
Terror Infinity: Monster

"Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?" It all started with this unassuming message. Most people would ignore it, clicking ‘No’ by instinct more than careful consideration. But for those unfortunate enough to click on ‘Yes’, a whole new world unfolds before them. Several, if they are talented. All so they may experience… Terror Infinity.

SlyOW · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
139 Chs


To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


[Helena's POV]

"Unless they have someone else as fast as A-Train, he just died on the second floor."

Both Mary and I looked at Mindstorm, fairly surprised.

We weren't part of this group, this team. But we had spent more than a week with them, so I was still fairly surprised any of them could manage to kill A-Train, especially so fast. Well, ignoring Alexander, that is.

Actually, I didn't really think we had much chances of surviving this encounter, chances were that Alexander would end up being the sole survivor of the Team.

Mindstorm informed us, "Three of them are coming here. One of them is a teleporter. Another is a sneaky fuck, and I don't know the third."

Teleporter, that had to be Hughie. This was a little troublesome, as he had some insane durability while under Temporary V, but if Mindstorm can look at him in the eyes, then he is as good as dead.

I was about to warn Mindstorm of the plan, but I suddenly saw a naked man appear. As soon as he appeared, he swung his fist at the first person he spotted, which happened to be me.

He vastly outmatched me in terms of speed and strength, but technique wise he might as well have been a child, and if there was one martial art that would suit this situation, it would be Jiu-jitsu.

Crouching under his strike, I grabbed his arm and used his own strength to launch myself around him, before locking his arms in place with my legs and putting him in a chock hold.

Hughie was more than strong enough to pull me off of him, and probably to tear my limbs off in the process, but in the moment I immobilized him, Mindstorm immediately sprung forward, and grabbed Hughie's face, forcing him to stare into his eyes.

The moment he did, I felt all resistance disappear from Hughie as he started falling. I quickly got off of him, but as I did, I saw a figure had appeared behind Mindstorm.

And before I could warn the psychic, an exquisite dagger was planted into his neck, completely bypassing the typical durability of Supers.

Mindstorm fell over, clutching his neck, falling to the ground while spasming. I did not give him a second look however as I automatically focused on the newcomer.

He was tall, probably around 2 meters tall, and had a lean but muscular build.

Although he had just killed a man, he looked absolutely calm about it. He did not attack either, and instead bowed slightly, "Apologies for the unsightly spectacle. Allow me to present myself, my name is Maaiz."

I frowned at the man's introduction, and he smiled as he asked, "You do not remember me, do you?"

He looked at both of us as he said that. Mary and I looked at each other, but neither of us could remember seeing him in the past. But if we had, then he could only be…

"I used to be part of the Mossad, and was invited to give a few classes."

Maaiz looked between the two of us, before his gaze settled on Mary, and he smiled, "I remember you giving me attitude about training Krav Maga. I had never seen such a fearsome 7 years old."

His eyes turned to me, and he added, "As for you, I couldn't forget that head of red hair. Helena, the Red Menace. Of course you wouldn't remember me, I was only one of the hundreds of teachers."

Narrowing my eyes, I replied, "You're right, I don't remember you. But why don't you ask your friend to join us?"

Maaiz smiled, and commented, "He really sucks at hiding, doesn't he?"

Well, knowing where he was in advance did help, but him breathing like a cow made things easier too.

The Deep walked into the room, moving slowly, looking like he was shooting a movie. I shared a look with Mary, and she immediately understood as she broke out into a sprint, toward the room next to us.

Deep immediately cried out, "I got her!"

Maaiz was about to say something, but I quickly leapt at him, striking heavily on his right side to keep his dagger as far as possible. I could already tell he was stronger than me, but he wasn't as much of a superhuman as most Supes were in this world.

My attacks did not mean to really harm, but forced him to keep a constant effort to defend himself.

I managed to keep him occupied long enough for Deep to disappear after Mary, and only after he could no longer hear us did I move back.

Maaiz looked at me with a smile and said, "You seem awfully wary of my blade."

I glanced at the ornate curved dagger and explained truthfully, "I was told it was dangerous."

Maaiz clicked his tongue, showing annoyance for the first time, "Probably from that Julius. Annoying freak. I could tell with a single look that he was a nobody before this, never trained, never accomplished anything. It makes me sick to see such idiots with so much power."

I looked at him silently, neither denying or agreeing with his words. His only response to my silence was to lunge forward, all the while explaining, "This, for your information, is the Dagger of Death's Flower, from my first mission, Resident Evil. It has been laced with so many poisons and toxins that a mere graze would be enough to kill an elephant. It is even supposed to be toxic enough to kill demons, although I still got to put that to the test.

"But for you, it should be enough."

I ignored his constant rambling as I dodged his strikes while landing some on my own. However, I quickly realized I wasn't do much damage to him with mere kicks and punches.

Moreover, as the fight went on, I received several worrying notifications, as the Score changed rapidly. I had no way of knowing whether one of those lost Scores was Mary, but I knew that I couldn't loose myself in them, as it would only end up getting me killed.

So, after receiving a particularly impactful series of three deaths on our Team, I ran to the opposite side Mary had, Maaiz chasing after me.

"Where are you going? Do you think you can outrun me?"

I ignored his taunts as I used the environment to my advantage, making him lose my figure by using the offices we passed by.

Maaiz chased after me relentlessly, but I made my steps silent, and thus managed to have him lose my trace for a moment, which was all I needed to disappear from his perception.

Maaiz smashed several desks searching for me, before stopping and shouting, "Naseem, where is she?"

Maaiz stayed still, looking around him before saying, "I don't know how you managed to hide your presence from Naseem, although my guess is on an item that fucker Julius gave you, but what's the point of hiding? Sooner or later I am going to find you. And even if you try to attack me, I will feel the attack coming with the Genetic-"

As Maaiz was just on the other side of the cubicle I was hiding in, I dropped a stapler at my feet.

Maaiz suddenly turned around, not in my direction, but the one opposite, slashing his dagger through the opposite cubicle.

Although I didn't remember Maaiz, I remember every training we had. And one of the things I learned in my Krav Maga lessons was to use distractions. So facing a teacher of said school, the best course of action was to use it against him.

As his back was turned away from me, all intent and thoughts already faded from my mind, I jumped at him and latched myself against his back, trapping his neck and his arms with my own limbs.

Using Maaiz's own neck as leverage, I locked both of his arms with my legs, applying pressure to both of his arms.

Although Maaiz was stronger, he wasn't strong enough to just ignore my submission technique as the pressure I put on his arms stopped his blood from flowing into them, meaning he was losing strength in them.

Maaiz tried to forcefully pull me off of him, but quickly stopped as he realized he would break his own neck before pulling me off. I was using his neck as both leverage and support, meaning that for every bit of pressure relieved from his arms, double that pressure would be added to his neck, which was substantially more dangerous.

Maaiz ended up slamming against everything around, running around the office space like a bull, but I held on. And, eventually, he finally lost the strength to hold on to his dagger.

The moment it hit the ground, my body twisted around his own, reaching the ground in an instant as I grabbed the dagger, and stabbed it into Maaiz' thigh.

The Mossad veteran cried out in pain as the dagger completely ignored his defense, only to freeze as he realized what he had been injured with.

Meanwhile, the moment I hit him, I crawled away from him, still grasping tightly on the Dagger of Death Flowers while I watched Maaiz.

He tried to hold his thigh, but his arms were completely unresponsive as he fell to his knees, his face quickly freezing in an ugly complexion.

While he retained some of his capacities, he managed to let out, "You have outplayed me, Red Menace. Congratulations."

I snorted and stabbed him in the heart, replying, "You are just another corpse to me."

[Score +1. Your current Score is -2. You have eliminated a member who awakened the First Genetic Constraint. Rewarded Rank C Reward and 5000 Points.]

Maaiz's face froze into an ugly expression, although I couldn't tell if the reason was from my words or the poison.

[Score +1. Your current Score is -1.]

I ignored the follow up notification and ran after Mary.