
the adventure of a mignus

tells the story of a 13-year-old boy who decides to become a mignus so he can find his brother who has been missing for 10 years On his way to becoming a mignus and looking for his brother, he also met 3 other people together the four of them struggle to realize their respective dreams and support each other what happens next?

Eugene_Ariella · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


Long ago in the world, two elements became very important in everyday human life, namely the mignus element and the malum element

the mignus element and the malum element are two opposing elements because the mignus element leads to good things while the malum element leads to bad things

these two elements are always on different sides and can never be united even though people use these two elements to live side by side

One day the first person to use the elemental power of mignus decided to fight with the first person to use the elemental power of malum to choose their territory.

Of course, the first person to use the elemental power of malum also accepted the challenge happily intending to get rid of the first person to use the elemental power of mignus.

but the result of their fight made the expectations of the first person to use the power of the malum element crumble because the first person to use the power of the mignus element won the battle.

Disapproved of the first person to use the milum elemental power, he immediately left that place but before he left he also said that he would return and be reincarnated as one of the mignus elemental power users and then destroy the territory of the first person to use the mignus elemental power.

then after that, he will become the ruler of that world, and hearing that of course the first person to use the elemental power of mignus was speechless

After the departure of the first person to use the milum elemental power, the first person to use the mignus elemental power immediately used the power to make the boundaries of his territory and malum's territory since then the world was in a very peaceful atmosphere.

then from year to year until now the milum and mignus regions are still in a state of peace, there are no more wars involving hundreds of millions of people

and the story became a legendary historical story in the mignus region but they did not think at all about the words that were uttered by the first user of the malum elemental power which until now it is unknown whether it will happen or not



One night on the island of piscastor with a very bright moon The islanders who worked in the harbor were preparing to go home there was a woman who had just closed her bakery and at that time an old grandmother approached the woman

"Is Reynold still trying to catch that catfish monster?" asked the old granny

"Yes, as usual, he wants to take the migneusse academy entrance exam, so he wants to complete the requirements," replied the woman.

"Gosh, I told Roseanne not to make such requirements. Next time you know, your child is always ambitious," said the old grandmother with a sigh.

"I know Grandma" replied Roseanne with a smile

And meanwhile Elsewhere there is a 13-year-old boy named Reynold Louis baecker who is seen waiting for something in the tree.

Not long after, Reynolds felt that his fishing rod was bitten by a large object and he held it back

The pull was so strong that Reynold almost fell into the river. However, Reynolds immediately stretched out his fishing rod and jumped onto the tree. He looped a fishing line around a tree branch and pulled it down like a pulley.

With Reynold's weight and downward pressure, he managed to get a monster catfish.

"Finally got it I have to show this to mom so mom let me take the migneusse academy entrance exam" Jisung muttered

He immediately pushed the body of the monster fish into his house while whistling. Not long after he arrived at the house to meet Roseanne and collect her promise.

"Mom Look, I've caught the catfish monster. Can I take the Migneusse Academy entrance exam now?" Jisung said.

Roseanne reluctantly agreed then she hugged Reynold tightly with a smile

"Okay, then you go upstairs. Better rest early so it's not too late mom will prepare your needs" said Roseanne

Reynolds then went upstairs to sleep, meanwhile, Roseanne, who looked at Reynolds's departure, saw a photo frame of a handsome man with a sad look.

"My eldest son as long as you know the brother you love the most has grown up and he is very similar to you but I'm afraid that your brother will disappear without news just like you," said Roseanne

After she said that, Roseanne almost cried, but because she wanted to cry in front of her eldest child's photo frame, she wiped her tears that were about to come out.

then she went to the kitchen to prepare lunchbox for her youngest child because the trip to the migneuss academy would be very tiring


The next day...

Reynold who had taken a shower and had breakfast was putting the things he needed into his small suitcase and Roseanne who was looking at it smiled a little while holding a lunchbox.

"Reynold doesn't need to be in a hurry because who knows the ship hasn't arrived yet," said Roseanne

"Yes, it's true, but Reynolds also thought about the travel time from here to the harbor because it couldn't be close," replied Reynold.

Hearing that, Roseanne nodded in understanding then she also helped Reynold by putting a lunch box, socks, toothbrush, and comb into Reynold's small suitcase.

"Reynold" called Roseanne as if she was remembering something

"Yes mom" Reynolds replied

"You remember that mom once said that your brother left us both because he has a job that requires his to leave, actually it's a lie because actually, your brother has disappeared without news until now," said Roseanne

"I already knew that actually mom was just lying so that's why I wanted to enter the Migneusse academy to find out why my brother disappeared without news and why he didn't come home for 10 years" replied Reynold

Hearing that, Roseanne was touched because Reynold still remembers his brother, because his eldest son had disappeared right when his youngest child was 3 years old, even someone else's 3-year-old child would forget his brother if his brother disappeared without news.

They then hugged each other and separated, after that Reynold finally left for the migneusse academy entrance examination by taking a boat through the river even the residents of the area and some animals accompanied Jisung's departure

On the way, Reynolds saw an arm-wrestling competition and suddenly a stranger screamed hungrily.

Feeling concerned that Reynolds gave his lunch box to the stranger, the person accepted it and left. However, Reynold followed that person

"Where is the place for the Migneusse academy entrance exam?" asked Reynolds

But that person didn't want to answer then immediately went to see that Reynold sighed disappointed because he thought that person could help him

Reynold was about to leave but a stranger called him

"Hey Boy"

"Yes, why?" Reynolds asked

"Come on, I'll help you" replied the stranger

He then took Reynold's hand and was about to take Reynold with him. But there was a foreign hand holding the stranger's shoulder.

"I know you just tricked him and want to sell this young man not," said the person

"W-Where There Is I'm Not a Bad Person" Avoid the Stranger

That person then smirked and looked at Jisung

"Hey young man, do you think this person's appearance deserves to be called a good person?" he asked

"No, actually," replied Reynolds

"Have you heard the words of the young man, where are there good people who look like this?" said the person

Frustrated The stranger attacked the man suddenly with a knife hidden under his robes. But the man stopped his attack and chased the stranger away

The stranger left and the man got praise from the sellers around him

"Thanks, Uncle for helping me otherwise I will be sold," said Reynolds

"It's okay, I'm the one who is grateful for your provisions that you gave me" replied the man

then the man immediately left again. But wherever that person goes, Jisung still follows him. And not long after that, the well-dressed man and Jisung who followed him through the restaurant suddenly got robbed of a fish-selling place.

The fish seller then chased the robber. It then caught the attention of the people there including Reynolds, the man in the well-dressed and the Sweet Dressed girl.

Because the fish seller was chasing the robber, he left his shop. The well-dressed man who was starving earlier took the opportunity to steal some of the fish and he managed and left. Reynolds looked confused and just looked at him.

On the beach, the well-dressed man was enjoying his loot. Reynolds was still following him and saw that. The man was surprised to see Reynolds still following him. Then he said

"You can't take the migneusse academy entrance exam because there are many adults and you are still a child"

But while saying that, the thief appeared and took the man's briefcase. The man then chased after him, but the thief's run was hard to catch.

Reynolds who knew this immediately threw his fishing line into the suitcase the thief had brought and managed to retrieve it. Finally, the man said

"To go to soylace, you have to take the Konwi ship which leaves at 6 pm tonight"

Hearing that, Reynold nodded in understanding and after that, they parted.

starting with :

1. reynold louis baecker

nick name : reynold

date of birth : october 9,2008

age : 13 years old

blood type : AB

elemental power : Mignus

2. William Jess Cregoneus

nick name : william

date of birth : march 10, 2008

age : 13 years old

blood type : O

elemental power : half mignus and half malum

3. Savannah mia lioe

nick name : savan

date of birth : august 29, 2002

age : 16 years old

blood type : A

elemental power : mignus

4. Niesha myra clarke

nick name : Sha

date of birth : May 25, 1999

age : 19 years old

blood type : A

elemental power : Mignus

5. Hiromi sachie

nick name : Sachie and Hiromi-san

date of birth : February 29, 1994

age : 24 years old

blood type : AB

elemental power : mignus

6. Mamoru Eiji

nick name : Eiji-kun and Mamoru-san

date of birth : September 20, 1994

age : 24 years old

blood type : O

elemental power : mignus

note :

- each character's age is set after the other characters' ages are set

- place names, island names, city names, character names, and everything in this story is just fiction

- if there is a word error please let me know

- people from 13-29 years old can enter the academy

- migneusse academy entrance exam is more unique than other school entrance exam

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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