
Die All, Die Merrier

Shadow POV

"It's time..." I walked into the room, ending the conversation between Bellamy and his sister. She wants to fight for our people. She nodded and begins to leave the room. "Hey..." I spoke up. "You got this," I tell her. She doesn't respond, walking around me and leaving. "You think she has a chance?" Bellamy asked me. "Right now. She needs to believe it" I tell him. "Octavia Kom Skaikru steps forward Gaia called out. " accept this sigil of your clan and with honor as their champion, " Gaia tells her before putting a necklace around her neck. "They will battle to the death, in these walls. These warriors will fight until only one remain. When that warrior collects all the sigils from the fallen and delivers the time, they will be declared the victor" Gaia explained. "This final champion alone will tell us which clan is meant to survive in the crypt of Bekka Pranheda, and which clans are meant to perish in Praimfaya" she added. "We don't those who fall by the sword but follow the one who wields it best," she says. "That would be me!" I knew that voice. I knit my brows together to see Luna coming out of the crowd. "I'm Luna Kom Flokru and im the last of my clan" she walked up to Gaia. "We know who you are the natblida who ran from her conclave" Gaia shoved in Luna's face. "I'm not rubbing from this one" Luna smirked. Gaia picked up the necklace "Accept this sigil Luna Kom Flokru but with your clan gone who will you fight for?" She asked Luna. "I fight for no one. I fight for death. When I win...no one will be saved" she tells us all.

"Skaikru, three advisors to the words. The rest of you, report to your designated safe zones. Now" Gaia ordered us. "Come on, we have to get her ready" My father stated. "This conversation isn't over" Jaha hissed out. "The death wave will be here within three days and here we are. Risking the fate of our people on a blood sport?" Jaha asked in disbelief. "The fare of all people. You heard Luna" I reminded Jaha. "She's just one of 13" My father shakes his head. "You're wrong. She's a night blood novitiate which means she trained in combat exactly like this" I explained to my father. "You want us to cheat?" Bellamy whispered. "You know the rules. If we break them, we lose, and if we lose we die " My father says. "The rules are not the problem, Marcus. The game is. Even if we stop Luna, Even if Octavia finds a way to win does anyone believe that the grounders will accept Skaikru as the lone survivors?" Jaha pointed out. "Yes," My father answered. "The conclave is sacred. They'll honor the winner" My father tells us. "Like it or not. We're all grounders now" My father added. "You get our people to the safe zone. We'll have Octavia ready for the fight. The rest is. The rest is up to her" My father then walked away. Bellamy walked closer to me. "You should go with your father. I wouldn't know what to say to her" he tells me. "I have to help mom get the bunker ready for whoever wins," Clarke says. "Besides, you're her brother. You not being there is the worse than saying the wrong thing" I added. "I'll need you in there," I tell Bellamy as I spotted Roan. I walked up to him "Can I have a word?" I asked Roan. "Alone?" I asked, looking at Echo. "What is it?" Roan asked me. "We can't let Luna win," I tell him. "The time for alliances is past" he spoke. "I'm fighting for my people today," he tells me. "Can you beat her?" I asked him. "Of course, he can. She bleeds likr everyone else" Echo smirked. "I know it's hard for you to accept that it's over...but it's over," Roan tells me. "You've made it clear you have no respect for our transitions, but this tradition isn't about respect. It's about blood, and if fate sees fit that my blood spills here today and that all hope is lost for my people, then I don't give a damn who ends up inside that bunker or if anyone does" hissed out. Tears fell from my eyes at his coldness "See, that's the difference between you and me Roan. I want humanity to survive, even if it's not my people" I choked out. "Get off this battlefield before you dishonor your people once again," he says coldly before walking away. Echo smirked "Here I thought he had a soft spot for you...looks like that's gone for good now," Echo says before walking away.

I caught up with Bellamy and my father and we get over to Octavia. "Listen to me..." I whispered to her. "The bite cliff warrior she gas two Corvo blades I just saw her practicing. She's left-handed. You go for her weak hand" I informed her. "Okay," she nodded. "Plains rider. And the warrior from Shallow Valley, they're strong but slow you can avoid them not to mention the black rain which could gall at any moment. So stay close to cover" I say. "What Bellamy?" Octavia finally asked her brother. "You've got something to say. Just say it" she tells him. "You don't need any of this. When the starting horn blows. Just stay out of sight and let the others thin out the competition" he tells her. "You want me to hide?" She asked him. "You don't need to go up against the strongest warrior from every clan" he pointed out. "I came here to fight," she tells him. "You were the girl under the floor. Used that, just like mom taught us" Bellamy says. "Bellamy is right. You don't have to kill all 12 warriors" I say. "I just have to kill the last one" Octavia tells us. "Ambassador and advisors. To the tower" a man announced. "Champions to your flags" he added. I feel my heart sink in my chest as I grabbed Octavia and pulled her into a hug. "You got this..." I whispered to her. "If...if I don't, take care of Bellamy" she whispered to me. "Always..." I laughed before my father walked me out of the building.

"The first two champions have fallen" Gaia called out and I feel my heart sink. "Gael Kom Ingrantonkru your fight is over" she announced as the man blew out the candle for their people. "Fio Kom Trikru your fight is over" Gaia announced as the man walked over to Trikru and blew out the candle. I felt the sadness enter my body and I knew this wasn't right. "Octavia is still out there," My father says. "Couldn't tell her I loved her, even with the world ending" Bellamy says. "Trust me, Bellamy, she knows" I grab his hand and squeeze it. We walked over to the window and I see a head pop out, shooting a grounder with an arrow. "That's not...that isn't right" I shake my head. I then entered the room to see Echo is gone. "What's wrong?" Bellamy asked me. "Echo isn't here. The warrior with the duel blades never had a bow, Bellamy Echo is cheating" I explained. "Come on, before my father realizes we left" I grabbed his hand and run off with Bellamy we get to the city and hide and duck around corners. "There..." I whispered, pointing to where Echo is. "Let's go" we run through the city and Bellamy pulled me back, covering me close to his chest as Luna and another ground comes out but Luna quickly kills him and then leaves. "Find Octavia and warn her, I got this," I tell Bellamy before he took off. We get to the stairs and I opened the door but quickly did a ninja roll to avoid the arrow before hitting Echo and knocking her to the floor. She has on a mask and I climbed on top of her, ripping it off as I wrapped my hands around her throat. Suddenly Roan comes in, shoving me off her. "I should've known you two couldn't stay away. I heard you down the street" Roan tells me. He points his sword at me "You're lucky I wasn't a scout" he warned me. "I came up here to stop her" I hissed out. "Explain yourself," Roan tells Echo. "I was only trying to help save our people," Echo tells him. "I am not my mother. I'm not willing to cast aside honor for power" he spoke. "No one has to know..." She says. "You misunderstand. I will not allow your dishonor to give Luna an advantage and you will not shame our clan" Roan tells Echo. "You are Azgeda no more," Roan tells her. "Sire, wait," Echo tells him. "You're banished Echo and when I win the conclave make no mistake there will be no place for you inside that bunker. Now get out of my sight and off this battlefield without being seen!" He ordered her as he raised his voice. "Or know that you are the cause of the death of our people" he added. "How is that fair?" Echo asked Roan. "You...forgive her. Reaper of death, Shadow of Skaikru over and over again for betraying you. Trying to kill you. But then you sacrifice your life to save her?" Echo asked him. "Go!" Roan yelled at her. She left in a hurry and I stood there with Roan in silence. "So, is this the part where you finally kill me?" I asked him, joking a little. "As much fun as that sounds...no" he lowered his sword. "What Echo said, is it true?" I asked him, knitting his brows together. "That I have a soft spot for Shadow Kom Skaikru?" He asked, softly chuckling. "No, I have a soft spot for Shadow the warrior, Shadow Gona gon wamplei" he confessed. "But...Sadly she is in love with another," he tells me. "Now, get out of here before a scout sees you" he ordered me. I nodded and walked toward the door "Shadow..." He called out to me and I turned to look at him. "In another life, beyond the clans and wars. Could it have been me?" Roan asked me. "Could I have been the man you fell in love with?" He asked. "I...I Don't...I don't know" I shake my head. "I think you do, you just don't want to admit it to yourself" he smirked. I rolled my eyes before walking out of the room before getting to the city and getting back to the tower. "Roan from Azgeda..." Gaia called out. I shake my head "No..." I whispered. "Your fight is over..." She says. Suddenly I turned the corner and Luna stabs Roan with a sword right through his chest before taking off after Octavia. I rushed out into the rain and towards Roan body, as he fell onto the ground. "No! No no" I shake my head, grabbing his face. "Roan? Come on you have to get up" I tell him, placing my hands over his wound. "S-Stop" he stuttered out. "No! I'm gonna help you" I tell him, tears forming at my water line but I fight to push them back. "Ai gonplei ste odon" he whispered. "Screw that! Roan, you better not dare give up! Please I need you" I confessed to him. He let out a soft but broken chuckle "Shadow Kom Skaikru in...in need of Agenda King? I didn't think it was po-possible" he joked. "Come on, we have to get you up and out of sight" I tried lifting him but he's just too heavy. "Ahh!" I screamed, failing to lift him. "Stop...Shadow" he shoved me away. "I'm too far gone" his breathing becomes shallow and uneven. "No!" I shouted at him. "Guess...that boy really won" he chuckled. "Bellamy..." He added. "Don't say that, you're gonna be fine" I tried telling him as tears slipped from my eyes. "No, I'm dying..." Roan stated. I could see it, his words only causing tears to push through my water line and roll down my cheeks as my heart sank. "I...I think. I know we were fated to meet Shadow" he whispered as he finds my hand and clings onto it. "Maybe...maybe not for the reasons I might have thought" he smirked. "But...you have changed me for the better. I am a man worthy of death" he says. "Hey...hey" I whispered as his eyes begin to flutter. I placed my hand on his cheek before leaning down and kissing his lips. "Without the wars...without the clans. I would have picked you. It would have been you Roan" I confessed before kissing him again, this time he kissed me back. I slightly pulled from his lips and begin to sob into his neck. "Shhh, my little warrior. Do not cry. For you are stronger than you could ever know" he whispered. "I love you Roan...." I confessed. I hear him softly chuckle "I love you too, Shadow Kom Skaikru" he whispered before taking his last breath, half of my heart disappearing with him. When I stood on my feet I grabbed the necklace from around his neck and put it around my own. I'm suddenly grabbed by Jaha. "Get off me!" I shoved him away. "Clarke wants to see you, now hurry" he grabbed my upper arm and pulled me along with him, taking me to the bunker and getting me under ground.

I walked into the main office to see Clarke standing at the desk. I looked over to see Bellamy sleeping on the chair and I shoved all my feelings down for Roan, knowing it would only make things worse right now. "See someone's sleeping on the job" I joked, causing Clarke to laugh. Suddenly Bellamy head popped up before he stands to his feet. "What the hell did you do!" Bellamy asked Clarke. "If only one clan can survive, it might as well be ours" Jaha says as he walked in the office. What?! I knit my brows together "Clarke, you agreed to this?" I asked in shock. "It was her idea..." Jaha smirked. "We did what we had to do" Clarke nodded.