
That Time I Levelled Up In Another World

Tatsuya Ryo gets reincarnated in a fantasy world due to many reasons...He was not what he is in this new world. Through, many difficulties he only grows stronger. The last thing... oh! I've taken up too much of your time. Well, y'all will understand once you start to read! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *I don't own the cover *I couldn't name the credits as I couldn't find the original source *Please do tell me if you know of it ------------------------------------------‐----------------------------------------------

ZenAnime · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs

Lesson 1


Tatsuya opens his eyes and gets out of bed when dawn came. He looks at Kei sleeping peacefully and then he stands up and stretches. He goes to wash his face and freshens up in the bathroom.

After doing all that and wiping his face he comes out and sees a package on his desk. He walks over to the desk and opens the package.

"Geh... All my stuff is here."

Then he takes out everything from the bag one by one and says-

"Not one thing missed... What is up with these people?"

Then he takes out the book that he got from the dungeon and stares at it. Then he keeps it inside the desk's drawer. He takes all the money and starts counting it.

"Let's see how much I have right now..."

He finishes counting all the money and then he says-

"Hm... I have a whopping 15,000 del! Wait a second... I feel like I'm forgetting something important. Well, whatever. I have to work up a sweat now."

There was a white cupboard in the room. He keeps all the money pouches in there and closes the cupboard. He then opens his curtains and goes to his balcony. While the air hits his face he shivers and says-

"It's kinda cold here..."

He then wakes Kei up and tells her softly-

"I'm gonna go for a jog... I'll be back in some time. Ok?"

"Mhh..." She smiles while looking drowsy and goes back to sleep.

Tatsuya exits his room and rushes outside the dorms. The he starts jogging along the path on the lawn. He starts to increase his speed slowly after every round on that massive lawn. The Sun as always starts to rise completely after he finishes his daily exercises.

After all his exercises and stretches he goes straight to the cafeteria. There he asks-

"Um... Can I have a drink?"

"It'll be 20 del for the orange juice."

"Orange...? Do you have something else?"

"Yes. We have apple juice as well..."

"I'll have that."

"30 del please.���

"Here you go." Says Tatsuya while giving her the money for buying the drink.

He opens the can and starts to glug down the drink. Then he wipes the remaining sweat with the towel around his shoulder.

"That was good~!" says Tatsuya as he goes to the trash can to throw the empty can.

"Still... They have cans and... This tracksuit too! This is not different from my old world so much..." and he sighs.

He saw a few students coming on the ground after exiting the cafeteria. They were exercising as well. It was really quiet then. He walks back to the dorms and after entering the dorms he sees the lady and the man from the previous night standing at the reception.

"Thank you for the package...I guess?"

"No worries. We hope you'll follow the rules written here." Says the receptionist while handing him a paper.

"Ok!" says Tatsuya and heads back to his room with the paper.

He opens the room and finds Kei sitting up and with her blanket on. She rubs her eyes and says-

"Good morning... Ryo-nii..."

"Morning! Are you hungry yet?"

"A bit..."

He then walks over to the box to see if there was anything else left for him to take out and sees two small boxes that were not there before.

"What the hell? I just took out everything an hour ago." Says Tatsuya while opening the boxes.

He opens both boxes and finds their school uniform in it. 'One for a male and one for a child' was written on a note inside the box.

"I should've known..."


Tatsuya gets changed into his uniform and so does Kei. He wore a white shirt with a blue blazer and wore black pants also he wore a red tie. The academy symbol started to appear once they wore their uniforms. The symbol appeared on the left side of the blazer.

Kei's uniform was the same. The only thing different was that she had a skirt and she had an expression on her face like she'd already become a top tier magician.

"Let's go Kei!"


Just before Tatsuya opened the door he said-

"Where are we supposed to go though?"

"I don't know... I thought you knew Ryo-nii."

"Well, yesterday we didn't go to the principal's office... So I guess we should go now."

Then they leave the dorm and go to the academy's main building. There they see some students and when Tatsuya tries to ask someone for directions every single one of them says-

"Ask him. He'll tell you." And the person goes into the classroom.

Everyone acts the same way whenever Tatsuya ask them a question.

"Now this is a problem..."

Suddenly a girl comes from the back and pats on his shoulder.

"Excuse me..."

"Hm... You're...from that day!"

"Yes. Thank you for that day! I am grateful to you for being there on that day!"

"Um...alright. I've been trying to ask people for directions but they've been avoiding me for some reason... Does my face look that terrifying?"

"I don't think that's the case... Most of them saw you yesterday on the field."

Tatsuya sighs and says to himself-

"Why does all this keep happening to me only...? This is too much for me to handle..."

"What were you asking directions for?"

"Directions to go to the principal's office... But before I could ask all of them avoided me."

"Office? I can show you to the Principal's quarters. Follow me."

Tatsuya then thinks to himself while following the girl-

"Quarters? What the hell? Is it some military headquarters or something? I'm kinda scared..."

They walk up the stairs and come on the second floor. Then they walk to the other end of the building. The girl suddenly stops.

"What's wrong?"

"We're here."

"Here? But there's no door here."

Then she grins and walks towards the wall.

"Don't tell me! A secret passage?!"

She walks through the wall and says-

"I do have a name for your information... Nelia is fine." And she disappears into the wall.

Tatsuya looks like he had been tricked and says-

"A walkthrough secret passage... I thought for sure that the wall would turn on pushing it."

On seeing Nelia go through the wall Kei leaves Tatsuya's side and runs into the wall. She disappears into the wall as well. Tatsuya follows them and does the same.

When they reach the other side, he sees that the place they called quarters looked like a normal office for a principal. He couldn't see the principal and when he was about to ask Nelia about the principal they hear someone speak.

"Aaaah.... My back! Now that was a good nap!" says a familiar looking man as he gets up from behind the chair.

"You're the old man from back then!"

"Hm... Who's making so much sound here... I just got up so cut me some slack."

"You're the principal?! Hey, Nelia... You sure that this guy is really the principal?"

"Well, I don't know anyone else other than him being the principal of this academy... Do you know each other or something?"

"Oh! It's you boy! What's your name again?"

"You forgot already?! Let me remind you then..." says Tatsuya while rubbing her index and thumb finger and grinning.

"You! I remember you now! You're Tatsuya, the shitty brat who took the grimoire...and my money!"

"Looks like you hadn't forgotten after all."

"So, what have you come here for?" says Edel as he sits on his chair.

"I got an invitation..."

"Hmm... an invitation huh... alright! You're a freshmen who's starting late! Now go to your class on the first floor... the second one on your right after you go down the stairs."

"Wait what? That's it... don't you have to sign or check something or..."

"Principal! Do your work properly!! How many times has it been now that you've turned a blind eye to the most crucial things."

"Don't worry about it... I'll definitely do it later... If you keep worrying like that then you'll have wrinkles on your face..."

Nelia looked like she was going to go berserk so she holds her fist tightly and says-

"You can go to your class...! Also leave your sister in the room next to this one. Since she's underage and has magic she'll have other lessons."

Tatsuya thanks her and they exit the room through the way they came in. After exiting Tatsuya and Kei hear someone getting punched.

"Let's go Kei..."

"What was that sound?"

"Umm... maybe some insect."

Tatsuya goes to the room next to the principal's quarters and when he opens the door he sees a lady being ridden by some children. Then he closes the door and thinks-

"No... My mind is playing tricks on me again..." and when he opens the door again he sees them still riding on her back.


"Stop it kids... I said that I'd only play for some time..."

"This teacher... I'm here so that you can take in Kei..."

"Oh! A new student?" says the teacher as she gets up.

"What's your name?"

"Kei. Tatsuya Kei."

"Kei-chan... Hope that it'll be a good year with you."

Kei then sees the other children doing something inside so she runs in to them.

"Not shy at all. That's good."

"Um... are you really teaching them or is it like some kindergarten..."

"Yes we do teach them different ways to use magic... They're kids so they have some time for playing as well."

"Ok then. I hope that you'll take care of my sister till our classes end."

"Yeah. Yeah. Get going before you get late."

"Alright..." says Tatsuya and sees Kei talking to one of the girls in there.

Tatsuya walks briskly down the stairs and sees that there was a corridor to his left as well.

"How? Doesn't matter right now... Have to get to class before that." Says Tatsuya as he takes a right and stands in front of the classroom.

"1-A... This should be it."

When he opens the door of the classroom and enters, everyone stares at him and then they continue doing what they were doing before. He finds an empty seat and goes and sits there. Nobody even comes near him and everyone just minds their business. Tatsuya sat near the window so he just looked outside the window while supporting his chin.

After few minutes a person walked in and said-

"All of you get back to your seats... Class is starting!"

The whole class sits in their respective seats and stays attentive. Then the roll calls start. There were only 20 students in the class out of which 10 were males and the rest were females.

The teacher was none other than Goro. He was wearing the same black yukata with a katana on his waist. He looked sleepy and was yawning. After the roll call ended he said lousily-

"Eh... New student introduce yourself!" and he sat down on his chair.

Tatsuya gets up and clears his throat. This catches everyone's attention. Then he says-

"I'm Tatsuya Ryo..." then there's a long silence in the classroom after which he sits down like nothing happened.

Celestine was among the students. After hearing his introduction she gets up from her seat and says-

"What the hell was that?!"

Tatsuya still sitting on his chair looks at her and says-

"I Introduced myself."

"You call that an introduction?!"

"It's a pain to tell everything about me... Maybe I didn't have much water that's why my throat hurts a bit..."


"Huh... what happened?"

"Is this really alright?!"

"...Why is it bothering you so much...? He did introduce himself. I don't see anything wrong with that. Now everyone, come out on the field... Today's classes will be magic appraisal and some training." And he walks out of the room.

"Looks like today will also be a fun day..."

"Yeah it seems so!"

"I should've grown a lot from yesterday's training..."

Everyone exits the classroom and only Tatsuya and Celestine get left behind. Celestine walks to Tatsuya's chair and tells him-

"If you want some teammates then you gotta speak up."

"But it's a pain..."

"Even if it's a pain you gotta do it."

"You're not my mother..."

"Shut up! It's for your own good!" says Celestine and stomps out of the room.


Tatsuya gets up from his seat when he hears Veilios' voice in his head.

"Boy... So you decided to take this path."

"What about it?"

"Well, all I can say is that this place will definitely serve as a stepping stone for you... In other words, you're gonna have a lot of fun here!"

"Alright... I get it. So did you have anything else to say?"

"Um.... Is it possible for me to see what kind of elements these children have, maybe?"

"... On one condition though. You won't come out of the grimoire like in the inn."

"No problem..."

Then he walks out of the classroom and follows the rest of the class to the field. They reach there in a few minutes. The field was the same place he exercised in the morning. Tatsuya goes to one of the boys and asks them-

"What are we doing today?"

"Why are you asking me? Go ask someone else..."

"Well, you're standing here all alone so I thought I could converse with you as a person in the same situation..."

The boy sighs and places his hand on his head and says-

"You know... Yesterday's that destructive strength you showed scared the crap out of everyone."

"Is that so? The sword was really heavy so I couldn't control its direction. It fell."

"Wait. You're telling me that that wasn't your strength but the sword alone."


"Could it be that you're an idiot?"

"That's rude for someone who has no friends..."

"Shut up! No one asked for your opinion... Get ready for the appraisal test."

"What's that?"

"You don't even know about the appraisal test... Where are you from, the dungeon?! You have to place your hand on the crystal that Teach will bring now... That will show the extent of your strength and magic."

"Heh~... That's neat. Also it seems that you've opened up to me."

"Shut up!"

"By the way, I'm..."

"I know your name already transfer student Tatsuya Ryo... I'm Sieg Abignes."

"Sieg... Alright let's go."

Tatsuya then looks at the mirror that Goro brings from somewhere. He places it on the huge lawn in the middle and says-

"Now, one by one each one of you will touch this mirror to appraise your abilities."

The students start to look confused and start to whisper among themselves-

"Why is there a mirror?"

"What happened to the crystals we use?"

"Maybe the crystal broke or something..."

Goro looks a bit agitated and says-

"Stop talking and do it fast! I don't have all day!"

All the students scattered on the field come together and stand in rows. Goro standing with his hands folded next to the mirror says-

"All right! One girl then one boy will check simultaneously..."

One by one both girls and boys start to check their attributes. They touch the mirror with their palm and say their name.

"Viole Crestvale..." says the first person after touching the mirror.

The mirror starts to show her attributes. Tatsuya sees that the thing they called attributes was no different than the stats that showed in his grimoire.

"Let's see how much difference there is in our levels..." says Tatsuya to himself while looking at the mirror.

"ELM: Ice, Sex: Female, STR: 333, MAG: 600... Hm? It doesn't show stamina... How strange...And the numbers for her magic is also pretty huge."

"Next!" says Goro after writing these numbers in a book.

"Keith Claude..." says the boy on touching the mirror.

'ELM: Earth, Sex: Male, STR: 447, MAG: 612'

"Karen Pyresurge..."

'ELM: Blue fire, Sex: Female, STR: 321, MAG: 649'

"Kove Regaldane..."

'ELM: Fire, Sex: Male, STR: 546, MAG: 670'

"Kerina Nerelle..."

'ELM: Nature, Sex: Female, STR: 180, MAG: 478'

"Aleph Netherfallow..."

'ELM: Water, Sex: Male, STR: 453, MAG: 556'

"Nelia Ledrey..."

'ELM: Catalyst, Sex: Female, STR: 178, MAG: 289'

"Hm? Nelia Ledrey... Wasn't she the one who showed me the way to the office? Catalyst magic... She's definitely the one from yesterday. How did she reach before me?"

"Her magic is the most unusual one from all of this year's classes..."

"Her magic definitely has some bad numbers up there..."

"But it's one of the most dangerous ones out there... If used wrongly that is."

"But there's one problem with it that I noticed yesterday..."

"You already analysed its weakness?!"

"I don't know if you'd call it a weakness... depending on the situation it can have the upper hand... Like I was saying, there's a defect in this element. It takes a long time and strong magic to create something powerful."

"Albert Mistbane..."

'ELM: Ice, Sex: Male, STR: 247, MAG: 665'

Sieg then holds his chin and says-

"I hadn't thought about that... You're right, without time the spell won't be completed and without strong magic from someone else you can't strengthen the spell... How did you think that out?"

"I was observing her yesterday... There were phases to her spell which took the same spells thrice."

"Celestine Rose...���

'ELM: Light, Sex: Female, STR: 456, MAG: 590'

"Makes sense... The only thing that comes to mind is the mental stress it takes to concentrate such magic into one single blow."

"You're right maybe... I'm getting sleepy standing here and doing nothing... Can we like train till their appraisal is done?"

"Don't be stupid! Teach Goro will beat the crap out of you if you do that... I've tried that already."

"People do talk from their experiences... By the way, how many months has it been since this year's classes started?"

"Months? It's only been three weeks..."

Tatsuya then thinks to himself-

"Three weeks?! It's been that long since all this happened?"

"Ash Fliege..."

'ELM: Purple lightning, Sex: Male, STR: 600, MAG: 698'

"These numbers are high..."

"Eugene Guille..."

'ELM: Lightning, Sex: Female, STR: 376, MAG: 465'

"Grey Randall..."

'SP. ELM: Beast tamer, Sex: Male, STR: 678, MAG: 877'

"...A tamer... But if I tamed a beast shouldn't mine be Tamer too.... But I have Veilios...Hmm...."

"Things are getting interesting... This generation has so many variations of elements." Says Veilios telepathically to Tatsuya.

"Variations? These variations didn't exist in the previous years?"

"They did. But it was a small-scale change.... This started probably 200 years back."

"What's wrong Tatsuya?"

"Nothing... Just wondering about these special elements that it's showing there..."

"Oh! It's just as it says... They are different from the abnormal category but are still included in abnormal category."

"Strange... and interesting!"

"Lynn Chavamoux..."

'ELM: Poison, Sex: Female, STR: 200, MAG: 448'

"Leon Vigner..."

'ELM: Light, Sex: Male, STR: 676, MAG: 877'

"Luna Grenver..."

'SP. ELM: Beast transformation, Sex: Female, STR: 246, MAG: 499'

"Ray Adler..."

'SP. ELM: Guns magic, Sex: Male, STR: 486, MAG: 799'


"What is it now?"

"I really feel like duelling him...!"

"Why the sudden feeling?"

"I don't know... but I just know that it won't be an easy match!"

"What are you? Some battle-maniac?"

"Nothing so special...heh"

"God! What is wrong with you?" says Sieg while nodding sideways.

"Maria Perisey..."

'SP. ELM: Swords magic, Sex: Female, STR: 432, MAG: 653'

"This girl too..."

"You wanna fight her too?"

"No... Not yet... Anyhow Celestine is the toughest out of all the ladies. No wonder that day it hurt like hell."

"Oh her? Are you related by any way?"

"Why did you think that?"

"I mean you call her by her first name."

"Oh that! Well, long story short she healed me in that dungeon that appeared outside town..."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you the one who helped all those people escape from that dungeon? I need details... Tell me how strong the boss in there was. Also tell me..."

"If the next person doesn't come out here fast... I'll kick his ass!" says Goro in a terrifying tone.

Sieg gets chills and says loudly-

"Yes! Coming!" and grins at Tatsuya.

"Why are you grinning so much?"

"You'll see." Says Sieg as he goes to the mirror.

He places his palm on the mirror and what shows in the mirror surprises Tatsuya a bit.

"Sieg Abignes..."

'ELM: Light, SP. ELM: Dragon slayer, Sex: Male, STR: 903, MAG: 987'

"Hmph. His stats are first rate no matter how you look at it... The only thing that intrigued my interest was... he's a Light dragon slayer! I wanna go at it right now."

Sieg comes walking to Tatsuya with a wide smile on his face.

"You scared? I know you are..."

"Why would I be scared of you? It's just a dragon slaying skill." Says Tatsuya while showing no interest.

"You know something... You're pretty annoying!" says Sieg with a smile on his face.

"You schmuk! You wanna go right now?!"

"Yeah! Let's do it you idiot."

Goro gets pretty annoyed on hearing their bickering and gets up and throws two stones on their heads.

"Shut up! My head is hurting... Kids these days..." says Goro as he sits down on the chair once again to write these stats.

"Still... dragon-boy has gotten stronger."

Then Tatsuya sees the last girl going to the mirror. Tatsuya while holding his head in pain looks at the girl and gets shocked.

"Now what?"


The other girls and boys who were talking among themselves look at the blonde girl going to the mirror and say-

"Look! It's Iris-sama."

"So cute!"

"We haven't yet seen her magic..."

"Will she be stronger than us?" and they continue saying such stuff.

Iris looked happy when walking to the mirror. But when she almost reached the mirror she trips on a rock and falls on her face.

Everyone along with Tatsuya and Goro has a blank look on their face after seeing her fall and they all say to themselves-

"She's an airhead..."

Iris gets up from the ground while wiping the blood from her nose-

"Ouchie! That hurt... I can do this!" and places her palm on the mirror.

It was the moment everyone had been waiting for... But when she places her hand on the mirror it shows strange stats.

"Iris Wyver..."

'ELM: ??? , Sex: Female, STR: 214, MAG: 999'

"What the hell? Her last name is Wyver!" says Tatsuya looking utterly shocked.

"That's not what you should be shocked at though...Why doesn't it show what element she has... also her magic is at its peak...!" exclaims Sieg.

The others have similar expressions and thoughts. Goro looks a bit shocked but then he maintains his calm nature and writes it down while thinking-

"That's way beyond abnormal. Just what kind of children does the Wyver family give birth to?"

"Looks like I'm the last one." Says Tatsuya while walking to the mirror.

"I hope you're satisfied now Veilios" says Tatsuya in his mind.

"This is where you're journey... No... your era begins, boy!"

When he places his palm on the mirror and says his name everyone who had already been shocked enough look terrified.

"Tatsuya Ryo..." says Tatsuya on placing his palm on the mirror.