
That Winter, I Fell In Love With Her

You people even need a synopsis for a love story (one-sided) that too an incomplete one :) So let it be. This is the story about me falling in love with the one I might be seriously in love with because this time I fell in love with her THOUGHTS, HABITS, VOICE, EYES, WAY OF SPEAKING, AND PERSPECTIVES. I don't know if she will understand me someday or if my love for her will pass by like any other wintertime. "This is just me or do you also feel like I feel for you I don't know about all these things but I can say I like you whole not just one thing." So here I go again with an incomplete story of my love.

Saheel_Khirodkar · สมจริง
2 Chs

The Perfect Situation

(This story is not real nor fictional, however fiction based on REAL FEELINGS!!! )

Those chilly winds were one of the worst of all time, and I started to hate winters.

"Covering my face to save myself from the winds,

Or to prevent my pain from being exposed

I don't know what made me cover myself."

Ah!!! That day in my life was just like any other day, yet it felt like I had another leaf to turn in my life, an important one perhaps.

It seems as though all the things that we consider astonishing start from something so normal that we don't even realise them.

Walking on an empty road thinking about all the things happening to me, I simply said,

"I wish time flies quickly so that I can move on from these traumatic times."

That winter I was feeling like my emotions were dying to a subtle feeling of regret. A few months before that day, I suffered a massive loss because someone important to me left me in the middle of my journey.

It wasn't that I was angry or sad, but I just wanted to portray that I was fine.

I know it sounds pathetic to others in today's world, however this is our harsh reality, we need to maintain tough looks in front of others.

But as I was alone, I started to realise that my journey will progress slowly, at least for quite some time. Now I need to stop thinking about what others will say!

As time passed, the peak of winter came, in addition the frigid in my environment increased by many folds. I started to get ahold of myself yet my progress rate was stagnant even after ample efforts.

On my daily schedule, nothing was interesting that could have allowed me to change my course of life, or at least to make it better.

However, that day came and my life started to change, I started to change.

Well, on that particular day, it was different when I first saw her.

It wasn't that I was facing an emotional outburst after watching her because everything that I was facing till that day, made my emotions fade away slowly.

Still, I said that

"I guess my choice to come here and spend some time with my family and friends was correct" because what I saw was a wild and free but beautiful spirit just enjoying her life.

Without a hint of worry about others on her face.

That winter, I finally understood what Trevor Daniel was trying to say in falling. All those dying emotions, and the will to live, suddenly started to rush inside me.

My cautious heart was giving warnings to me that again I might hurt myself, but at that time I was so focused on her that none of those warnings mattered anymore.

My mind unconsciously started preparing myself for another colossal shock.

Even with all this, I was ready to start another chain of disastrous events that might bring me suffering and pain again, but I still pushed myself toward another disaster.

They say that "Love is the most twisted curse of all" but who knew this single line would be so traumatic that even people who have a better understanding of love and stable minds moreover stopped after this line.

Well, whenever life locks you in a dark room, it moreover gives you a way through a few windows to get out of it, but you have to find the way to that window.

These dark rooms are wide and large enough that you might need help navigating to the closest window.

Either you have to follow the small light source that are coming through the tiny holes in a window or the warm wind streams flowing through them.

I spent nearly a whole year in such a dark room with few to no windows or doors at all but,

It was that winter when I suddenly felt the cold, still comfortable from the wind stream flowing through a tiny hole in the window.

That feeble wind stream helped me to find my way through that dark room so that I could reach the nearest window.

Either way, it was so cold inside that, those chilly winds from the stream felt somewhat warm.

Or say that those winds were actually comfortable, maybe it was something else, I don't know.

I tried to look outside through a tightly shut window with the help of those tiny gaps and holes, and what I saw was something that I never saw before.

A ray of light far away from me, which was radiating through those little less chilly winds. But the difference being I tried to break the window and nothing happened but after a while my efforts were quiet.

Her warm and kind heart or say wild and friendly nature made a miracle happen!

I don't exactly know what it was, but she approached me after hearing all those cries, or was it just her instinct?

Who knows??

I was just happy that someone after so long came to me, even if it was just her friendly nature, I felt comfortable close to her.

The more time I got to spend with her, the more I started to fall for her. I tried to control my emotions, but even after so many tries, I fell for her!


AND HER PERSPECTIVES were the things that impressed me the most.

To begin with what I felt for, were her thoughts. They were more human and honest even though some of them might hurt others from time to time, they were pure thoughts from her wild spirit.

Well, I want to write about other things but, if I write about all the other things in short then I might offend myself.

You can say these are what people call "Side Effects Of Love", but it is what it is.

Rather than writing everything in this chapter, I guess I will continue this story in the next chapter.

I thought I was forgetting something and I guess it's the main character's introduction (●'◡'●)

Sorry for the late introduction, I was so immersed in writing about the beginning and the raw feelings for her that I forgot to introduce myself and the female lead of this story.

I Kayden Beatrix (Sanghi) the writer and the one who will lead this story ahead. It will be boring if I just say her name so take this.

"Just like the night when you think that you will not survive

Still after spending the whole night in fear

The moment you finally get to see the first ray of light on the rise",


I'm talking about Dawn. Dawn is the name that makes me comfortable, but at the same time breaks me from the inside.

This is me Sanghi and my story

That Winter, I Fell In Love With Her.

Stay tuned...

I don't know what made me name this chapter The Perfect Situation but I guess everything that happened that day was perfectly planned by someone beyond our limits.

Saheel_Khirodkarcreators' thoughts