
Heavy lies the Crown

Shadow POV

Thunder outside clashes on the ground as the rain pours down. "We've been at this for two days" Bellamy groaned. "There must be something we're not thinking of" I shake my head. "What if we found reach the nearest reactor?" Bellamy suggested. "I told you. The meltdown started months ago" Raven explained once again. "There's no magic button to turn them off" She added. "Today this isn't black rain. But it will be soon" Raven explained. "That's why we have to focus on riding out the radiation, finding some place safe and big enough to hold all 500 of us" Raven tells us. "This isn't just about saving us. Clarke and I made a promise to Roan. It's about saving everyone" I tell Raven. "And that's why we need to tell everyone. Crowd source it" Raven pointed out. "If there is another Mount weather out there, the grounders will know about it" She went on. "And you think they're just gonna tell us?" Bellamy questioned. "If we tell everybody they're gonna die, the coalition is over and Roan falls. Then the grounders will be at our gate" I explained. "Then just tell our people. We need more minds on this problem. On the Ark people volunteered for the culling because they were told the truth and given a choice. A choice your dad died for" Raven looked at Clarke. "You think I haven't forgotten about that?" Clarke hissed out. "Ok... we'll tell everybody the truth as soon as we have a solution" I tell everyone. "Without one. It'll just start a panic" I say to Raven. "We don't know that" Raven shakes her head. "That's it!" Monty suddenly blurted out. "What are you going on about Monty?" I asked him. "Think" he tells us. "Alpha station survived for 97 years in space. Through elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations" Monty goes on. "Sound familiar?" He asked. "All we have to do is patch up the ship. We're standing in our viable solution" Monty tells us.

"Raven says we can get sealed up in a month" Bellamy tells me as he grabbed my hand. "The Ark is our Ark" he added. "I get it. Okay. So freeze dried meat until we can grow our own food. We got oxygen scrubbers but how do we store enough water for 500 people?" Miller asked. "We don't. That's why we're headed to farm station" I informed them. "Why the hell would we do that?" Miller scoffed. "It's in the damn ice Nation" Miller asked with a stone cold expression. "They just said it. We need a hydro-generator, and farm station has one for the crops" Miller boyfriend answered. "Do you think you can get us there?" Bellamy asked him. "No way. Fine another machine" Miller shakes his head. "Look, there are no other machines and without it. We won't last a year inside this ship let alone five" Bellamy pointed out. "Fine. I'm in but Bryan stays here. His leg is still healing" Miller ordered. "I'm in too" Bryan tells us. "Good. We roll in an hour" Bellamy tells them before grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him out of the room. Bellamy pulled me to the side in the hall. "What?" I asked him, knitting my brows together. "I need you to stay here" he says. "What? No way. I'm going" I shake my head, trying to walk around him when he grabbed my shoulders and stood me in place. "I'm not asking you Sha, You stay here and help out Clarke" he stated. "When am I suddenly put in the side lines, bell?" I asked him. "It's not the side lines" he rolled his eyes. "I was trained to be a guard, hell I was trained by the best and you'll never find anyone that's a better shot that me and--" he cut me off. "And I need you to stay here" he repeated. "Is this about Roan?" I questioned. "What?" Bellamy scoffed. I cross my arms against my chest "You're punishing me because I slept with the King of Azgeda when we were broken up, that's it isn't it?" I accused him. "No" Bellamy shakes his head. "Then what is it?!" I raised my voice. "Because!" Bellamy shouted at me. "Because why?!" I shouted back. "BECAUSE I ALMOST LOST YOU!" He screamed in my face and my heart sinks in my chest. "You told me you love me and once again I didn't say it back and when Echo took you away I thought I lost you...I can't keep taking the risk that when you follow me out there that you might be killed next" he shakes his head. I scoffed "I'm not some defenseless girl, needing of saving. Bellamy" I pointed out to him. "I know. But I can't take the risk of you getting hurt" he tells me. "So please, I'm begging you. Stay here with Clarke" I begged me. "Fine..." I sighed.

"Hey, uh. Blue print for the hydro-generator and don't forget it's filled with Hydrazine that combines with oxygen to make water so go slow" Raven explained to Monty. "Or the Hydrazine could go boom" Monty chuckled. Clarke and I walked up to Bellamy as he stands over by the Rover. "Battery's full. If we're lucky we won't have to stop to recharge" He smirked. "Even luckier if Roan seal will work they way it's suppose to. If you get in trouble just show this to them" Clarke says as she extended the seal artifact to Bellamy. "Got it, thanks" Bellamy takes it from her. Clarke then looked between Bellamy and I before nodding and walking over to Raven. I cleared my throat "So, obviously I'm not too happy about you leaving me here" I confessed. He placed his hand softly onto my cheek. "I know, but I rather you are safe here than in danger with me. It keeps my mind from being distracted" he whispered. "Well, consider me happy I distract you in some way" I teased him, causing him to roll his eyes. I leaned forward and stand on my toes as I pressed my lips against his. My whole body is lit with fire and passion before he pulls from my lips. "May we meet again" he whispered. "We better, or you're in serious trouble Bellamy Blake" I teased him, causing him to chuckle. "Load up! Let's get going" he then called out before placing a kiss on my cheek and climbing into the Rover, Monty playfully smacking him on the arm as they pulled away and I stared at Bellamy until the Rover disappeared in the distance. "He'll be okay" Clarke whispered to me, putting her arm over my shoulder.

"We've got a lot of work to do to get this ship ready for winter" Raven goes on. "Sector four. The crack in the outer wall we need to patch it up. Start by repairing the damaged panels. Sector Five you need to get that tree out of the hole and seal it up" Raven explained. "Any questions?" She then asked them. "Ok. Go" Raven ordered. Raven then let out a sigh "You okay?" I asked her. "There's so much to do and I get a total of five volunteers to help me fix the ship?" She asked. "That's a start" I say, trying to give her hope. "I can't run this repair alone. Shadow" Raven hissed out. "Even if I had complete mobility, even if Sinclair was still a live. Who the hell am I giving orders to them when I'm not Chief" Raven pointed out. "Clarke and I are not the Chancellors, but here we are" I reminded her. "For what it's worth. There's nobody we trust more than you to do this. As soon as Bellamy gets back with that machine we go public with everything and get you some help that you need" I explained to her. "Am I interrupting?" Jaha asked as he approached Raven and I. "What do you want?" I asked him. "I was an engineer about I was Chancellor. I supervise the redesign of sector Five" he explained. "And how many people died from sector Five in the culling when you sucked the air out of their lungs?" I reminded him, anger and rage from the past finding it's way to resurface. "42" he answered me. "Would you like me to know their name?" He then asked. I scoffed, shaking my head as I begin to walk away from him. "I could use the help" Raven tells him. "You do know he made you cut your wrist and forced my mother to take the chip, right?" I asked her, reminding her that he's the reason why we lost so many people. "He was chipped too" Raven reminded me. "He searched for the City of Light. He brought Alie here. He showed her how to overcome free will!" I raised my voice as anger boiled through my blood. "Yes, those are my sins and I have to live with them" Jaha tells me. "Shadow..." Raven begged me with pleading eyes. I scoffed, shaking my head again and knowing she was right. "You wanna help?" Raven turned to him. Jaha nodded "Good. Got sort the scrap" she says before I walked away.

I walked out of the ark with Clarke to see Bellamy helping a bunch of people out of the Rover. "Riley?" Clarke gasped as she sees the blonde man looking around. "Clarke..." He sighed before hugging her. "I can't believe you're a live" she says to him. "I am now" he tells her. I looked over to Bellamy again to see a little little clinging to his side. "Get Riley and the others to medbay and tell them we'll take them to their villages in the morning" He ordered. The little girl then grabbed Riley hand as they walked off together in the ark. I look inside the truck "Where is it?" I asked him as Raven approached. "We didn't get the machine" he informed us. "It didn't survive landing?" Clarke asked him. "No it did but I had a choice. Bring the machine here or use it to save them" he explained. "Oh my...we are so screwed" I sigh, shaking my head. "We have time. But I am not sacrificing anymore innocent lives" He tells us. "You just did..." I say harshly, mad at his choice. "I made the call, and I'll live with that" He tells me. "Yeah you're not the only one who has to live with yours calls" I shake my head. "As usual" Raven chimed in. "Well, go tell them. Go tell Riley I should've left them to die" he got closer to my face and stare into my eyes like stone. "Ok. How many of us will the ship sustain without a hydro-generator?" Clarke asked Raven, getting in the middle of Bellamy and me. "No more than a hundred" Raven answered. "What are we supposed to tell the people now?" I asked Clarke. "The truth" Raven says. "Crowdsource it. Like we talked about" Raven brought up again. "Call for a general meeting" Clarke tells Raven. "What are we gonna do?" I asked Clarke. "Hope there's a forgiving god" Clarke tells me.

Clarke and I had explained everything to our people. "So now you know the truth. I know you're afraid. I know you're angry. But when we shut down Alie. We knew there was a way for us to get through this together!" I called out loudly. "Alpha station is that way" I say. "Every single on of us will survive on this ship. It won't be easy. Raven needs volunteers if we're gonna get it ready in time" Clarke then lied. "It'll be a lot of work, but now you understand why we need to do it. If we stick together. I give you my word we won't just survive. We'll thrive" Clarke lied but sounding more convincing now. Everyone begins to talk as we walked over to Raven and Bellamy. "Nice speech" I hissed out to Clarke. "Sometimes hope is more important than truth" Clarke whispered to me. "Your Dad would be so proud" Raven shoved in Clarke's face. "You wanted workers you got them" Clarke says in an angry tone. Raven walked away and I let out a sigh as I looked at Bellamy. "We saved who we can save today" He repeated to me. Suddenly then I understand what he was saying.