
Tensura: Supreme Kitsune

Knight_Riku · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
39 Chs

Furry Vs Loli Part 1!





Knight_Riku has left the 'Chapter'

Knight_Riku has pressed the 'Publish' button

As a small white fox made it's way towards the walking apocalypse that is Milim, he began to change his size and shape and enlarged himself into a beautiful snow-white fox with blue lines tracing along its bodies fur. Riku, who is now in his true Inari form, had grown to the size of a double-decker bus in order to match Milim in power.

[looks like a large Great Grey Wolf Sif but as a Fox and looks more like Nine-Tails from Nioh DLC, but not as ugly like what he is now]

Riku still had his more powerful skills sealed away by Knight_Riku.

Riku actually understood why he did it. Afterall, he is trying to write a story and if he gave me a fictional being of himself all the power in the Multiverse, would there even be a story to begin with…no.

The truth is his IRL self actually just rolls the dice and whatever he gets is how the story progresses. It doesn't help that Riku is a fictional character as Knight_Riku is an evil bastard that will literally try to kill his own MCs with actual events that could happen if the Multiverse was real and this FanFiction actually existed.

Riku: "Oi what are you gonna do if you actually do manage to kill me off?!"

Knight_Riku: "…"

Riku: "Exactly!!! The readers will get pissed since you kill of the main character regardless if u post 1000 chapters!!!"

Riku now done with his spat proceeded along the path of death, gore, guts and destruction left behind by The Destroyer when a thought came to his mind.

'Wait, Yukki would be a small fry as I know all his abilities and can prepare accordingly and Knight_Riku knows this cause he IS ME IRL.. wouldn't that mean he would need an actual antagonist for me. Since I am the MC he naturally can't kill me of, but…that does not apply to my friends or family I will make in this world! That can only mean he would require a villain that can destroy souls or absorb them so that not even I can create it with my skills even if I become a God. All I would be doing is replacing them. Hell, even Rimuru at the end of the WebNovel knew this and didn't want a false world where he could perfectly recreate his frinds. No, Rimuru knew they would not be the same, and so do i.'

The reason why Riku chose the WebNovel universe despite it's bad translation and story compared to the perfected LightNovel is because o-



"What the F-"

That was all Riku could exclaim when suddenly he saw 9 streaks coming towards him both as fast and as bright-red as a comet.

Riku barely had time to dodge before the 9 beams of death hurtled towards him.

He shouldn't be afraid thanks to his Nirvana Immortality basically giving him infinite 'Plot Armor'. But for some reason his instincts screamed at him to dodge them ALL!

When he turned to see where Milim was he had discovered she had disappeared from her rivers of blood she was once rapidly amassing over 500 metres away.

When Riku hurriedly used his Magic Sense to locate Milim he had discovered something weird and frighting…

What did he sense…


9 Demon Lord entities…

All of them with the same magicule readings and belonging to one individual…

Riku turned his Fox body and head to look behind him where the streaks had passed him and that's when he saw it with his eyes.

9 Milim Navas, all of them now Awakened True Demon Lords, and worst of all all of them have Magicule Breeder Reactor and Wrathful King Satanael active.

The skill Wrathful King Satanael can increase the user's damage and provides a physical enhancement. Both wouldn't be to much of an issue as Riku remembers that one of the Reincarnated Kids possessed the Berserker Skill which is just a lower rank of Wrathful King Satanael. But the difference between the 2 is that Wrathful King Satanael can increase the two aforementioned abilities indefinitely so long as the user has Magicules.

The easiest way to deal with this is simple. A battle of attrition. But that will not work in this case. Why? Simple. Because Milim inherited the Origin Skill Magicule Breeder Reactor from her father Veldanava.

Magicule Breeder Reactor is quite simple yet powerful. Worthy of being called an Origin Skill. It can infinitely create Magicules. Simple yet powerful if used correctly.

This means Milim's power will increase infinitely over time.

As you have no doubt realised by now that I am screwed. The only two ways to deal with Milim now is one – to kill her and 2 – to wait for Ramiris to calm Milim's Rage, as for Guy. Well, Riku has essentially replaced him to take his place as Milim's punching bag.

Riku didn't know why he felt the fear of death earlier despite having his overpowered immortality but he is nit taking any chances. He can and will find out the answers later, but he can't do that if he is dead.

By now Riku had completely forgotten about the Voice of The World that had given him this impossible scenario to deal with.

"Well then…Let's Dance!!!"

Riku immediately used Mythical Beast Lord Bahamut's Space and Gravity Manipulation skills to slow down and hamper the 8 transparent-pink, ghost-like Milims and the 9th real Milim.

But this action did very little against the 9 walking catastrophes, as they all effortlessly broke free from his attempt to restrict their movements.

All 9 Milims dashed forwood towards the bus sized fox.

Riku having predicted that his skill would have no effect had actually laid a trap to bait the Lolis into attacking him at once.

However, his expectations were to not be met by success but by disappointment ass the Milims seemed to share a Hive Mind or a Telepathic Link of sorts akin to Ranga and the Tempest Wolves, as they all moved in their own individual paths and encircling Riku.

'The Hell!!! Isn't she supposed to be angry and unable to think and yet here she is doing bloody CS:GO moves on me!?!?'

"What ever…BRING IT ON!!!"

Riku used a combination of his current Ultimate Skills that he had available in a singular attack that would help even the playing field for himself.

Divine Flame King Cthugha, Divine Ice King Cthulhu, Stellar Wind Lord Hastur, Purity King Metatron, Hope King Sariel and PhaseTrance (Tails)

The Fist three skills are those belonging to the current Trio of True Dragons that exist, or at least skills that they will one day possess. The three skills allow access to powerful abilities related to each skill of Fire, Ice and Wind related abilities. This is further strengthened by Riku's own created Extra skill, Zenith Tempest Magic and his Unique skill of the almost same name, Zenith Tempest. The former allowed access to the magic manipulation counterparts of the latter's kill. As for the Unique Skill Zenith Tempest. It allows Riku to have complete manipulation of the following list; much like how Rimuru easily attained water manipulation, Riku obtained the following by simply creating them: Darkness, Light, Lighting/Thunder, Earth, Metal, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, Blood and Chaos.

He is now capable of using Zentith Tempest to create new skills belonging to the 3 Ultimate Skills of the Trio True Dragons. This might sound powerful but compared to Rimuru's cheat ability Predator which kept evolving until it became Void God Azathoth could easily counter everything Riku was about to do. Rimuru was so lucky in receiving a skill like Predator, WHICH COULD COMPLETELY NULLIFY AN ATTACK BY A DEMON LORD LIKE IT WAS NOTHING, AND IT WASN'T EVEN AN ULTIMATE SKILL YET NOR A UNIQUE SKILL, BUT A BLODDY 'EXTRA' SKILL…EXTRA!!! AND WHAT IS BEFORE ME RIGHT NOW?! NINE TRUE DEMON LORDS OF MILIM NAVA THE DAUGHTER OF GOD!!!

The forth is the skill of the future Hero/Demon Lord Leon Cromwell. Hi skill is only effective against demon like beings such as Guy Crimson in particular. Guy had even said that Leon had a very small chance at being able to kill Guy, and that was solely because of this ability alone.

The fifth skill is the skill that Chole Aubert also known as the Hero Chronoa possessed. It allowed for Fortitude, Life and Death Manipulation similar to Demon Lord Luminous Valentine's Ultimate Skill Lustful King Asmodeus. As well as, the 3rd and most powerful, in my opinion, of the three Consecutive Meltslashes. To put it into your minds, one Meltslash is basically an instant throw, projectile bladed version of Disintegration that Hinata used on Rimuru. And this skill allowed for multiple uses of it.

The last skill is actually an Unique/Extra/Intrinsic skill that falls under three categories. It is as the name implies. It allows for Riku to us the Siren Amara's Siren powers of PhaseTrance in the game of Borderlands 3. However, instead of using 6 asura summoned arms, it is replaced by Riku's own tails. If in a form without tais, then 9 spectral tails representing each of the 9 elements that Riku had wished for. If in a form with 9 tails then he will just have a flaming effect in the colours representing the 9 elements he has.

With all that said. Mainly these abilities will help Riku in his battle against Milim.

Thus, he prepared for the 9 Milims encircling to be complete, all unaware of him charging his skills in a single attack that will finally signal a start to a chaotic battle between 9 Demi Gods and one Immortal furry…

hello all,

sorry if i could not make the full fight in this chapter but it was already 1630 words and i had been writing a little slow as i was busy and my fingers are tired from today laying cement.

because of that this one chapter took my 2 hours and a half to write 1630 words when it should have taken me 1 hour and 15 minutes to write 1500 words. Anyway, i will show his skills soon. maybe next chapter.

This chapter was more of a teaser for tomorrow. enjoy and goodnight.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts