
A God Complex

Shadow POV

I watched the grounder in the tube "Vital signs are strong" Abby says. "Jackson, seal the chamber," Abby tells Jackson. Raven comes to my side now as Jackson closes the chamber. "He's ready," Jackson tells us all. "Yeah, but are we?" I scoffed. My eyes shifted to Clarke. "The guy is a monster" Emori spoke. "We've been over this. None of us want to do this, but the death wave will be here in 10 days. Luna's steak sells grafted successfully. Baylis is making night blood on his own" Clarke explained. "This really is our only hope," Clarke tells us all. "We really still talking about this?" Murphy asked. "Black rain is already here. 18 people died in it yesterday at Arkadia so if night blood can let us walk around in it, I for one want to know about that" he added. Everyone nodded in agreement "Okay" Abby says. "Jackson, proceed" Abby turned to him. "Copy that. Initiating" he flipped a switch and we all watched as he turned the dial-up. "500 rem...850" he stated. "This is where we'd see symptoms in the non-night blood" Jackson explained. "BP is 100 over 50. Body temp is 98.7. Resting comfortably" Abby announced as I watched the light turn brighter. "No visible effects" Clarke shakes her head. "1,000 rem" Jackson announced. "1,500..." He stated. "We're good here," Abby says. "2,000 rem. The level of the black rain" Jackson stated. We all watched, hoping for this to work. "Still nothing. It's working" Clarke smirked. "2,500..." Jackson says. Suddenly the machine monitor begins to beep. "Wait" Abby called out. "No..." Clarke shakes her head. I begin to panic "Turn it off!" I yelled and the moment Jackson does the grounder woke up and begins screaming in pain as lesions begin to cover his entire body. "Get him out of here!" Abby yelled, rushing over to the chamber. "Wait! It's not safe yet!" Jackson shouted, pulling her back. The grounder then begins to vomit black blood and I couldn't look, my stomach turning as tears soaked my waterline. I looked away as the machine announced his death with a long beep. "What have we done....?" I whispered.

"How's the weather, Reyes?" Murphy asked Raven. "Forecast still calling for death?" He added as I'm helping Luna and Clarke clean the chamber. Luna picked up a bracelet. "The stones of his ancestors..." Luna sighed. "Abby, look at this" Jackson tells our mother, catching my attention. "Of course," she says. I walked over to them "What is it?" I asked her. "Sodium Polyethanol sulfonate. It's an additive used to prevent clotting. Looks like the radiation broke it down and caused a chain reaction" Jackson explained. "What happens if we remove it?" I asked Jackson. "We could save everyone" our mother baby responded. "You could?" Murphy repeated. "So, you're saying this can still work" he added. "Not without testing," Abby tells us. "The last guy just died, screaming in agony and you want to try again?" Raven asked her. "Give us a better idea, Raven. Please" Clarke begged her. "So what, we just go out there and hunt for someone else?" Murphy asked. "No one going anywhere in this storm" I demanded. "Then we wait for it to pass" Murphy hissed. "When it does there may not be anyone left to hunt for," Roan tells us. "Hunting for someone else to kill..." Luna says. My stomach turned "What's the matter with you people?" She then asked us. "Even Baylis honored the dead. He wore the stones of his rock line ancestors. Who will honor him?" Luna asked showing us the bracelet in her hand. I knit my brows together "Wait, Baylis was Sangrdakru" I stated. "He was. But he was also a thief. He probably stole those stones " Emori spoke up. "A thief who fight bear a mark of Sangrdakru" Roan pointed out. It was all coming together in my head and I looked over at Emori in horror. "That wasn't Baylis, was it?" I asked in a harsh tone. "Come on, Shadow. That's crazy. Of course --" I cut Murphy off as I become angry. "Who the hell did we just kill?!" I yelled, slamming my fist down on the table. Suddenly Emori takes off running. "No! Emori!" Murphy runs after her but Roan quickly grabs her. "John! Take out the machine!" She ordered Murphy. I pulled my gun out and aimed it at Murphy who jumped back a little to see the gun in his face. "Don't do anything stupid Murphy" I shake my head. "Looks like we know who's next" Roan smirked.

"Now you're gonna lock us up?" Murphy yelled as we cuff them to the wall. "What, she was just trying to save her own life!" He yelled at me again. "We're not gonna touch your stupid machine. All right?" He says. "Please! Clarke! Shadow! You guys can't do this to us! Please!" He begged. "Shadow! You can't let them do this to us!" Murphy called out to me as the doors behind me shut. It wasn't right, I know they had a hand to play in killing an innocent man but would I have done the same? "Please tell me we're not considering putting Emori in that chamber," I asked Clarke and my mother. Clarke turned to our mother"Mom, I don't know what else to do" Clarke says. "There is nothing else to do. We all know it" Roan tells us. "Mom, there has to be another way. There has to be something that doesn't make us murderers, make us the same as the mountain men who killed my twin sister, your youngest daughter" I tried to tell her. "Jackson and I have examined every possibility and the only thing that we know for sure is if we do nothing, we die" she explained. Clarke nodded but I didn't agree "Jackson, prep Luna for the next extraction" Abby ordered. "No, you've taken enough," Luna tells her. "Luna, it's ok. We'll sedate you" Abby tells her. "I said no!" Luna shouted. "I won't allow my blood to kill any more innocent people" she shakes her head. "Luna, please. Your blood is the thing that can save us" Clarke begged her. "My blood is a curse. It will however keep you from following me into the rain" She begins walking away from us. "Luna, you cant walk with that hip," Abby tells her. She limps over to Roan before stopping. "We can't let you leave," Roan tells her. "We need you, Luna," Clarke says. "Is there no line you won't cross to survive?" Luna scoffed. "Survival requires sacrifice. If the Freikdreina dies--" Raven cut him off. "Don't call her that" she hissed out. "If she does save the world, that is a good death" Roan finished. "Luna, please" Clarke begged again. "You're wounded and I don't want to fight you," Roan tells her. "You have no choice. Remember?" She reminded him before suddenly spinning and kicking him back, hurting herself in the process. Roam gets up from the floor and quickly walked over to her and sends a kick to her hip and she went down, screaming in pain. He then grabbed a hold of her and begins choking her out, making her pass out. "Sleep well, Natblida," Roan says. He then carries her over to the table and laid her down. I couldn't believe everyone. "So you're gonna strap her down and take her bone marrow?" I asked in disbelief. "Welcome to Mount weather..." I hiss out before walking away.

I slowly walked over to my mother as she was finishing up. She looked over at me and sighed "First we survive, then we get our humanity back" she tells me. "I'm sure they said the same thing in Mount weather too" I spoke. I walked away, finding a room up the stairs and watching Abby closely. Just then, I hear a light tap on the glass door. I look over my shoulder to see Roan. "You ok?" He asked me. I turned to him completely. "Are you? Luna kicked you pretty hard" I tell him. "Night blood. You think I'd have learned my lesson after Lexa" he walked further into the room and over to me, looking at my mother. "We're doing the right thing" he finally tells me. "You sure about that?" I asked him. "Certainty is a luxury leader can't afford," he tells me. "I'm no King" I reminded him. "Maybe not, but you were born for this" he went on, standing even closer to me. "I knew it from the moment we met," he says. "You mean when you were dragging my sister around like a dog on a lesh?" I reminded him, causing us both to chuckle. "Don't you back down when things get hard" he pointed out. "It's always hard," I tell him. "And yet here you are," he tells me. I look into his eyes and my heart fluttered a little. "So, you still love that boy with dark hair?" He asked me. "That guy...has a name. Bellamy and yes" I stated. "Well, he's lucky..." Roan spoke. I knit my brows together "Why do you say that?" I asked. Roan softly chuckle "I thought I had made it obvious, You are something special Shadow. The one woman that's grown on my heart" he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "R-Roan...we c-can't go there again. I love Bellamy" I shake my head. He leaned down slowly and placed his lips on my cheek. "I know little warrior, but know this. If we all survive this and that Bellamy kid hurts you. I'll always be here for you. If and when you need me because you deserve a King" Roan confessed. "Roan...we tried this. Remember?" I asked. "We almost ended up going to war and..." He cut me off. "We looked for better ways" he reminded me. "Did you come up here to make me feel better?" I asked him. "That's never been my strength" he reminded me, causing me to giggle and roll my eyes.

Roan, Clarke, and I walked into the room that was holding Emori and Murphy. "It's time..." I spoke. "Guys, wait. Just hear me out" Murphy says. "John..." Emori whispered. "It will work this time," Clarke tells him. "Then how about we just go with that and forget the test?" Emori asked, already crying. "Miller, Miller don't--" Murphy stopped when Miller stabbed Emori in the neck with sedation. "No! I swear! I'll kill you--" Roan holds a blade to Murphy's neck as Miller takes Emori away. Roan followed with Clarke out the door. "Who the hell do you think you are, huh?" Murphy asked me. "We're trying to save us all" I stated. "Save us. All right. Gona gon wamplei. Savior of us all!" He shouted at me. "But maybe you're forgetting the last time you saved us! I was saving you!" He screamed at me. "I'm not forgetting" I shake my head. "You haven't forgotten? Then, you don't need to do this. Don't do it..." He begged me. "Please...please. You don't need to do this" he begged. It reminded me of when I was begging to save my sister's life. "You know. It's too bad that you weren't real night blood because then you could have been a commander. Then imagine how many people you could've killed then!" He shouted at me. "Tell me something...After you murder Emori am I next?" He asked me. "Ok! I'm begging you! Please I love her! Don't do this!" He begins to cry and sob and it tore at my heart. "Emori will be fine...I will make sure of it" I tell him before beginning to walk away. "Hey..." He called out, causing me to look at him. "If Emori dies...you die" he threatened me before the doors closed. I hear him let out a scream as I slowly walked over to where they had Emori. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I watch my mother hesitate with the night blood needle over Emori's arm. "Mom..." I spoke. "We have to do this..." I whispered. Her hands shake "I can't..." She turned to me. "I'll finish it..." I take the needle from her hand and give her a nod. She stepped away and everyone was looking at me. "I bear it so they don't have to..." I whispered before I could change my mind. "Shadow no!" Jackson called out as I shoved the needle into my arm. The pain was horrible as I sucked in air, pushing the blood into my arm. "No" my mother shakes her head. "We're testing me..." I gulped down. I turned towards the chamber and for the first time, I see my death.

They let Murphy and Emori out after I ordered them to. Jackson draws my blood and I see the black in it. "It worked..." I gasped. "It's been a two hours. How do you feel?" Jackson asked me. "Ready" I nodded. I get off the table and begin walking over to the chamber when my mother gets in front of me. "I won't let you do it" she shakes her head. "Mom, I trust you," I tell her. "It'll work..." I smiled. I look over at Jackson "Turn it on" I ordered. "Jackson don't," My mother tells him. "Shadow...If you go in there. You will die" she tells me. "I saw it..." She says to me. "What are you talking about?" I asked her. "I saw it, you and Clarke" she repeated. "Like I saw the rocket," Raven says. "We're wasting time," I tell her, trying to walk around her but she shoved me back. "No" she hissed before picking up something and beginning to smash the machine. "No! Mom!" I yelled at her. "Don't worry...it will all be over soon" Luna says as Abby had completely ruined the machine. I slowly walk over to my mother with Clarke and kneel down to her. "I can't lose either of you..." She sobbed. We both pulled her into a hug as she sobs harder. "You're okay..." Abby whispered.