
That Winter, I Fell In Love With Her

You people even need a synopsis for a love story (one-sided) that too an incomplete one :) So let it be. This is the story about me falling in love with the one I might be seriously in love with because this time I fell in love with her THOUGHTS, HABITS, VOICE, EYES, WAY OF SPEAKING, AND PERSPECTIVES. I don't know if she will understand me someday or if my love for her will pass by like any other wintertime. "This is just me or do you also feel like I feel for you I don't know about all these things but I can say I like you whole not just one thing." So here I go again with an incomplete story of my love.

Saheel_Khirodkar · Realistic
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2 Chs

Prologue- Her Aura

Note before the story: -

See, I'm not a professional writer, I'm just writing this because I WANT TO.

Thank you 😄 (N sorry for anything annoying 😅😝)

I don't know how to start this story because there are various incidents that I can consider first-sight incidents because whenever I meet her no matter what the situation is I feel like I'm meeting her for the first time and at the same time I feel like I might never get the chance to see her again.

As I said in the description It's a story about me falling in love with my senior with whom I might never make it far enough to form a relationship where I will also receive love in return, but I have a very bad habit of after getting rejected or knowing that I will not make it I always prefer to love that one from the sidelines that I genuinely love as I don't want to seriously annoy or say irritate them.

If you all are wondering about the cover page and why I designed it that way when I don't even have a romantic relationship with her. Well even though I'm not in a relationship with her whenever I get to sit beside her, I always try to comfort her and listen to her stories, of course, some of those stories are interesting and to be honest, some of them are way too boring.

But let me tell you this, I'm the kind of person who talks a lot without a break whenever they start talking, but she is the type who can make me silent and make me stare at her shamelessly with a hidden smile. She talks a lot that sometimes even I get into silent mode or say listening mode 😅😂.

Her aura is so unique and different that it even attracts me who hardly gets attracted to anyone (well I have a bad past in love and all things so just try to understand my readers 😅)

Well, this is my story of falling in love with her that winter, and I will release the next chapter as soon as possible.

Stay tuned…

I just want to write and love her.

Saheel_Khirodkarcreators' thoughts