

The moment electricity around Trank took a visible form, Rydel launched the first attack. His arrow flew true to his aim, piercing Trank's forehead. Yet, as the arrow pierced the lanky man it never took hold of anything and phased through him without a trace.

Such a display forced the party to reevaluate the man standing before them.

"Since you're so eager to play, then allow me to oblige." Trank licked his lips. Next, he vanished.

Right in front of them, the tall, hard-to-miss man had disappeared without leaving any footprints or a single sound. The party's opinion of Trank soared all the higher as they readied themselves for his attack.

"I expected more."

With a sigh, Trank reappeared behind Rydel. Lightning coated his finger as the man's long arms extended with the speed of a gunshot for the hunter's forehead.