

Shadow POV

We have to radio the bunker and I watched from another room as Bellamy was on the radio with Octiava. He comes out and he looks to be upset. "Hey, did you get in contact with her?" I asked him. "Bellamy?" I knit my brows together when he wouldn't look at me. "The radio's dead..." He sighed. "You won't get to say goodbye to your mom or dad...I'm sorry" He whispered. I felt like my heart was suddenly ripped from my chest and tears soaked my water line as my bottom lip shook uncontrollably. Bellamy quickly pulled me into his arms and my balance shifted, almost falling over I began to sob. "Shadow! Bellamy! Get down here" I hear Murphy call out to us. I pulled from Bellamy and he placed a kiss on my lips before I wiped my tears away and then walked down the stairs with Bellamy. We watched the screen as it began to glitch out, Warning signs that the death wave has begun were here and I couldn't help but worry even more for my father who was in the bunker with over 100 people who weren't our own. "It's 210 miles from Polis to the island. According to what was our last drone the wave is speeding up. If we're not off the ground 20 minutes before it hits the rocket won't fly" Raven shakes her head. "That gives us 90 minutes to run a pre-flight check and get the tank from the lighthouse. Turn a cot pit that carries two and turn it into one that carries nine" Raven kept going on. "And load the cargo with food and water enough to keep us alive until the algae bloom" Raven explained. "Thought you said it was gonna be hard?" Murphy joked. "That's not the hard part" She shook her head. "Becca made a rocket to dock with Polis, not the Ark" She informed us. "That means I have to pilot into the hanger bay on the ring" She added. "What's so hard about that?" I questioned knitting my brows together. "That's not the hard part, either" Raven informed us. "What is the hard part?" Clarke asked her now as I reached out and held Bellamy's hand, gripping it tightly as I got more scared. "Assuming we blast off in time, Co2 scrubbers on a two-person rocket won't supply nine of us," Raven says. "So we use supplemental oxygen?" Clarke suggested. "Our tanks only hold an hour of air" Monty reminded Clarke. "Correct, we'll have one hour to get into orbit and land in the hanger bay and fire up the life support systems using an oxygen generator built to supply a bachelor pad" Raven stated. "You stuck at talking people into things. You know that right?" Murphy groaned. "Anyone here still needs to be talked into this?" Bellamy questioned. We all shook our heads. "Good, Now we know the many ways we might die today" He pointed out. "Why don't you tell us what we have to do to live?" He suggested to Raven. She nodded, turning her back and beginning to type on the computer keyboard.

"So, let's go over this again" Clarke stated as I glanced at Emori, Echo, and Raven who were working on the rocket. "I figure two months until the Algea from produces enough food to feed us" Clarke tells us. "If we ration the food we're bringing we should get there" I pointed out. I noticed Bellamy not quite paying attention so I walked over to him. "Grounders in space, it's an oxymoron" He smirked. "Survival's a team sport, especially up there" I pointed out, giving him a slight soft smile. "It's our only choice" I added. "Only choice, also an oxymoron, by the way," I whispered to him. "So is cold sweat" He reached out and wiped the sweat from my forehead, tucking a strand of my hair behind my hair. "Still holding out hope for that nightblood solution," He tells me. "There was never any solution..." I shook my head. "Our fight is not over" Bellamy shakes his head. "My mom had a vision of either Clarke or me dying. Just like the one Raven that told her there was a rocket here" I tell him. "It is not the same thing" Bellamy shook his head. "Yeah? They were both EMP'd" I reminded him. "And Abby will be fine, too" He tries to reassure me. "Raven told her how to stop it" He added. "That's not what I'm talking about" I whispered to him. "If...If anything happens to me--" Bellamy cut me off, grabbing onto my shoulders. "Nothing is going to happen to you" He hissed out. "Come on, Let's run these water numbers again" he stated, walking back over to Clarke who had been watching us from a distance.

Clarke POV

"I need to talk to you about something," I tell Bellamy as my sister walks away from us. "Bellamy, I need you to hear this" I say, walking back over to him. He sharply inhales before turning to look at me. "We've been through...a lot together, you and I. I didn't like you at first. That's no secret" I tell him, causing him to clear his throat. "But even then, every stupid thing you did. It was to protect your sister. She didn't always see that, But I did" I say to him. "You have such a big heart, Bellamy" I whispered to him. "Shadow..." I cut him off. "People follow you. You inspire them because of this" I reached out and placed my hand on his heart. "But the only way to make sure we survive is if you this, too" I say pointing to his head. "That's what you're here for" H slightly joked. "I need you to do something for me...Bellamy" I sniffled. "Anything," He tells me. "Raven's premonition came true..." I tell him. "I need you to promise no matter what...You keep Shadow safe" I tell him. "Of course..." He nodded. Suddenly sparks flew and Raven let out a scream. "No!" She shouted causing Bellamy and I to rush over to the rocket. "Raven, what happened?" Bellamy asked her. "There isn't enough time. We're pushing too hard" Raven groaned. "What's happening?" Shadow walked over, stepping into the rocket.

Shadow's POV

"Computer, systems check" Raven called out. "Launch system, optimal. Navagation system, optimal. Life support system, assessing damage" The computer spoke. "It's okay. We're using supplements, anyway" I tell everyone. "All life-support systems are offline" The computer spoke again. "Landing systems, optimal. Communication system, assessing the damage" The computer went on. "All communication systems are offline," It tells us. "Recommend repair options" Raven sighed. "Who cares, we don't have no one to talk to anyway" Harper stated. "Damage is beyond repair. Total system replacement is required" The computer informed us. "Talk to us Raven" Bellamy tells her. "We're not going anywhere" She informed us. Suddenly she shot up from her seat "Computer terminate launch sequence!" Raven ordered. "Launch sequence terminated" The computer spoke as we follow Raven out of the rocket. "Raven, explain" I ordered her. She sighed "It's simple. There's no power on the ring. Two minutes ago, I thought it wasn't a problem because I could activate it remotely" She explained. "Over the rockets comm system" Clarke nodded. "So we turn the power on from the inside" Bellamy suggested. "We can't get inside. that's the point" Raven reminded him. "Without power, we cant even up the hanger door" She added. "Raven, think" I ordered her. "You've solved bigger problems than this before" I reminded her. "Yeah, not in 53 minutes" She tells me. "Raven..." she cut me off. "It's over, Shadow!" She yelled at me. "You know, maybe if I still had Alie's code eating away my brain I could figure it out" She began to sob. She sits down on the step to the rocket "I'm not smart enough myself" Raven tells us. I looked back at Bellamy, shaking my head. He sighed as he walked up to Raven "Hey..." Bellamy says, sitting down next to her. "Raven, you can do this" He treasures her. She shook her head "Yes you can. How many times have you saved our asses?" Bellamy asked her. "Before you ever even hard of Alie" he added. "Too many to count" She responded. "You're damn right. We don't need Alie on the Ark. We need you" Bellamy tells her. She knit her brows together, tears rolling down her cheeks. "What?" Bellamy asked. "Alie was on the Ark" Raven whispered. She then shot up from the step "Alie was on the Ark. I was right there, so close to the kill switch. But she got away by transmitting herself to the ring" Raven explained. "Using the pod in the temple" I stated. "Yes! If she can do it, so can we" Raven informed us. "Raven, we'll never make it back to Polis on time, and the radios are dead" Clarked pointed out. "We have something better than radios. The satellite tower" Raven smirked. "You three back in the cockpit and finish those restraints. You three helments on. You're with me" Raven ordered. "Computer resume launch sequence" Raven ordered. "Okay everybody! Let's go!" Raven called out.

We followed Raven outside into the snow. The green fog covered the air surrounding us. "The towers less than a mile away" Raven stated, pointing to the tower in the distances. "One more time, all you have to do is plug this into the junction box at the base of the tower" Raven began explaining. "Sat-Star one is the name of the dish" Raven informed us. "Everything is set. Once the table is connected the dish will align itself with the Ark then the graphic will flash green and that's how you know it's locked on" She went on. "When it says send, you hit send and the power-up signal will turn on the lights, and that's it" She tells us. "Are there any questions?" Rave asked us. "No..." I shook my head. "Why are you smiling?" Clarke asked Raven. "Because, without comms even with the power on, we still can't open the hanger bay door from inside the rocket" Raven explained. "Wait, how is that a good thing" Bellamy asked. I slightly giggled "She gets to take her spacewalk" I informed them. "Murphy?" Bellamy knit whispered, causing me to look over to see Murphy carrying the machine we need. We rushed over to him "Hey! Murphy! Hey come on!" Bellamy tried to grab him up. "Murphy, where's Monty?" I asked him. "He's in trouble. He had to expose his hands. He passed out" Murphy explained. "Look, if we go back now, we can get to him" Muprhy explained. I stared him, surprised "You can be impressed with me later, we've got to go!" Murphy raised his voice at me. "Aligning the dish is a one-person job. Clarke can handle it" Raven informed us. "Harper will help me with the generator, go!" Raven ordered us. "Bellamy!" Clarke yelled. "Clarke, if this is one of those moments you tell me to use my head--" She cut him off. "No, I was just gonna say hurry" She tells Bellamy. "You too" Bellamy tells my sister. "Lead the way, lets go" Bellamy tells Murphy and I follow the two boys, leaving my sister behind to take care of the comms.

We run through the woods, following Murphy when suddenly we reached Monty. "Hey there he is!" I called out as we rushed over to him. I grabbed onto Monty and Bellamy helped keep him up. "Of course, he gets the hug" Muprhy joked. "You choose the Machine?" Monty asked him. "Yeah" Murphy rolled his eyes. "I did. It's back art the lab where we need--" Suddenly Monty wrapped his arms around Murphy. "I may not hate you anymore" Monty confessed to Muprhy. "Give it time" I slightly joked, smirking at Murphy narrowed his eyes at me. "Come on, hurry up lets go" Bellamy says as he takes one side of Monty and Murphy takes the other and we begin to almost run back. When we got back to the lab we rushed inside. "Raven! A little help!" I called out. "Monty! Thank god!" Harper rushed over to him, pulling him into a hug. Emori rushed over to Muprhy and hugged him tightly. "How are your hands?" Harper asked him. "No! Leave them on. There's no time. We'll deal with it on the Ark" Raven ordered. "It's T minus five minutes and counting" Ravenf togan floating out informed us. "Clarke isn't back yet?" I asked Raven. "By now she should be on her way," Raven tells me. "Everybody! refill your O2 tanks and load up" Raven ordered. "Remember you'll only have an hour each so don't turn them on until I tell you," She says. "Where the hell is Echo?" I asked Raven. She shrugged her shoulders" I shoulders "Great, I'll find her" I sighed before walking away. "Everybody gets strapped in!" I heard Bellamy call out. "Echo!" I called out. I walked up the stairs to see Echo having a knife to her stomach and I didn't think twice about running into the room. "Wouldn't it be easier to just walk outside?" I suggested to her. "Get out Shadow!" She yelled at me. "Go back to the sky where you belong" Echo tells me. "I belong no where" She added. "You do that and you die a coward" I pointed out. "I betrayed you!" She hissed out. "Why are you trying to save me?" she asked. I leaned down "Because, not long ago...You served an amazing King. Because no matter if he banished you or not...he cared about you Echo and that matters to me" I tell her. "Because I'm afraid too. We are about to head into space and we will be tested every minutes of every day for the next five years" I pointed out to her. "But I'm not gonna lie to you. I still don't trust you, maybe I never will but you're strong. We have a better chance at surviving if you're up there with us" I explained to her. "Plus we may need to throw someone overboard to lighten the load"I slightly joked, causing us both to giggle. Suddenly Raven comes into the room "Whatever this is, finish it" Raven ordered. "Two minutes to launch" She added. I stand to my feet and reached my hand out to Echo. "Let's go" I suggested to her. She takes my arms and I pulled her up from the floor and Ravenhands her a suit. "Put this back on now" Raven ordered her. Echo quickly left the room "Clarke?" I asked Raven. "We'll wait as long as we can" Raven sighed before walking out of the room and I followed her, having a bad feeling about this. "Come on Clarke..." I whispered, waiting for Clarke to run into the lab as everyone waited in the rocket for me. "Shadow..." Raven called our. "I know, Raven" I feel a pain in my chest as tears formed my waterline. "The radiation has already effected the avionics...it's now or never" Raven tells me. "She's my sister..." I whispered. "Shadow, get into the cockpit now..." Bellamy ordered me. I walked over to the rocket and climbed inside and heavy weight felt like it was crushing my chest. I stared at the doors as it was closing, hoping Clarke would come in the last moment. Just then Bellamy shut the rocket door and I wanted to get out. "She isn't coming?" Harper asked. "Can we give her another minute?" Emori asked. "We're out of time," Bellamy says as he buckles me into my seat. "This is what Clarke would want us to do" Bellamy whispered to me. "If we wait, we die" Raven added. "How are we gonna know if she got the power on then?" Murphy asked. "We'll know when we get there," Raven tells us. "Opening launch door" Raven stated. "You sure about this?" Raven asked Bellamy. "It's the only choice," I tell Raven. "Inititatinghr countdown' Raven says. "Launch in....ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one" The entire rocket shakes for what feels like too long. "Initiating seprating, in three two one!" Raven called out. We jerked forward "Separation complete," The computer said Raven giggled "Welcome to zero-G boys and girls" As we began floating. Muprhy to take his seat belt off. "No, remember oxygen is limited. no floating. Your heart rate will rise and you'll use too much air" Raven explained to him. "Doesn't matter if the lights aren't on" She added. "Computer engage navigation system, preset coordinates" Raven ordered the computer. "Get me to the damn door and I'll do the rest" Raven then whispered. "We should be getting our first look at the ring right about now" Raven stated. My heart sank in my chest "The ring is dark..." I whispered. "She didn't get it done" Murphy stated. "She will" Bellamy tells us all. "Ready for a spacewalk, Raven?" Bellamy asked her. "You know I am" Raven smirked. "But if Clarke doesn't get the power on...suiting up" Raven finished. She unbuckled herself and began floating in the air. Emori and Echo watched in amazement as Raven began floating out of the rocket door. We watched her as she floated all thee way to the ring. Raven tried to open the door a few times before turning to us and shaking her head. I watched as my oxygen was getting low. "We left her behind..." I whispered. Anger flared in my chest "We left her and we die anyway!" I hissed out. Suddenly just then the lights on the ring began to light up. "Bellamy...look" I whispered and just then Raven got the doors opened.

We got onto the Ark and began walking around "Home sweet home huh?" Monty asked us."There's an access panel down at the end of the hallway" She takes a sharp breath in, her oxygen gone. "She's out of oxygen, what do we do?" Bellamy asked me. "We share" I tell him. "Put her down by the vent, the air will arrive to her first" I tell Bellamy as we set her down on the floor. "Monty do you know where this goes?" I asked him. "I'll have to talk you through it" He tells me. We rushed over to the wall and unscrew the panel and remove and take out the old machine as they all began to share oxygen I looked down at mine as my chest and lungs felt tight. I began choking and I saw everyone passing. My body hit the floor and everything went black.

"Haha! I heard laughter that filled my heart with joy and I looked around to see Izzy sitting next to me. "Izzy?" I whispered. "Hey sis, did you die again?" Izzy slightly joked. "Oh my god!" I wrapped my arms around her tightly. "it's really you" I began to sob. "Alright say what you need to before they pull you back" Izzy stated. "I'm sorry....I'm sorry you died because of me" I let out a sob. She rolled her eyes "Always blaming yourself, Things happen for a reason and some of them you might not even get to know. I love you Shadow and I'm at peace with what happened, so should you" She smiled. "Shadow....come back" I heard Bellamy whisper. "Get back to your man...I order you" She tells me. "I'm the bigger sister, remember?" I reminded her.

I walked over to where Bellamy is looking out the window at earth on fire. My heart sank "She saved us again" I sighed, thinking about Clarke. "You think we can do this without her?" I asked Bellamy. "If we don't...she died in vain and I'm not gonna let that happen" Bellamy tells me. I gluped down the lump that formed in my throat. "Are you with me?" Bellamy asked me. I turned to him, stepping close as he wrapped me into his arms. "Always..." I whispered to him before placing my lips onto his.