
A Troublesome Journey

Meanwhile at the Emperium Capital City, At the Throne room.

Nobles were gathered around along with the King of Emperium. They discussed about the sudden murders of the nobles.

The conversation about the matter wasn't getting any better as the Nobles that were gathered started arguing.

Duke Leonardo Winston, stood up and intervened.

'It seems that this discussion isn't going anywhere. Should we just call it a day?'

Countess Vanessa Hugo also interfered.

'What do you mean call it a day Duke? My husband was killed last night! We should search for the Culprit and punish them!'

Countess Vanessa Hugo, The wife of Count Arnold Hugo from Deuxford City.

'I'm just saying that we should cool our heads first before discussing this matter, Countess. You've all been arguing ever since we've been gathered. Can't you show some manners? You're all infront of the King yet you act like immature little kids.'

The nobles felt bad for acting up and bid for forgiveness infront of the King.

Arthur Von Douglas IV, The King of Emperium.

'Enough! Now tell me what happened at Deuxford, Countess vanessa.' As the king spoke.

'As you wish, At that Night before the incident, I happened to be at the Bedroom. My Husband Arnold was at the bathroom. After some time passed, I heard strange noises coming from outside. So I went to the window to check what was going on, But unfortunately I saw nothing. I sat back at the bed and happened to drop my precious earring and it rolled under the bed. So I crouched to pick it up, But while I was reaching out my hand under the bed, A loud scream was heard coming from downstairs. So that's when my husband Arnold, went out of the bathroom. He then ordered me to stay hidden at our hidden chamber inside the bedroom. He told me not to open it unless he himself opens it. So I agreed and kept myself hidden inside. After the wall closed, I heard my husband shouting, muttering words that can't be heard properly since the wall was too thick. After several minutes it became Silent. So I waited inside, several hours had already passed. I felt uneasy so I disobeyed my Husband's orders and opened the wall. What I saw was something I shouldn't have seen. It was my husband's body lying at the ground bucked naked filled with blood all over his body. And the most shocking part was his head was missing! That's when I went outside of our bedroom and noticed that everyone inside our house, Including my daughters and maids were all killed.'

The nobles felt scared hearing the countess story, Deuxford had powerful military forces.

The security of that City can be compared to Emperium Capital City's Security.

It was still unbelievable how the infiltrators managed to kill the Count. Since his house was guarded by Mana Users that are within the Master Stage, alongside Knights that are within the second squad.

'So you are saying that even the Mana users that guarded your household were also killed?' As Duke Leonardo asked.

'Yes Duke, Everyone... Including the Knights were all killed. I know it's hard to believe but, You can see their corpse for yourself if you visit Deuxford.'

'Who might be capable of murdering the nobles like that!? Is it the rumored Numbers!?' As the Viscount asked.

Thunder Lemexis, The Viscount from NewGround City.

'We still don't have enough evidence. Only rumors, And even the numbers Identities are also unidentified.' Duke Leonardo replied.

'My lord, Please help me find the culprit that murdered my family!' As the countess begged the King seeking for justice.

'Everyone, Send out every Military squad to search for the Culprits. And Luther, Call Luther and tell him to meet me at the Palace.' As the king spoke and stood up.

'Yes my lord.' As all the nobles replied while bowing down infront of the King.

Then their discussion was finished, The nobles eventually left after...

The King stood up and stared at the window...


Meanwhile at the middle of the Forest of Emma.

Jin, Me and Hailey were heading back to Nero at a fast pace.

I couldn't stay still and was very worried for my family. Hailey tried to comfort me and kept me companied.


As the Magical Sword appeared infront of me.

'Luna, where did you get that?'

'I got it as a gift from my father, He said this was his most treasured weapon. So I didn't want to use it unless it was necessary.'

'Oh, My grandfather used to use that long ago. He said that he was given a weapon that was sent by the Gods to use it and protect the Continent from any form of danger.'

'Gods huh, What's the name of the God that gave him this magical weapon?'

'He said that it was Alberitus, The God of War.'

'I never heard about it. My mother didn't tell me anything about Gods...'

'Since, Elves and humans worship different gods, I guess that's why they didn't tell you about Alberitus.'

'No, I don't think that's the case. My mother didn't mention anything related to Gods.'

'Oh, As far as I know, there are four gods that protects our world from disasters. Alberitus, The God of War, The Protector from Evil at the Lands. He is The God that Elves worship, Only my Grandfather has met the God Alberitus himself.'

'Woah, You're grandfather met a God? So how about the other three? What's their names?'

'Noah, The God of Sea, The God that the Dwarves worship. Diaganol The God of the Skies, The Protector from Disasters, The God that humans worship.'

'Alberitus, Noah and Diagonol... Then who's the last one?'

'Bahamuth, The God of Disasters.'

'So I'm guessing his the Evil one right?'

'Yes, There was a prophecy given by the God Of War, Alberitus before bestowing my Grandfather that Magical sword. He told him that The "First Coming would arrive and the second coming shall follow".'

'What does that mean?'

'The First Coming was the war that had happened years ago. When the Demon Lord controlled all of the Monsters that lurked at Erendale and attacked our territories.'

'Oh, So that means there's still another one coming right? You mentioned that the Second coming shall follow.'

'Yes that is why after the Great war of Erendale, The humans, Elves and dwarves formed an Alliance and Barricaded the Entire Northern and Eastern Part of Erendale. Since they still didn't know, When and how will the Second Coming occur.'

Hearing this made me think differently about how this world works.

Gods, Monsters, Elves, Dwarves all were mere fantasies at my previous world.

Whoever made those Fantasy stories at my Previous world surely had discovered something... If my intuition is right, This world might have a connection between my previous world.

'Luna! Hailey! Where almost at Nero.' As Uncle Jin yelled.

Then the words that the Guy yelled at Lindon struck back at me. I eventually felt worried again as I thought of the things he said, About my parents being killed. But I couldn't stop thinking about it, The only thing that I should do is to Confirm it.

Whether it was all Lies, Or was it really true.

Just thinking about it made me uncomfortable.

After reaching Nero, People were quiet. I told Uncle to head towards our restaurant first. So after several minutes we reached the restaurant and it was closed. I began to get worried again seeing the restaurant closed.

Then we slowly headed towards my house.

Hailey tried to calm me down, while we were heading towards my House.

After some time passed, I could finally see our Gate. I felt relieved seeing our gate crowd less at some point.

After closing in, I hopped out the carriage and immediately opened the gates. I yelled and tried to call my parents out, But no one responded.

'Millis! Check if you can find my parents!'

"Detection skill activate."

"Wendy Jeager, Luke Jeager.. The two of them are at the bedroom."

I ran as fast as I could after hearing what Millis told me. After reaching the door for their bedroom, A loud "Kya!" was the first thing I heard, Followed by a Loud "Harder!"

I immediately went down and told Hailey and Uncle that they're completely safe, And was having an Intimate bonding at the time....

Uncle Jin almost laughed but held it in.

Hailey didn't understood what I meant.

So we sat down at the Living room and waited for them to come down.

After several minutes passed, Both my parents finally came down and was shocked to see the three of us sitting at the living room.

'Oh my! Jin, Hailey, Luna! What are you doing here? I thought you were already heading to Winder City?' As my mother asked.

'We were already heading there mother, But some things happened that's why we came back here.'

'What happened? Kindly tell me son.'

'You see--' Before I could speak Uncle Jin intervened.

'The Jeager household, Jeremy Jeager along with his family was murdered last night. Then A man showed up and screamed that You and Luke also died. That's when your son got worried and wanted to come here to check on you, But after all that worrying he ended up hearing you two having an intimate bonding...'

My father and Mother were flustered upon hearing the last sentence that my uncle said, But they were also shocked that Jeremy and his family has been murdered.

'How!? Who murdered Jeremy!?' As my father asked with a worried expression.

'The rumors said that it was the Numbers, Even some nobles were killed at Deuxford.' As Uncle Jin replied.

Then mother and father sat down at the Chairs and kept quiet.

After several minutes, My father told us that they'll be heading towards Lindon to attend Jeremy's Funeral. Mother told us to Go and head back to Winder City since the Classes starts after three weeks.

So we had a little bit of conversation, Mother thanked me for getting worried about them.

Then after that, We left Nero and continued on going towards Winder City....


Uncle and Hailey felt relieved seeing my father and mother alive and healthy.

We continued our journey and traveled.

After three days, We finally reached Lugia's Grasslands. Since Lugia was very big, We had no choice but to camp outdoors.

After passing Lugia we'll finally reach Winder City.

Camping outdoors was abit of a new experience for me. We exchanged shifts every two hours to guard. Since it was still too dangerous to sleep all together.

So I volunteered that I'll be guarding them for the first Shift.

They slept comfortably, I guess they really trust me, guarding their lives.

Time passed, I got pretty bored. So I summoned the Magical Sword and stared at it. It had writings on the blade which I've read before. I used Analysis and tried to scan the Magical sword.

But my Analysis skill was unable to determine any Information regarding to this sword.

"Notice, Unable to Analyze the Superior Being's Weapon."

'Superior being's weapon? Oh you mean Gods?'


'I guess this weapon is pretty strong since the Gods really made this.'

Hearing Millis, Confirmed my doubts about the Gods that Hailey talked about before.

I tried using Haki and coated the Sword. It just changed like the other swords, It increased it's durability and sharpness. Seeing it sparkle as I coated it with Haki.

'I guess, I should name you right? Since I'm your new owner.'

For some time I thought for a great name to bestow on this Magical Sword.

After deciding about alot of names I finally got my decision.

'From now on, I'll call you Excalibur.'

It was a famous sword's name from my previous world's myths.

The Magical weapon glowed after receiving the Name I bestowed upon it.

The writings on the Blade changed and said "Demand as the size that fits you, I shall."

So I tried telling Excalibur to Change into a greatsword. Then all of the sudden the Excalibur turned a Greatsword and got pretty heavy.

'I guess it really does work.'

I tried different types of sizes that would fit to my size. And finally I found the perfect fit for a child like me.

And another thing I learned about Excalibur, Is that it has an Electric Attribute. Everytime I swing it, It releases Lightning. But Concentration is needed, If I don't concentrate it on a specific target, The lightning will go wild. I guess using this properly might take a while...

It was already near midnight, the stars and purple moon glowed at the night skies. It was a beautiful scenery to be seen. While I guarded Uncle and Hailey for the Night, Millis suddenly noticed something.

"Notice, A group of monsters are closing in.."

'What? Monsters?! There shouldn't be any monsters inside Emperium.'

"Monsters Analyzed.. Monster Species: Goblins."

'Go--Goblins? Where?! In what Direction?!' As I looked around the tall grasses that covered our surroundings.

"Behind... The Monsters are circling around you."

The tall grasses were moving, screeches were heard, Footsteps started to be heard clearly as Goblins that had dark green skins within four feet tall came out and were completely wielded with weaponry.

'Kikikikik!' As the Goblins spoke.

Uncle and Hailey noticed the Goblins presence and was alarmed, So they immediately woke up and were ready to fight.

Thus, Goblins surrounding us came closer... One by one they showed up.

So I immediately grabbed Excalibur..

'I guess we'll be fighting goblins now.'

Chapter END: