
A Lie Guarded

Shadow POV

"So Jaha says we need police here and here" Clarke explained to the guard when cheering interrupted her, catching our attention. "Excuse us.." I grabbed Clarke arm and pulled over along with me over to where the cheering is getting louder. We see Jaha floating on the pond and I couldn't help but lose it. "Alright. We had our fun. Let's get back to work" Clarke called out. I followed Clarke over to where she looks at a mountain covered in fog. "What's with the we're all gonna die face?" Monty asked as he approached us. I arched my brow at him "I mean..." He paused. "I know what you mean" Clarke tells him. "Bellamy should be back by now..." I sighed, worrying about my boyfriend who offered to go hunting with one of the parties. "Hunting parties go radio-silent. It's nothing new" Monty tries telling me. Suddenly thunder struck in the distance and I smelled the scent of rain "Black Rain..." Clarke whispered. "All right! Everyone inside!" I ordered at the top of my lungs. "Just like we practiced. Go!" I yelled at Monty as we all begin to run towards the entrance. I looked over my shoulder as e everyone piled on the Ark to see Jasper just waiting. "Jasper come on!" I yelled at him. He stopped walking "Jasper! What are you doing?" I asked him. "You can't live your life in fear" he responded. Suddenly the rain came down and Jasper looked up, sticking his tongue out. "Jasper!" I screamed, trying to grab him but I'm pulled back by Monty and Clarke as Jasper begins to choke, falling to his knees on the ground. "The sky....is falling" Jasper choked out before beginning to laugh. "Ha ha ha ha! The sky is falling" he manically laughed. "Whoa!" He screamed before laughing louder. Anger flared in my body "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him. "It's just rain! Not radioactive ash!" Jasper announced to everyone. "Dude, not cool" Monty tells Jasper. I scoffed "Come on! It's a joke! Don't be like that guys!" Jasper called out as everyone begins to walk away from him.

"We seriously need to talk about Jasper, his pranks have gotten too far!" I hissed as we walked down the hall. "I get it but Jasper is just finding way to kill time" she tells me as she opened her door. "Clarke wait!" I hear a voice call out as we stepped inside the room. Suddenly I'm shot with foam all over my body. My blood boils as I wiped my face. "Really?!" I shouted at Jasper and Monty. I grabbed a cloth and wipe my face more. "Found your list Clarke" Jasper holds up a paper in his hand. "I guess we know who really matters to you" He added. "J-Jasper--" he cut Clarke off. "You're not god Clarke. You don't get to decide who lives or dies!" He raised his voice. "The list is a backup. We have a--" he cut me off. "Guess you don't mind if I tell everyone then, right?" He asked me. "Jasper no!" Monty gets in his way. "Please have a right to know that they're working for nothing" Jasper tells Monty. "is there a fire?" Suddenly guards come into the room. "Everything alright?" He asked. "Not for you..." Jasper tells the guard. "You're not on the list" he added. "What list?" The guard asked Jasper. This wasn't good, this will cause an uprising. Suddenly he shoved Monty and grabbed the loud speaker. "Attention Arkadia! I have an announcement that could effect--" I didn't think twice because grabbed the guards electric baton and turn it on, pressing it against Jasper side. He screamed in pain and fell to the floor. "Jasper? You okay?" Monty went to the floor to help him. "He broke into the Chancellors office. Lock him up!" I ordered. The guard looked at me with disbelief. "I'm acting in the authority of Chancellor Kane, my father!" I shouted. "Take him into custody!" I ordered him. "Get him out of here" The guard tells his other guard members, picking Jasper off the floor and taking him away. Monty looked at me in disbelief, shock and disappointment. "Monty--" I tried to step towards him. "Don't" he shakes his head. "Just don't" he added. I let out a sigh as he stormed out of the room and tears flooded my waterline.

As I walked up to Clarke I hear something. "I have something to announce!" Monty voice called out over the PA. "Clarke Griffin and Shadow Black has been lying to you!" Monty confessed, causing us to look over our shoulder to see Monty at the Rover. "No!" I shouted and tried to run towards him. "Arkadia will only save 100 people!" Monty tells everyone. "Who thinks they made the list?" He asked. "Abby Griffin. Eric Jackson. Thelonious Jaha. Raven Reyes. Octavia Blake. Jim bridger. Heather David. Grazia Watson. Danny Vertue. Sarah Soderquist. Susan Crawford..." He reads off the names as everyone gets closer and closer to us and now I knew this was going to start an uprising. After reading off the entire list people became very upset. "I didn't survive the ice Nation just to die because you think I'm not good enough!" Riley yelled at us. "Riley, you're smart but you were training to be a guard on the Ark. We only need so many soldiers" Clarke tells him. "You're telling me that Darcy is more qualified than me?" He scoffed. "She's a trainee to and I'm hell of a lot better shot. No offense" Riley tells Darcy. "I know this is hard to take in, but to ensure the survival of the human race the list had to be weighted towards young woman who can have children" Clarke tells them. "Wait, what? It's because she can have kids?" Another guy scoffed. "How is that fair?" He then asked. "It's not fair. It's smart" I finally spoke. "Yeah? What about Harper?" Monty asked us. Harper crosses her arms against her chest and waited for our answer. "There's a chance she could be a drain on our medical resources" Clarke answered. "I'm not sick" Harper says. "Not yet" Clarke then tells her. "Your Dad..." Monty then looked at Clarke and me in shock. "You went into her medical records?" Monty asked us. "You're condemning me for an illness that I might have someday?" Harper asked us. "We had to consider all variables" Clarke stated. "Rich. Coming from a people who put themselves on the list" Harper pointed out. "And Bellamy Blake? Come on!" A man stated. "Of course, Clarke, Shadow and Bellamy should be included" Jaha finally spoke up. "Strong leadership is essential for survival" Jaha placed his hand on top of my shoulder. "Alright. You don't like the list" he nodded before taking it from Monty. "Consider it shredded. Now we can keep fighting each other and die. Or we can work together and give everyone a shit at survival, your choice" Jaha called out. "Meaning what?" Monty asked. "We hold a lottery, randomly choosing a hundred people to survive. But you have to work hard for it. Everyday!" Jaha goes on. "You don't show up for your assignments. You can't be in the lottery. And when the times comes. We'll collect the names and we draw" Jaha tells everyone. "Good?" He asked everyone who agreed with him. "Now that radiation shield is ready. Who's gonna help me put it in place?" Jaha asked. Everyone raises their hands and Jaha walked away with most of our people. "Hey! Wait" I called out, grabbing Jaha arm and turning him towards me. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Helping" he stated. "I'm not trying to undermine you two" he added. "You have to know that a random lottery is risky. We could end up with no doctors no engineers" I scoffed. "You saw, we had to give the something to fight for" Jaha tells me. "We can't tell people they have no value" He added. "That's not what we said" I shake my head. "That's what they heard" Jaha pointed out. "The list is pragmatic. But people need to feel like they have a say in their fate" he puts the list back into my hand. "I hope you're right" I sighed. Jaha placed his hand on my cheek before chuckling and then walking away.

I decide it was time to see Jasper, walking down the hall to his cell I entered inside to see him laying in the floor. "I shouldn't have locked you up. I thought it was the only choice I had" I tell him. "It was the only choice you gave yourself" Jasper responded. "If you think you have the best idea, you have to convince people. Not lie to them. Or lock them up" he advised me. "That doesn't matter now. Monty read the list over the radio. Everyone knows everything" I informed him. "What a shame. You were giving Jaha a run for his money there, Jaha Lite" Jasper tells me. I scoffed at myself. "You know, he used to be everything I hated. Maybe he was keeping us together" I suggested. Jasper chuckled "When Jaha is looking reasonable it's time to reassess" Jasper tells me. I couldn't help but slightly agree with him before arching my brow. "You can go" I stated. "You know. Someday when all this is over, you're gonna realize...that foam prank was funny" he tells me, grabbing his jacket and walking out of the cell. I let out a sigh knowing he didn't mean to piss me off, just a harmless prank he did.