
Terror of the Apocalypse

When the Comet burned through the heavens and landed on Theia, everything changed. A virus spread through the world at a sickening pace, desperate to infect every living being and turn them into something... superior. The infected individuals became rabid monsters hell-bent on consuming not only the healthy ones, but would even turn on themselves. The more they consumed, the stronger they became. Then there was humanity. When the world went to shit the darkness in their hearts was finally unleashed and allowed to flourish, showing their true nature. They committed all kinds of atrocities against their fellow man, even during these troubled times. But then again, you can't really blame them can you? They are just... inferior beings after all. That's why it's my duty to show them a better path. To make them all infected. Because once they see the glory of it, they will thank me. Treat me like a Messiah. Or even a God. Instead of calling me names like 'The Monster' or 'The Devil'. Go in with low expectations. I'm not good at writing.

KalamityAllTaken · แอคชั่น
67 Chs

Chapter 29: Week Five: Saturday

"Sweet Lord above..." Bill whispered out with a slackjawed look. The others weren't any better and were stunned into silence.

As for Jason, he hid in a dark corner of the pizzeria and minimized his presence as much as he could. His breathing became almost nonexistent as he melded into the shadows. He was hidden, completely and totally. It was so well done, even the others became unable to find him when looking around. 

"Where is he?" Alice whispered with concern oozing from her pores. Lily came up and hugged her tight, rubbing her arms with her hands.

That calmed her down, but not by much. It was only when she looked at a dark corner did she smile with relief. Although barely, she could feel him there. Alice had noticed that recently the two had some connection to each other that allowed her to know when he was near. She wondered if it was the same for him.

The giant stopped where they previously were and stood there menacingly. All they could see from their position were the massive feet and some of the legs. Based on what they saw though, the giant must have been at least twenty meters tall minimum.

As for the colossal titan himself, he looked around the area like a hawk with a somewhat frantic look to his face.

Not too long ago when he was making his normal rounds, he all of a sudden felt something. A weak burning sensation in his heart suddenly sprouted out of nowhere and made him feel... strange. It was the unknown part of this feeling that terrified him. Thus, he went looking for it. Which soon led him to here.

He looked all around, but couldn't find or sense that strange presence any longer. However, that just made him more irritated.

'I WILL find you. Whatever you are.'

The titan snorted and started moving again, shaking the spectators bones. He needed to find that strange thing and get rid of it. That was the only way to feel better.

'Hm, that Alpha Night Hunter's territory is close. I should be careful.' Although that woman was much smaller than him, he knew fighting her was a death sentence. 

The group didn't release their breath until the giant was gone and well out of sight. They all collectively sighed in relief and got up to talk, but kept it to whispers only. 

"What the hell was that thing?" Kevin said with fear still lingering on his face.

"Nothing good I'm sure. We're lucky it didn't see us." Tyrone replied with a slight quiver in his voice.

"Guys? Where's Jason?" Once Lily said that, the group looked around and noticed they couldn't find him no matter how hard they looked.

Jason stared at them as they searched around and lightly smiled. He doesn't understand it fully, but he believes he was able to come up with some kind of stealth technique or something. Whatever it was, it worked wonderfully. 

"I say we call it The Behemoth. Pretty good name huh?" Making himself known, he stepped out of the shadows and into the light. 

"You were there the whole time?" Zach was befuddled. 

'Didn't I search there already?'

"Yup. Like a ninja!" Jason chopped Zach's throat with almost no power, but still brought him to his knees and made him cough up a lung.

"Alright then. Let's not waste anymore time and get going. Bill, how far are we?" Tyrone wanted to get a move on already and return back home before it got dark.

"Let's see here." Bill took out the map and studied it for a few seconds.

"Okay. Should be another hour, maybe more if we detour."

The group left the pizzeria and went down the road again. Fortunately, maybe because of The Behemoth scaring them off, they met no infected along the way making their trip smooth sailing for the most part. In the back of the group Jason and Alice were talking to each other, with Lily off to the side watching.

"I was thinking of calling it something cool, like Shadow's Embrace. God, that sounds so badass!" Jason was coming up with new names for his stealth technique, which Alice found absolutely adorable.

"Careful not to cut yourself with all that edge." Lily made a show of recoiling in disgust, which earned her a glare from Jason.

"Screw you. You're just jealous that I have something awesome and you have to roll around in the mud with all that mediocrity. Stay mad bitch." To end that off, he flipped her the middle finger which she soon returned.

"Yeah? Well at least I'm not dating an underage girl!" Her loud voice brought the attention of the others, who stared at Jason with shock.

Tyrone, Kevin, and Bill were all disgusted because of the age difference while Zach was weirded out but otherwise fine. They wanted to say something about how morally wrong it was, yet held it in. Although they hated to admit it, they were scared of him and what he could do. Especially since he wasn't the most stable minded person.

"You..." Jason started saying something but trailed off, unable to think of anything.

'Come on brain! Think of something that will rock her shit so good, she'll kneel before me and worship me like a God!' Seeing him think so hard, Lily teased him with a smile.

"You? You what? Don't strain yourself too hard using that tiny thing you call a brain. Must be tough huh? Having to actually think for once." The way she said that was as if she was speaking to a child. With gritted teeth, Jason fully unleashed his power.

"You suck!" Alice snorted at the unexpected reply and laughed so hard her eyes started crying.

Meanwhile, Lily forcibly held back her smile and chose to look at him with a deadpan face.

"Truly brilliant. I doubt all of mankind has ever seen such an elegent and well-thought out comeback. Astonishing really. Did you come up with that all by yourself? Good boy!" Sarcasm dripped from her every word, striking Jason directly in the heart.

He opened his mouth to say something but struggled to get a word out. Eventually he just pouted and turned his head away from her.

"Alice, your sister is such a bully." He jokingly whined to his love, seeking sympathy and care.

"Running to a girl for help? What a man you are huh?" Lily mocked him with a sneer.

"You know, I'm starting to understand why your last boyfriend left a harpy like you..." Jason trailed off, prompting Lily to flip him off.

As for Alice, she was happy they got along so well. Almost a little too well for her liking. Zach, watching their interaction, felt the same. He sighed and shook his head.

'Not meant to be I guess.' When he thought that, a weight was suddenly lifted from his shoulders and a smile graced his lips. Isn't there that saying of plenty of fish in the sea?

"I like the name. It sounds cool." When Alice said that, an arm soon wrapped itself around her shoulder and pulled her close.

"Of course you like it. Because you're an amazing, special, and awesome person! Unlike a certain someone. It's honestly shocking you're related to that witch over there. You must have gotten all the good genes." Jason gave the muscular sister the stink eye.

Just as Lily was about to fire back with something that would have cooked him with the power of the sun, the group suddenly stopped outside of a theater. They could hear something coming from within. 

"Please! Somebody help me! Help me please!" A desperate female voice filled with sadness and misery came from within.

"We have to help her!" Kevin righteously said, which Jason and Bill found stupid.

"Leave them alone, we need to worry about ourselves and not some random chick." Jason said, which Alice nodded her head to. Lily looked at her sister strangely.

'She's changing... so much.' She had noticed it beforehand, but believed it to be the world she's growing up in that's making her so much colder. The truth was in fact much closer to home. Five feet closer to be exact.

"The kid's right. Why risk our lives for them? Who on Theia knows what's in there waiting to rip our heads off? Besides, we're almost at the camp." Bill fully agreed with Jason on this matter. But Kevin didn't listen, shooting them disappointed looks.

"I am not going to abandon someone calling for help! Stay here if you want, I'm going in!" With that he charged inside.

"Hold up! Wait for us!" Tyrone shouted and followed after him, with Zach trailing close behind. No way they were going to both leave their friend behind and abandon the person in need.

Having no choice but to go in, the rest entered the theater as well. The inside had trash thrown everywhere along with blood splashed here and there. Most of the posters were ripped from the walls, but some were still in place. 

"Who would actually come to one of these things? It seems so boring honestly. Just watch a damn movie instead." Jason said aloud while looking at a weird poster of a purple suited man standing over a helpless and half-naked child. Willy Wonka and the Touchy Factory. 

It begins with a little boy being invited to a chocolate factory by a two faced man. Once inside, the creep showed his true colors and tried to rape Charlie. It was revealed that Willy Wonka was actually a child sex trafficker and would invite his rich friends to... partake in the local attraction.

A beautiful and tragic story of a group of children hiding and running from a rich pedophile and his orange goblins who were hellbent on touching them. Unfortunately it was based on a true story, which didn't end Happily Ever After like the play and movie.

"Some people like different things I guess." Lily replied with a shrug, agreeing with him.

They followed behind the others and eventually came upon a set of doors which seemed to be the place of origin for the voice. With Kevin leading the pack, he opened the doors and allowed the group to see where the magic happens. 

There were hundreds of seats that surrounded a massive stage. On that stage, with her back towards the group, was a woman holding one knee close to her chest. The way the sun shined on her through the broken roof made her seem magical. Almost like a princess in need of a knight in shining armor.

"H-Hello?" The woman's ear twitched at hearing the doors open. She continued on.

"Is... someone there? Please, please help me! My leg is broken!" Her crying voice touched the hearts of nearly everyone and made them walk towards her.

Kevin ran towards the stage leaving the others in the dust and climbed up. He slowly walked towards the woman, making sure to keep his voice as gentle as possible.

"Excuse me? Miss? Do you need any help?" Noticing how close he was, the woman turned around with a terrified and tear stricken face.

Her face was by far, the most beautiful he had ever seen in his life. Her lips were a little smeared with red lipstick and slightly bruised, making him pity her. Despite that, her beauty didn't suffer from it and instead was heightened.

Because of the ripped clothes, her flawless but injured skin and extremely plentiful gifts were on full display. Kevin gulped slightly and couldn't control his eyes from wandering over her form. 

'What is wrong with you?! This woman is in need of help and you check her out?! Pathetic!' He chastised himself for lusting after a defenseless lady.

Noticing her looking at his weapons with fear, Kevin put them down and came closer cautiously; treating her like an abused animal.

"Are you... here to save me?" Her weak and low voice combined with her doe eyes made his heart soften.

He came closer until he was a foot away and kneeled beside her while nodding his head. By this time, the others had arrived on the stage but were still a distance away.

"Yes, I'm here to help." The woman lunged for him, wrapping her arms around his neck and crying into his shoulder.

"Thank you! Thank you! I've been waiting for so long! It hurts so much!" Her muffled voice once again dug deep into the minds of those present excluding two. It made them feel... foggy so to speak.

The hug sent Kevin into a strange daze, making his eyes go blank and soulless. Jason noticed the abnormalities in him and called out.

"Hey-" Before he could continue, the woman interrupted him.

"I was just... so HUNGRY!" A shrill and high pitched voice entered their ears, shaking their minds. Their eyes went glossy and their bodies swayed from side to side. Even Jason was effected slightly, making him falter a step back.

The woman then opened her mouth to reveal a brand new set of sharp teeth, completely different from her previous and normal ones. Before anyone could react, as most were still dazed or too far away, the woman sank her fangs deep into Kevin's neck and pulled out a chunk of his throat. 

It was only after she chewed on the flesh in her mouth and swallow with an orgasmic expression to her face, did the rest finally wake up. But it was too late.

"KEVIN!" Zach and Tyrone screamed out at the same time while Lily held her mouth horrified.

"You son of a bitch!" Jason ran right for the woman like an angry bull. Seeing death itself come for her, she pushed Kevin away roughly and sprinted for her life like a bat out of hell.

'Fuck fuck fuck! How didn't I notice that monster there?!' She knew he would kill her easily not only from the murderous aura surrounding him, but also because she wasn't exactly a front-line combatant.

While Jason chased after the woman deeper into the theater, the rest of the group ran up to Kevin and tried to help him. 

"Tyrone! Take this and put pressure on the wound!" Bill tried his hardest to help, but the majority of Kevin's neck was ripped out. There was no chance of him surviving this without a hospital. Even then, living was unlikely.

The dying man choked on his own blood as he his arms flailed around. He looked around at his friends and begged them for help.

"Hlthy kli!" But what came out was some unintelligible garbling, along with a spurt of blood.

"Shh, shh! Don't speak! Trust me, you'll be fine!" Tyrone said with tears in his eyes while holding the rag onto his neck.

The light in Kevin's eyes began to fade as they closed. He felt so cold, so tired. Just shutting them for a second won't cause any harm.

"Hey?! Kevin?! Stay awake!" Bill tried to wake him, even slapping his face, but his eyes refused to open.

"He's... gone." Lily said with tears running down her face. She turned towards Alice expecting to have to comfort her. But when she did so, she was deeply disturbed. Her darling sweet Alice, wasn't crying or in shock. In fact, she was almost emotionless.

'What... is wrong with my sister?' Lily was horrified in seeing the changes in her little sister.

Alice did care for Kevin and was saddened by his death, but not that sad. She definitely saw the strangeness in that and noticed how uncaring she was becoming, but didn't see it as a bad thing. There were only two people she cared for now, Jason and Lily. As for the rest? They... didn't matter anymore.

"KEVIN! KEVIN NOO!" Zach cried and blubbered like a newborn baby as he kneeled by his friend's corpse. He had grown so close and attached to Kevin that his death rattled him greatly.


"You can't run from me bitch!" I shouted at the woman as I chased after her. All was going good, until she started throwing random objects at me. Although my durable skin was unaffected, it definitely pissed me off something fierce.

"I'm gonna rip your fucking head off if you don't quit your shit!"

Just as my outreached hand was about to grab her and manhandle her, she was able to drop a cabinet right on top of me. By the time I threw it off she had disappeared. Running a little further ahead brought me to a hallway with multiple doors on each side. She was here, I knew it. My tingling ballsack was the greatest compass. But which room?

"Come out come out wherever you are~" My awful singing echoed throughout the hallway as I checked the first door on my right. Empty room and no places to hide.

"I know you're still here! I can smell your fear!" That was a bold face lie. It smelled like actual shit and garbage in here. But where was the fun in that?

I checked another room only to find a couple of used rubbers and a few needles. Ugh, one of the condoms had yellow gunk and some hairs in it. Nasty bastard.

"Let me make this clear and simple, you will not have an easy death." Although I gave zero fucks for the death of Kevin, the man still risked his life for mine. The least I could do is catch his killer and torture them to death slowly. Not only would I really enjoy it, I'll avenge his death and make the others feel fantastic. Win win for everybody!

I entered into a dressing room and turned over every nook and cranny I could think of. That's when I came upon a set of closets big enough to fit a human inside. I smiled upon hearing the breathing coming from one of them. Shoving my hand through the wood, I grabbed onto something fleshy and yanked them out hard.

But my smile turned upside down when it was revealed to be a normal infected. He looked at me with fear as he went limp. Did he think that would save him?

"Consider yourself unlucky pal." I crushed his neck and left him to be paralyzed for the rest of his days. Why the hell was he hanging out in there anyway? 

Ignoring the sad vegetable at my feet, I left the room and continued my search for the woman. For the Mimic.

"Ooh! Good name as usual!" I made my voice loud and proud as I rummaged through another dressing room.

Then I suddenly walked back out and hid around the corner of the vegetables room. And just a few seconds later, right on cue, the Mimic popped her head out. She first looked left and sighed in relief. But when she turned right and saw me staring at her, she froze.

"Here's... Jason!" I couldn't help myself. How often would I be able to say such a great line?

Before she could retreat back inside, I grabbed her head with my fingers and pulled her out of the room. I then threw her against the wall in the hallway with a tiny bit of strength. Don't wanna break her too fast now.

The wall buckled and cracked as the Mimic crashed into it. She groaned in pain and tried standing up, but fell back down on her ass holding her dizzy head. From her nose, eyes, ears, and mouth, blood slowly dripped out. What a weakling.

I came up closer and squatted next to her so we were at eye level.

"Did you really think I didn't know your dumbass was in there? All those closets and I only check one? Come on now." Then she did something I never would have guessed.

The Mimic pushed her large breasts up with her shoulders and jiggled them slightly as she pleaded for her life. 

"Please let me live! I'll do... anything... you want." She ended that off by licking her full red lips with her freakishly long inhuman tongue and letting those beautiful eyes drift downward towards my meat's resting place.

"You know, you are very pretty." I said, getting a seductive smile from her. It was the truth after all. That perfect face and devilishly sinful body would work wonders on just about anybody. Except me.

"But... not as pretty as my Alice. In fact-" I grabbed her left breast roughly which made her get this smug and annoying look on her face. But that all changed, when I ripped her entire breast clean off.

"AHHHH!" Her wails of agony were so loud, I'm pretty sure aliens would have heard it. What a beautiful and addictive sound. Did this filthy slut really think she could seduce me? When I have Alice waiting for my return?

"Comparing the two of you is like the difference between a Goddess and an ant. One is perfection, while the other is trash destined to be stepped on. Here, take a bite. On the house." I then stuffed her own flesh into her mouth and forced her jaw to chew on it. Then, I made her swallow. A common thing for her I'm sure.

Unbelievable! She had the audacity to try her hardest and crawl away from me! How dare she! Before she got too far I grunted as I stomped on both her legs, crippling her.


"Why are you trying to run from me? Here I thought we were becoming close friends. Pals even! I even fed you! Yet you run from me? Tsk, that won't do. Won't do at all. You need to be punished." I climbed on top of her back and took a fist full of hair. Just as I was about to rip it out, she started speaking.

"Why are you doing this?! Why?! Just because I killed a weak little human?! I don't deserve this! I don't deserve to die! I don't want to disappear!" Her screeching and crying made me pause. She moved her head, as I allowed her too, and looked at me in the eyes with fury. The tears and blood in her eyes made her even prettier. To me at least.

"Tell me! Why are you siding with them?! With those inferior things?! You should be with us! Are you playing with your food?! Tell me!" Her questions struck my heart. Why was I siding with them? Alice is great and has much room to improve, but the others? They are... trash. 

"Yes. Accept it. Become who you destined to be. A God, that will consume it all." She? starting speaking such nonsense with a different voice. Both male and female. It was so... soothing.

"Shut up." My fingers gripped her hair tighter, making her face scrunch in pain.

"Why do you resist? You will finally feel... complete. Whole. Your true self." Did she really think this would save her? How delusional. But... why did it sound so right?

"Shut. Up." Even as I pulled on her hair roughly, she grinned despite her suffering.

"You want to kill them! To dominate them! To consume them! I know you do! Just give in and become who you should really be!"

"SHUT UP!" I ripped all her hair out of her scalp, making her bleed profusely from the top of her head as she screamed in agony. Before I caved her skull in, I stopped myself. Her face... had a relieved smile. She wanted this. For me to kill her in rage. 

"No. I will not let you die so easily. We... have so much fun planned." I gently caressed her cheek like a lover would. The smile on my face must have scared her pretty bad, since she began crying and shaking in fear. 

But why was I so angry? Because she spoke the truth I tried to bury? Whatever. For now, I'll focus solely on her. Take out all my wrath, on her.


"You can go now. Remember, it has to be authentic." I spoke emotionlessly to the battered woman in front of me, who then saluted me like I was Hitler.

"Yes boss! I won't let you down!" She was so enthusiastic about helping me, so obsessed with me. That's why I chose her to help with Bosco. Since betrayal from her was near impossible.

She had two black eyes that were puffy from crying. Around her neck were the marks of someone strangling her with their bare hands. Cum was splattered around her ripped clothes, especially the groin region. As for her pussy, it was red, swollen, and bloody. On her wrists and ankles were deep marks caused by being tied up with rope.

It was my first time raping a woman, but I think I copied his style well enough. Though, was it really rape when she asked for it? To go deeper? Harder?

I watched her walk away with a very real limp and close the door behind her. Obviously because of me, no one was on this floor or the one down below. Thus, she wasn't seen exiting my office. 

Sighing, I relaxed into my chair with closed eyes and awaited the screaming. I have to plan this right. If all goes according to plan not only would I get rid of that misogynistic pig, but I might be able to show my willingness for an alliance with the Docks.

Then again, it could just blow up in my face. Maybe they would think worse of me because of it. I killed my own man, perhaps I would do worse to them? But taking a risk is worth it. And if it doesn't work, then we'll leave them alone. For the moment.

As for the reason why I didn't just put a bullet in Bosco's head and call it a day? Doesn't exactly spell confidence and loyalty when I kill a long time member for seemingly no reason. So... you have to create one.

And just five minutes later, shouts erupted throughout the building. Not long after, frantic footsteps made their way to me. The owner pushed my door open, with shoes on, and hurridly came before me. Trying not to look at the mud and dirt he tracked in, I asked with a little rage in my voice.

"What's so important you barge into my office like this? You better have a good reason." My threatening tone scared him bad, as it should. I didn't exactly have a merciful reputation around here. I doubt many gang leaders do. Hm... should that change though?

The peon bowed his head before speaking.

"Yes boss! Very good reason! We... found Yori crying near Bosco's room! She was... raped by him. We got him pinned down and are waiting for you." I made a fake expression of anger and raised my voice.

"Bring me to him! Now!" We left with haste and eventually reached the common area. It was a wide space filled with all sorts of things. Pool tables, ping pong, weights, etc.

In the middle, surrounded by dozens of men and women, was a slightly beaten and tied up Bosco. He was currently naked and on full display for everyone, who were either making fun of him or whincing in disgust. Perfect timing as usual. He probably just finished raping Marie or whatever her name was. I can smell the stench from here.

They made way for me, opening a path that let Bosco see me approach. He was wide eyed and full of fear as I slowly walked to him. It was only when I was a few feet away did he speak.

"B-Boss..." Ugh. Filthy thing.

"They say you rape Yori. Is that true?" My emotionless tone made him shiver.

"No! I didn't do sh-" 


"Fat pig!"

"Kill that motherfucker!"

Before he could finish, almost everyone surrounding us screamed at him. This was why I chose Yori to be the one. She was beloved by not only the gang, but even the newbies who joined us for safety.

Instead of most women who get gang-raped to join us, she took the hard way. And because of it, the majority respected her for her guts. Not to mention she helped out in any way she could. Her bubbly and joyful personality made her almost like a mascot.

"Let's hear from the victim!" I waved my hand to Yori herself, who was being comforted by multiple people.

"H-He... came behind me and hit me over the head. Next thing I know..." She began to cry, melting the hearts of others. Gone were the bubbles and joy that always accompanied her, instead replaced by terror and agony. Which only amplified the people's anger. 

The ladies comforting her said things like 'It's okay' or 'You can do it'. Eventually, she did speak up again.

"Next thing I know he's over top of me using that... thing to take me! He was so cruel and mean to me! Hitting me over and over again, saying I deserved it! I was a virgin!"

'The only truth so far.'

That was the kicker. The masses ate that up and would have beaten Bosco to death if I weren't standing here. It's incredible, truly. Sometimes, all it takes is a crying woman and suddenly all hell breaks loose. But goddamn, this girl is certainly one hell of an actress. 

"You fucking lying cunt! I'll fucking kill you bitch!" Bosco shouted at her with a snarl, making her recoil in fear. Everyone started another round of shouting and comforting, until I raised my hand to silence them.

"We all know the rules. I allow you to fight one another if you have your differences, but you never, ever, kill or rape another member. And if you break those rules..." This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Anytime it does, I make sure that everyone watches as punishment is dealt out.

I rolled my sleeves up, showing my perfect muscular arms, and walked closer to him.

"Please! Michael no! You have to believe me!" He pleaded for his life while trying to crawl away like the worm he was. 

I didn't say a word as I started hitting him. Face, stomach, chest. Nowhere was spared from my assault. His nose broke, as did his teeth and ribs. But throughout it all, I made sure to keep him alive. 

After five minutes of whooping his ass, I stopped with heavy breaths. He laid there, slumped and in a puddle of his blood.

"Go fetch Princess." Multiple people gulped at that as someone ran to find him. He was my go-to for dealing with a rape crime.

Bosco, hearing that, tried pleading once more when knowing his coming doom.

"Micthael pleath!" But it was hard to understand him with his broken teeth.

Within just a few minutes, a tall and incredibly large muscular black man came up to me. His biceps were so large, they were the size of a regular man's head. Even though he was taller than me by almost a foot, he bowed his head and kept it low when speaking.

"Yes Michael?" His voice was soft, soothing, and respectful. Easy to fall asleep too.

"We have a rapist here. Do what you do best." He grinned savagely and his voice became harsh.

"How far can I go?"

"To death. You can do anything you want. Just make this thing suffer." Loud cheers erupted from everyone except the new ones we have taken in. They were disgusted, but forced to watch nonetheless.

"Who's the victim?" He always liked comforting the victim before getting started. Since no one did the same for him when he was younger and in their position.

"Yori." Princess began shaking and even shed a few tears. He looked over to the beaten woman and ran up to her. Kneeling before her, he gently took her hands. 

"Y-Yori? Are you... I mean..." He had a very special relationship with her. Almost everyone feared him because of his size and special activities. But not Yori. They were best friends who had been through thick and thin for almost three years now. 

'Just love when it all comes together.' Nothing is better than the pieces of a puzzle fitting into place.

"No. I'm not okay. Please... Princess. Hurt him bad!" Her rare harsh voice made the man grit his teeth in rage.

Standing up, his muscles tensed as he walked over to the naked Bosco. Without saying a word, he removed his clothes to reveal his birthday suit. In complete contrast to Bosco's tiny penis, Princess had a thirteen inch monster swaying between his thighs. A literal third leg.

"NOOO!" Bosco struggled to crawl away after seeing his fate, but didn't get far. Princess climbed on top of him and stopped him from moving. 

He then spit on his hand and lubed up his cock, making it nice and slick. Aiming it at the sweet spot, he waited for the perfect moment.

"You ready sweetheart? Don't worry, I'll be rough."

"NO-" Princess stopped his useless begging with a hard thrust halfway into him. Bosco's breath left his body as he gasped without air. Everyone except me, Yori, and Timothy winced and groaned. Some even held their own asses.

'Hm?' There was one woman who was like us three though. Ah. Marie I'm guessing. What a big smile she has.

With deep grunts, he sawed in and out of Bosco's asshole with determination. As for the fat pig, he squeeled in pain feeling the massive cock inside him. He couldn't say a single word and instead only crying came from him.

Princess grabbed his hair and yanked hard, forcing his head up. As he went in and out, he bit Bosco's neck so hard blood started flowing. And that wasn't the only place that was bleeding. Because of what was happening with his ass, Princess was able to thrust easier and faster. Eventually the entirety of his dick was inside of Bosco, rearranging his guts.

Using his right hand, Princess would occasionally slap his victim's ass cheeks so hard the skin tore. With his other hand, he would punch Bosco's already fucked up face or strangle his neck. 

"AHHH!" He even bit Bosco's entire ear off and spit it in someone's direction, who then picked it up and screamed like a maniac. They become even worse during Gladiator Night.

My eyes were blank and emotionless at seeing the rape before me. Looking over to Yori, she sensed my gaze and met my eyes. She smiled brilliantly for a split second before returning to her normal pathetic look. For a moment there, my heart felt... weird. Am I sick?

Anyway, after Bosco dies, I'll cut his head off and take it with me tomorrow at dawn. This will be my last time trying to work with Edward. If he declines again...