

6 years later

"Happy birthday, sweetie," Alex said to Mizha, giving her a present. She opened her present and gasped,

"Papa, I love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you" Mizha said happily hugging her dad tightly. "You're welcome, sweetie." Mizha let go of her dad and took her bow and ran to show her friends.

"Bow and arrow. Really, Alex" Alex's mother said, disappointed. His mother in-law also looked disappointed.

"What, she loves it and that's what she always wanted, one of her own" Alex said not understanding why they are angry.

"She is an omega, not a beta or an alpha. She shouldn't be doing or learning hunting or fighting. She should be learning how to be an omega. Irene, tell your husband something" Alex's mother complained.

"Yes, she is an omega, but she is my daughter. If she wants to learn other things than being an omega, then she can. There is nothing wrong with that" Alex snapped and walked away angry.

"Alex, come back here young man!" Alex's mother shouted, but Alex kept walking away, "Irene, do you agree with him?" Irene didn't want to upset her mothers more, but she has to be honest.

"Well, we promised we will provide Mizha with what she wants. She is still learning how to be an omega on top of hunting and fighting. I know you guys aren't happy with this, but don't you want to see your granddaughter happy" Irene said. Both mothers signed since there is nothing they can do about this.

"If she's learning her omega ways, then I'm okay with her learning other things," Alex's mother, Irene said, nodding to them before going after her mate.