at her "... You know what? You and I are going to have a long conversation with Aunty Pepper about sticking stuff into a person's butth-".

Hope was then interrupted when a bunch of Goombas and Koopas ran towards Bowser and picked him off the floor, his body was still censored but he was able to speak "Ugh.. well done Mario Brothers!.. You beat me once again!... Next time I'll win! and no little girl is going to save you!...".

Morgan narrowed her eyes "What was that!?".

Bowser and the Koopa Troop yelped and then took off running while Bowser continued to groan in pain while being carried away, eventually, all the baddies left including the airships and everyone just stared in disbelieve at how fast everyone left, Mario sighed "We didn't even do anything to him this time...".

Luigi awkwardly chuckled while Princess Peach giggled in amusement "I think he's in denial about Morgan kicking his behind so bad and he was trying to keep face somehow".

Morgan shook her head "He wasn't even that strong! How does he always end up kidnapping you Peach?".

Peach looked like she got hit with an arrow from Morgan's comment "Ah well... if you look around you will see why..".

And look around she did, Morgan sweatdropped as she saw a bunch of Toads running around like headless chickens and screaming even though the bad guys had already left "... Right, so you have horrible help gotcha!".

Mario and Luigi grinned because in all reality they always wanted to say the same thing to Princess Peach but they never did because it would hurt her feelings, the princess, however, noticed their grins and gaped at them "Hmph! The Toads just aren't the brave type! They're just very peaceful!".

And then they saw Toadsworth come out of the castle with an army of Toads holding spears, Princess Peach smiled proudly that the Toads decided to show up now.

But to her misfortune, one of them tripped and ended up taking the rest of the Toad Army down with him while curses and exclamations of pain filled the air.

Poor Princess Peach slumped while Morgan, Hope, and the Mario Brothers laughed while Asia just smiled and went to heal them and make sure they were okay, Hope then decided to finish Princess Peach off "And they're not very good at marching either~".

The Princess flinched and gasped as if struck by another arrow and slumped even further "Ohhh~...".

Mario smiled at the princess, happy to see her so open to the girls they just met, she's usually very prim and proper but it seems like these girls were able to make the Princess comfortable around them, he watch as Morgan walked up to her and grabbed the Princess's hand and cheer her up with a big smile.

This made Mario very happy since the princess hasn't been able to make a lot of friends because of her royal status and the few friends she has are usually very busy with other stuff like Princess Daisy.

Both he and Luigi do their best to always keep her company and make her feel like she isn't alone but they do have their work to take care of, being plumbers is a very busy profession after all, especially in the Mushroom Kingdom where the pipes are infested with all sorts of monsters.

He watched as Hope walked up to the princess and smiled at her and say something that made her laugh {Yes... I think this is good, I'm sure Hope, Morgan, and Asia will be great friends to the princess}.

Luigi then poked Mario on his arms and pointed at Asia who was now glowing green and healing every Toad in the area with a massive dome of green energy "Mama Mia! What is that?".

Hope, Morgan, and Princess Peach turned towards Asia who looked like she was praying while the Toads stare at her and the beautiful green light that engulfed them all, Morgan smiled "Oh! That's just Asia using her healing magic! She's both a doctor and a healer~ she can even bring the dead back to life! Pretty neat huh?".

Mario and Luigi gaped, they have never heard of power on this scale, in fact, the closest thing would be the Power Stars but even they didn't have this kind of range or potency, Princess Peach, however, hummed "She's a doctor and a healer? but I saw her fight off the Koopa Troops in my throne room, she looked like a warrior back there".

Asia finished healing all the Toads who cheered and thank her rather loudly but she just smiled at them and then waved them goodbye as she walked back to the group.

She heard Princess Peach's comments so she decided to explain as soon as she reached her friends "It's true, I am both a healer and a doctor but I belong to the Battle Angels of Neo Kyoto, we're a group of healer units capable and trained in the art of combat, we can't heal anyone if we're to hurt or can't defend ourselves during combat so we train to be able to fight as well".

The princess nodded in understanding while Mario hummed, Luigi, however, gaped "Eh! You make it sound like you're expecting to go to war or something".

Asia smiled and shook her head "Not at all, in fact, I don't think anyone really wants to have a conflict with us but that doesn't mean we shouldn't prepare for it, we all do our best to protect our home, and our loved ones, this something the leader of Neo Kyoto taught to everyone".

Mario nodded in agreement since he can understand the sentiment behind Asia's explanation "I see, I can agree to that, we all would do anything to keep those we love safe".

Mario smiled while Princess Peach blushed and shyly turn her head but then she saw both Morgan and Hope grinning at her which made her blush even worse.

But the princess still smiled at her friends "Let's go back to the castle and let everyone know that everything is okay, shall we?".

The girls and the Mario Brothers nodded, Mario then stepped up to the Princess and offered her his arm, Princess Peach smiled and took his arm, and both of them began to walk forward towards the castle, Mario turn his head and gave Princess Peach a smile "Happy birthday princess".

Princess Peach brightly smiled "Thank you, Mario~".

Both Morgan and Hope smiled at their new friends while Asia hid her smile behind her hand, Luigi grinned at his brother and the princess while thinking about going to visit Daisy soon.


Everyone let the guests know that everything was fine and that Bowser and the Koopa Troop were scared off, everyone was very surprised that the princess wasn't kidnapped this time and many were very dramatic about it by saying how this marked the end of the world of something silly like that.

Hope, Morgan, and Asia bear witnessed to Princess Peach's skill with the frying pan since she didn't take kindly to those comments, Morgan found it funny and was already thinking of a way to add a frying pan to her arsenal which made Ddraig sweatdropped.

Hope winced a bit and then deadpanned at the twitching Toads, Goombas, and Koopas who were now on the floor groaning in pain, Asia giggled and shook her head but she still healed them but not before giving them a scolding about not making fun of a lady like that.

The Mario Brothers grinned in amusement, they both knew that the princess wasn't a weak damsel in distress, she has fought with them before after all and they knew how strong and skillful she is.

Honestly, Bowser knew too which is why he always makes sure to check her for frying pans, the Koopa King has gotten on the wrong end of Princess Peach's frying pan before and it was something he avoided with a passion.

After that, both Hope and Morgan fixed all the damage done to the castle with time magic while Asia and Peach began to cook more food for everyone at the party which many of the guests were delighted about.

After an hour or two, the party was now back in full swing and everyone could now relax while getting to know each other.

The girls of course wanted to know about the Mario Brothers and their adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Of course, Morgan found something really interesting in the whole conversation and stopped everything to ask questions "Wait, wait, wait! Did you just say that you know an island with cute dinosaurs that you can ride!?".

Mario chuckled and nodded "Yes, Yoshi island is the home of the Yoshis they're this race of multicolored dinosaurs, they're cute and very friendly too".

Morgan's eyes sparkled in interest and she immediately turned towards Hope who sweatdropped, she turned towards Asia looking for some backup but her sweatdrop only grew when she saw Asia looking at her with wide and sparkling eyes as well.

She sighed but smiled at her friends "Fine~ where is this island Mario? It seems like these two won't leave this world until they see it".

Mario chuckled along with Luigi while Princess Peach smiled at her friends, she suddenly clapped and cheerfully spoke "How about we all go visit Yoshi Island? It's been a while since we visited it so we might as well make a small vacation!".

Both Morgan and Asia cheered while Hope rolled her eyes at the both of them but still fondly smiled, Mario fist pumped, the red plumber was always ready for adventure while Luigi sighed knowing that nothing he could say would stop this from happening.

Unlike his brother who seems to have forgotten how dangerous Yoshi island can be, he remembers the hardships they lived through while adventuring on that island full of monsters and dangers, still, it has been a while since he hung out with the Yoshis so perhaps a little visit wouldn't be so bad.

Princess Peach smiled and was very excited to go on a little vacation with Mario, Luigi, and her new friends, she can't wait to have a lot of fun with them on Yoshi Island.

The rest of the Party went on until late at night and all that time was spent by the small group of friends planning their little vacation, the girls ended up sleeping over with the princess while Mario and Luigi went home to pack and prepare after promising everyone that they'll meet with them late in the afternoon the next day.


The next day the girls woke up excited about their trip and immediately went to wake up Princess Peach who was surprised to be jumped on by a happy Morgan but she just giggled and got up from her bed.

Asia and Princess Peach cooked breakfast for everyone and after eating all of them went to help the Princess pack and escape Toadsworth who was against this little trip of theirs.

Eventually, Asia put him to sleep with a spell and then the girls escaped the castle giggling, they decided to hang out in Toad Town while they waited for the Mario Brothers to show up.

First, they went to visit the afro Toad to see if he had a Monster Book for Yoshi island, the poor Toad almost had a heart attack when he saw the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom in his shop but thankfully the girls were able to calm him down.

It turns out that he indeed had a Monster Book on Yoshi island and he happily gave it to Hope for free who really try to convince him to let her pay for it but the Toad refused stating that their visit had been the most exciting thing that has happened to him ever.

In the end, Hope had to accept the gift but did promise to bring him some souvenirs which the Toad thanked her for with a big bright smile.

The girls then decided that to avoid giving people heart attacks by having Princess Peach casually walk around the town and shops, she was going to need to disguise herself, something that seems to be very exciting to the princess.

So they all went to a clothes shop and had fun picking out clothes for her, Asia decided to dress the Princess in a sundress but it was to similar to her princess dress that it wouldn't be a good disguise so they all decided to pick something else.

Morgan wanted Princess Peach to try on some Overalls which she did so delightfully, she had always wanted to try a pair since Mario seems to be a very big fan of them, they even got her a pink hat and long sleeve shirt.

They all laughed and had fun watching the princess try to jump like Mario and Luigi for a little bit, she then took off the outfit but secretly bought it for later, Hope then gave her a pair of pink shorts, a pink shirt, and a baggy white hoodie.

The princess smiled at how comfortable the clothes felt plus these types of clothes were perfect for hiking and walking around on an Island, the girls even got her a pair of pink boots.

Princess Peach giggled feeling a bit rebellious with these clothes on, she felt very free right now so she decided to then tied her hair in a long ponytail and the girls gave her a thumbs up in appreciation.

Now disguised she could go around town and enjoy walking into any shop without giving the poor clerks a heart attack and that's what they did, the girls had a bit of a shopping spree buying all sorts of stuff that they might need for their trip to Yoshi Island and giving it to Morgan to put away in her Boosted Gear Inventory.

Eventually, they got tired and decided to go towards the pipe that led to the Mario Brothers' house in order to meet up with them, it didn't take long to get to it though and all of them sat on a nearby bench to wait for the brothers.

Morgan hummed and curiously stared at the Pipe "Just how do those pipes work? I looked inside a couple of them but I could only see darkness in them".

Princess Peach smiled and looked up as she began to explain what she knows about the pipes "Well no one really knows for sure but it is believed that there's a portal inside of them that connects them to another pipe, most of them lead to chambers full of coins or blocks with power-ups but some other ones lead to other lands or even other worlds, honestly there's even a research facility in the castle that is in charge of investigating pipes and categorizing them so we know where each one leads where".

Morgan stared at the pipes while Hope raised an eyebrow intrigued by the information they just got, Asia, however, clapped "Oh~ that sounds like what Harry did to connect the ninja and shinigami worlds!".

Princess Peach tilted her head "Harry?".

Morgan brightly smiled "Harry Potter! He's my uncle and Hope's father! He also considers Asia a sister too! He's a very old and powerful Dragon God! And the best person in the multiverse~".

Asia and Hope smiled at Morgan, Harry is and will always be Morgan's favorite person in the world and she always loves speaking about him, the Princess, however, placed her pointer finger on her lips and looked up in thought, in her mind she tried to imagine how Harry Potter looked.

But sweatdropped when all she could imagine was an old big green dragon with a long beard and a walking staff, somehow she knew that what she was imagining was very wrong, her thoughts must have shown on her face because both Hope and Asia giggled at her.

Which made Princess Peach blush in embarrassment, Morgan grinned and then put her hand in her dress pocket and took out her Smartphone.

Her Smartphone look highly advanced and it was, this particular phone was made by both her uncle Harry and her daddy, the phone is so powerful and technologically advanced that it was considered a wonder of both technology and magic by Neo Kyoto standards.

Not only was it made with Chrome Digizoid but its components are made out of vibranium and programed by Tony Stark himself while Harry enchanted it with all sorts of useful magical effects, among the enchantments the Self Cleaning, Self Upgrading, Self Repairing and Summon Enchantments made it one of the most powerful Magical Artifacts in Neo Kyoto.

Harry had even used the power of the Infinity Stones to allow the phone to connect no matter where in the multiverse you found yourself, along with the ability to be able to connect with the internet of their home dimensions and servers in the Potter Household.

Only a few were made and the only ones who had one were Harry, his girlfriends, and his family, Harry went even beyond and put a DigiGnome in each Smartphone.

The DigiGnome would make sure to protect and maintain the super advanced systems of the phones while also making sure that it would evolve according to each user's needs.

Morgan just uses it to take pictures and play games... anyways Morgan began to tap on her phone and then smiled, she then handed the phone to the princess who raised an eyebrow and then looked at the screen.

There on Morgan's phone was a picture of a tall young man, with wild long black hair and the greenest eyes she has ever seen, he had a kind and soft smile on his face as he held both Morgan and Hope in his arms, both girls were hugging his neck and smiling at the camera, Morgan softly smiled as she pointed at the man in the picture "That's Uncle Harry".

Princess Peach tilted her head a bit as she stared at the young man in the picture but no matter how she looked at him he couldn't see anything that showed he was a Dragon God "Umm I thought you said he's a dragon...".

Hope and Morgan giggled while Asia just smiled knowingly, she was fully aware how Harry doesn't seem like anything his many titles might suggest, most of the time he just looks like a very happy and go luck teen having fun, that image always changes when you meet him in person though, his mere presence is enough to either terrify you or make you feel like nothing in the world could ever hurt you.

Hope decided to explain "Daddy is in his human form most of the time, though he has a habit of taking naps in his Dragon Form in all kinds of strange places".

Morgan and Asia giggled at the mention of Harry's odd habit, Morgan then began to excitedly sway back and forth "You remembered when he took a nap on top of Kinkaku-ji temple! Aunty Yasaka almost had an aneurysm ~".

Both Hope and Asia laughed at the reminder of that event, Asia then spoke up "Yasaka scolded Harry for a while but all he did is open one eye and then stick his head inside the water nearby, poor Lady Yasaka hehe".

Morgan and Hope giggled for a bit and Hope then spoke up next "I asked why he took a nap there and he told me 'well it sort of looks like it's made of gold so I decided to see how comfortable it was' hehehe I told my moms what he said and all they did was shake their head~".

Princess Peach fondly smiled as she watched her friends speak about the person who they so clearly love and by the things they were speaking about he seemed like the fun sort of guy, he kinda reminds her of her friend and fellow princess Daisy.

Suddenly the Mario Brothers hopped out of the pipe and looked around, they immediately saw the girls sitting on a bench and then walked up to them.

Mario instantly noticed Princess Peach's clothing and stared at her for a few minutes, he knew full well that the princess has a very big sense of adventure so to him those clothes match her perfectly "You look, good princess".

Princess Peach blushed but nodded "Thank you, Mario, the girls helped me pick them, I had to hide the fact that I'm Princess Peach after almost giving a few clerks a heart attack tehe~".

Mario grinned at the princess, he was happy that she seems to be having a lot of fun, Luigi raised an eyebrow "Well I would too get a heart attack if the ruler of the kingdom suddenly showed in my store".

The girls thought about it for a bit and then nodded since what Luigi had said made a lot of sense, then they all stood up and got ready to leave, Morgan decided to ask Mario a question "Mario how are we getting to Yoshi Island?".

Mario scratched his cheek and awkwardly smiled "Well... were going to take a pipe there but there's a small problem with that".

Morgan tilted her head while Hope hummed and then decided to ask "What's the problem?".

Mario nodded and began to explain "Well the pipe to Yoshi Island is in the sewers of Toad Town, it's dark and filled with all kinds of monsters so I don't know if you guys will be okay with that".

Morgan grinned "Oh~ like a Dungeon? Are there treasures down there?".

Mario smiled at Morgan and nodded while Hope crossed her arms "Well I don't mind, I'm rather curious about what sort of monsters live in a sewer, it is quite a strange environment for creatures to spawn in".

Luigi nodded "Well there are all kinds of monsters in there, there's of course Goombas and Koopas but there are also Hammer Bros, Spike Goombas, Para Goombas, and Para Koopas, even Bloopers can attack you down there".

Some of those the girls had already seen in the Monster Book but there were some that were unknown to them like the Hammer Bros and Bloopers so Morgan took out the Monster Book and handed it to Hope who opened it and began to look for the information on those monsters "Hmm let's see... Hammer Bros, elite members of the Koopa Troop who wear helmets and attack by throwing hammers at you".

Asia tilted her head "That sounds like it might hurt a lot...".

Mario and Luigi nodded, Luigi even held his hand onto his head already feeling phantom pains "It does, I really recommend dodging...".

The girls nodded though both Hope and Morgan knew that those hammers wouldn't be able to hurt them, their supernatural physiology is too tough to be hurt by such a basic attack.

Hope then continues on, to look for information on Bloopers "Okay Bloopers are white squid-like monsters that attack with slaps from their tentacles and ink blast... sounds annoying".

Mario nodded and then pointed at the picture in the book "The ones found in the sewers are usually bigger than it shows here and far more powerful, hopefully, we won't see it but if we do we're going to have to fight it".

Morgan shrugged "That's fine by me! As a matter of fact, you can count on us for battles~ were pretty strong you know?".

Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach laughed a little and nodded, Luigi then shook his head in amusement "We noticed! We did see Bowser cry and try to get away from you Morgan!".

Morgan grinned and held her fist up in victory then Princess Peach clapped her hands and cheerfully spoke "From what I saw yesterday! Morgan seems to be a combination between speed, power, and technique type while Hope is a technique type and Asia is a long-range and support type".

The girls nodded since that seems like a good way to describe the way they fight, Morgan was inspired by her uncle to be an all-rounder with a focus on power while Hope was more of the taking down enemies fast and most effectively as possible, Asia's light manipulation, Angel Spells and healing make her a good long range and support type though if needed she can fight up close and personal too.

Mario pointed at himself and then a Luigi "My Brother and I are power and technique types!".

Then Princess Peach pointed at herself "Umm I'm more of a healing, support type but in case I need to fight I have this!~".

The princess suddenly took out a frying pan out from who knows where and waved it around, Mario and Luigi instinctively stepped back, as stated before they knew how deadly the princess was with that frying pan, they had seen her massacre so many monsters with it before and that made them rightfully afraid of it.

Morgan however found it cool even when The princess had used it yesterday "Oh~ the good old frying pan! My mommy has used it on daddy a couple of times!".

Asia and Hope sweatdropped because everyone in the house had seen Pepper chase Tony around the house with a frying pan in her hand more than a few times.

Princess Peach grinned at Morgan and then put her weapon away "Okay, then let's go! I think we're all ready right?".

Everyone nodded and then they all took off towards the pipe leading to where the sewers are located, all of them were excited about their upcoming adventure and they couldn't wait to get there already.