

A man was pacing back and forth in front of the room where there was screaming coming from. His mate was giving birth to their only child since she has an illness and can only produce one child. He was hoping for an alpha heir, so they can take his place as head alpha. If he gets an omega heir, that is also fine. He will cherish them. The screaming stopped and was replaced with a baby's cries. The man stopped pacing. He heard the door open.

"Alpha, come meet your daughter" the midwife said as she opened the door wide for him to come in. He walked into the room, making his way to his mate who is holding her child. She looked up and smiled sadly at him. He smiled at her asurring her that will love their child no matter what.

"Alex, meet your daughter," his mate said, handing him his child to hold. He looked at his daughter who had her eyes closed. He caresses her cheek with his hands. At that moment, his daughter opened her eyes and he saw that they were brown with a hint of orange, which means she is an omega. He smiled at her as she grabbed his finger, holding it tight.

"I'm sorry I couldn't give an alpha child" His mate said sadly.

"Baby,I told you already, what our child's second gender is doesn't matter to me. I'm happy that you provide me with a beautiful child." Alex replied, holding his mate's hand with his other hand. His mate smiled,

"What should we name her?"

"Mizha, she is our gift from god" Alex said as his mate smiled and looked at their daughter, "Mizha." Someone took a picture of that family moment. Mizha turned her head to look at her mother. That's when Alex noticed a mark on the left side of Mizha's neck. It was a symbol of the moon. His mate also saw the mark.

"Why does she have that symbol and what does it mean?" Alex's mate said worriedly.

"I don't know. Ava, please call Master William" Alex said to Ava, one of the omega caregivers. "Yes, Alpha." A few minutes later, Master William walked into the room.

"Alex, Irene. Congratulations. What is the little one's name?"

"Thank you Master William and her name is Mizha" Irene answered smiling at him.

"Mizha, beautiful name. Is there a reason you called me here?"

"Yes, Mizha has this mark on her left side of her neck. Do you happen to know what it is and what it means?" Alex said, showing the mark to Master William. Master William examined the mark.

"This is a soul mark. The moon goddess chooses two wolves to be destined mates. The protectors and rulers of the werewolf clan. Soul mark is how we tell who are the chosen ones. Since your daughter has the mark of the moon, then her mate has the mark of the sun."

"My daughter is one of the chosen ones, who protects the werewolf clan. Her mate is already chosen for her instead of being picked as a mate by an alpha or beta." Alex said to which Master William nodded, "yes".

"Thank you, Master William"

"You're welcome, if that is all, I will take my leave, but before I do that. I will advise you to not tell anyone about your daughter being the chosen one," Master William said seriously.


"Because there are people that don't like that, there will be someone that is more powerful than them. Someone that will rule over them. Someone they have to conform to."

"Okay, we will keep this between us. Thank you, Master William" Alex said. Master William nodded and made his way to the door, leaving. Alex turned to his mate,

"We chose a perfect name for her. She truly is a gift."

"Yea, she is," Irene replied, looking down at Mizha, who was asleep , holding her parents' fingers tightly.